{Jolted awake by the absence of momentum...the motion of the hearse and the engine's vibrations had lulled me to sleep, fuck knows how long for, but now the silence is that of the dead, a stillness so profound I can hear my own heart beating. Lids flipping open on diamond irises, pupils accommodating to the gloom, the silk lining of the casket cool against my face, the air drawn into my lungs is musty with age and I find myself staring up at an old timber beamed ceiling, it's gnarly worm-holed wood and cobwebs gradually coming into sharp focus, gloved fingers curled over the lip of the open coffin, shitkickers thrown over the edge to plant in the rough dirt floor...I know this place, true. A garage in the Brotherhood Mansion, rarely visited, save by the doggen. Darius' macabre collection of pine boxes gave everybody the heebs and fuck, looking down on Tory, laid out in her own polished wood coffin, black satin framing her face like a Gothic princess from some dark fairy tale...my blood runs cold. Leaning down to Tory's face, her breath a hot reassurance of life against my mouth, gloved knuckles stroking down Tory's jaw, goatee a velvet brush to her skin as I plant a tender kiss on her lips, words a graveled whisper} Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty...
*Swimming up through the dark erotic clouds of a dream that had me bathed in silk and covered in the muscled weight of V...the brushing rasp of goatee dragging me up, seeking the press of V's lips before his words draw me to the surface of my dreams and I wake to....dark, dank and gloomy...emerald eyes skip past V in a brow furrowed confusion, eyeing the wisps of web hanging from the swiss cheese effect wooden beams supporting the ceiling...gripping V's outstretched palm, my hand closes around leather, freed from my casket with a shudder as booted feet meet hard packed dirt floor, invisible fingers creeping down my spine in a cool sweep* Where the hell are we? *A dungeon, a cave, a...burial site? Holy fuck, are they coffins? Packed into the space, dozens, maybe more, lined up, laid down, interspersed with the morbid canopic jars of our enemies, inky black hearts nestled up close to hard mahogany and paler, less fancy wood, older, cracked, the insects working at the boundaries to crumble the lids in and destroy whoever was inside...ancient and decrepit, the place is hardly a good showcase for anyone's nearest and dearest, a mildewed space reigned over by giant spiders and the soul catching spun silk of hanging webs, tickling my cheek, my throat, lining ebony hair with the dusty threads of arachnid chains....my body shudders, a full on shiver of disgust as exploring fingers get tangled up in worn silk, slipped from the rotted wood side of a casket, the toe of my boot nudging a jar to roll its macabre contents in a glassy clink through the dank silence...ew...fetching the jar, held gingerly in my hands...always hated these things, my voice is a whisper, no waking the dead on my watch* You finally decided to kill me then? *scuffing dirt floor, eyes locked on the heart* Where are we? This place is...weird
A basement garage at the Brotherhood mansion...{eyes watching Tory as she wends her way around the gruesome scene} It's creepy true..sixteen coffins..Darius brought them with him from the Old Country...never had the chance to ask him what, or who, they were before he...{the words trail off...this place already reeks of death, last thing I need is to dwell on my brother's...gloved fingers trailing idly through the thick dust blanketing the lid of one casket, wondering how this level of housekeeping sits with Fritz's OCD, must be a damn good reason for him to stay away, true. A raised plaque in the centre of the lid draws my attention, a circular sweep of my hand revealing an emblem..} FUCK!!!.. {my hand jerks away on reflex as though I'd touched a white hot branding iron, lids flaring wide, heart turning to cold stone in my chest cavity, the carved insignia hits like a kick to the stomach.. identical in its markings to the shield worn on the breastplate of a wraith from my past, a massive, brutal male, a male whose savage leadership struck terror into the hearts of lessers and warriors alike...staggering back on a growled curse} FUCK!!
*My heart thumped wildly against my ribs as a quick startled jump and spin has my body dropped into a crouch, the jar a missile of gory contents, inky liquid sloshing the blackened heart to bounce against the glass before it shatters on an impact that explodes the grim solution in a water bomb effect on the top corner of a coffin...the coffin V is cursing at* What the fuck?!! *eyes anime wide and darkened in confusion and a faint tread of fear...I am creeping myself out, my imagination in overdrive, so much so that it had taken only a loud sound to send my body into defense mode, ready to battle the zombies I watched on a daily basis with the freaklings. With adrenaline coursing tremors over goose-bumped flesh, my nose crinkles up, hands reaching tentatively to gather up the fragments of razor bloodstained glass, kicking small pieces under the coffin as emerald lasers check V for injury* nallum did it hit you?
No!! Tory!! {my reaction is lightning quick, a reflex, a honed instinct to keep the evil contents of the shattered jar the fuck away from Tory. Lunging for the gelatinous mass of black tissue as it slithers over the casket in a black, oily slick...but I'm unhinged, freaked the fuck out by that crest, and I over-reach, my gloved hand, fisting the lesser heart falls heavily, punching down through the lid of the coffin, splintering the ancient, brittle timbers, the jagged edges tearing gouges into the skin of my forearm, searing pain singing out from the deep gashes, blood welling crimson, slicking down over my gloved hand into the cavity of the casket, a hiss and snarl of revulsion quickly replaced by a whole lot of WHAT THE FUCK!!! as the lesser heart in my palm begins to radiate heat and then the oily, slithery muscle starts beating in my fucking fingers...} FuckfuckFUCK!! {dropping the hot, slimy pulsating mass like it's a nuclear fucking warhead, jagged splinters of wood snagging the sleeve of my leathers as I frantically fight to jerk my arm free from the cavity of the casket} Oh GOD!! Get the hell away from here!! Run Tory.... fucking RUN!!...
*Run? Fuck I would but my feet are rooted to the dirt floor, eyes locked, hypnotised by the horror spitting violent, erratic beams of a light a shade below sunlight, darker, like seeing the luminous shafts through the dark murk of a pond, buried in the depths of darkness, light is a blessing, but this? This is the glow of Dhund, a shadowy illumination bursting forth from the dust-cleared crest, sliding lucent fingers through the decaying slats of the casket, growing brighter, as though stretching the bars of a jail and leaking flashes of dark light into the mausoleum we are currently in* V....*Cant tear my gaze away, cant make my legs move, cant shift the fear weighing me down or the morbid fascination holding me pinned to observe this terror...and even as the lid starts up a tremble, writhing and bucking, splintering wood with fierce punches of a sparking ooze...I cant move...bathed in a sunlight only ever seen in hell*
{Finally jerking my arm free of the timbers, staggering back on the heels of my shitkickers, shielding Tory with the bulk of my frame as best I can, eyes peeled wide at the unholy shafts of light shooting from the caskets, staring down at the black slick on my glowing palm in disbelief, my own blood oozing scarlet, the two liquids repelling one another as oil and water, forming like beads of mercury, skittering away, as though the blood itself knew this was a forbidden, monstrous thing....The word coming out an a hoarse tight-throated whisper} Reanimation... {Evil distilled... this was the Omega's realm of dark arts that contravened the laws of nature and the species.. abominable acts documented in the Chronicles of the race, the ritual requiring three things: something of the Omega's, fresh blood and a source of electrical energy such as a harnessed lightning bolt....such as my curse... fuck.. A cold sweat breaking on my skin, transfixed by horror as the splintered coffin lid is pushed aside and a humongous pair of spiked boots are thrown over the lip of the pine box, my feet taking root in the ground, eyes glued to those fucking boots.. scenes replaying in my head.. a feeble pre-trans, scrabbling in the dirt, on the receiving end of their cruel blows.. gaze like a lead weight on a pulley rising up the mammoth male form looming before me.. swallowing against a parched throat.. The Bloodletter.. my father.. rumored to be the biggest MOFO ever born to the race...and three centuries had not diminished that presence.. hulking warrior frame, thick black beard...and fuck...those eyes...evil as the soulless pits of Dhunhd, no whites or pupils, solid, deep blood red, heart thumping between my ears, paralyzed by terror...His voice is a rolling thunderclap that jolts my spine rigid <<YOU!!!! Dare you stand before me, BOY? I branded you with the blooded hand of banishment. Know you the punishment for such insolence?>> Fuck, I feel dwarfed, transported back to a time when my very existence was at the mercy of this evil sonofabitch who calls himself my father...dimly aware of shuffling movement around me... my arms and legs are grabbed from behind...fuck...where is Tory?...struggling against the iron lock of multiple arms, snarling, wrenching in their grip as the Bloodletter's left hand comes up, an iron fist in a barbed silver glove, and as the barbs punch deep into my gut with the power of a fucking battering ram, forcing the air from my lungs on an agonized cry, I recognize that glove as the opposite half to the one in the tomb, except where that was the instrument of honor, this, its sinister counterpart, delivered the ancient brand of cowardice. My knees buckle, hitting the dirt hard, aided by a heavy boot connecting soundly on the back of one thigh <<Stand, worm. Or think you I should bow to the worthless?>> {the Bloodletter's words are backed by a chorus of cackles and clapping from the undead minions gathered round eagerly to witness the sport of my humiliation. Diamond eyes fixed on the dirt floor..blind rage simmering, swelling in my chest, any temptation to stay down squashed by fear for Tory's safety...Tory would fight, and the Bloodletter did not distinguish between fighting and fucking. He made no allowances for females' size or weakness...Tory would fight and she would die...Hauling back to my feet, pain twisting in my gut, bile rising bitter in my chest, breathing like a horse ridden hard, forcing my eyes to lift to the face of my tormentor, sweat beading on his upper lip, nostrils flaring, those blood red eyes lighting up in recognition of the traitorous bonding scent bleeding from my pores, cunning and amusement lacing cold words as he turns that malevolent gaze on Tory... NO!!! Fuck please no...}
<<This female? She is yours?>>*Giant hands bruise my face in an iron and skin grip, wrenching my jaw up, the distance closed too damn fast for me to comprehend, warriors slithered from the coffins like disgusting worms to band surprisingly corporeal arms around mine, an effective chain of evil wrapping me up in the stench of death and rancid malevolence...Before his touch my body had been hot with wrath, a fury of bonded female fighting to stop the heavy hitting, organ rupturing blows dealt to V by a male I had seen only in the storybooks my father had left out...but every step I managed to get, freeing myself from this chain gang of blood-eyed warriors, was snatched away, my strength stolen by a winding blow to the base of my spine, a yank on the ends of my hair wrenching at my scalp and dragging me into the arms of males twice my size and three times my weight. Hell...this is hell...watching the male you love tormented by a monstrous mammoth of a warrior, tortured by the new reality of a past that still haunts and hurts, spitting up memories I'd glimpsed in the safety of V's dreams...but these males were far too real, far too solid, with the bulbous girth of the one at my back sinking around my curves, the flabby jello of his stomach threatening to suck me into a quicksand of aroused fat, a prodding short stub of something ground through layers of blubber to my ass...I am hissing with rage, with the acrid scent of fear pouring from my skin masked by the malodorous stench of sixteen blood-lusting, fight hungry sexed up males...it is a despairing, frantically desperate fight jerking my body as I am forced to watch the Bloodletter with V...but V is no longer the interest, and ice replaces the heat of anger, an arctic fear that no fronting, or rancid scent can disguise as metal gauntlet wraps the slender column of my throat in a hold that would leave ivory skin black and blue with terror, free hand...fuck...I know where that hand is going, my body roughly battered into the wall of his chest, so close I can feel the quick, assertive movements freeing him from his breeches, the masculine arrogance bleeding with sweat to my skin, the Old Language a murmured threat of violation in my ear, loud enough to incite excited roars that echo a mad reverberation of horrific enthusiasm around the small space...my snarls ripping out, I can only hope V isnt made to watch*
FUCKERS!! {bucking wildy in the grip of so many holds, rage quickening my body, roiling in my blood, twisting into a tight knot of wrath that courses through me, feeling myself light up, skin growing heated with that supernatural glow...and with it comes a glimmer of hope...the Bloodletter's bloody, calculating gaze turning back to gauge my reaction, Tory flung back into the fat clutches of a male I recognize as Grodht...fuck...the male I'd bested and violated in front of all these warriors...my father gets right up in my grille...God he smells of the Camp, the firesmoke and sweat, the rotting carcasses and excrement and blood...his face contorted into a demonic sneer} <<Think you your little parlor tricks will protect you and your bitch? Think again, worm. Your witchcraft and sorcery are futile against me>> {a huge meaty fist clamps around my glowing arm...and absolutely NOTHING happens...FUCK!!!} <<Do you give this female to me, my son?>> {A feeling of strangulation locking around my throat, sure as if my father's huge hands were wrapped around my neck, his words running cold as the malicious cunning, deep as his muscle was thick. I knew the truth, a brutal lesson viciously beaten home in countless times and ways. My father would destroy anything and anyone I cleaved to for comfort...no choice but to deny my own soul...a small part of me dying inside, lids closing on crystalline eyes as I utter the terrible lie} I do. Tory is nothing to me {The Bloodletter pauses, a low grunt escaping his throat} <<Yes... hmm. You know, perhaps I shall not like to take her after all. Perhaps I should prefer to see you finish her. A token proof of your filial loyalty>> {the Bloodletter's huge hand manacles my wrist, the heavy hilt of a blade pressed into my palm, Tory pushed roughly forward to train the lethal point on her hammering jugular} <<Use my dagger, boy. Or I will have you take your whore's place tonight in the pit>> {Fucking gladly I would take her place...the tortured gaze that locks onto Tory's eyes is a silent apology, a declaration of eternal love, a goodbye...the dagger falls from my trembling hand, a resounding confession clattering to the dirt} <<NO, I thought not...take her, soldiers mine, and let us have our sport with this female>>
NO! *The tense silence poised on the end of V's blade is broken by the rumbling death sentence...or maybe a fate worse than death as the warriors leap into a motion of eager hands, tearing, slicing, blades cutting into flesh as they strip my top in any way they can to a chorus of snarling snapping female jaws, a battle I cannot win, but will not concede to, no fucking surrender, my nails rake at eyeballs, my elbows, my knees, fists, feet pounding into hard muscle and wobbly guts, fangs locking behind ears and ripping flesh in gag-inducing, dry retching assaults that leave me more broken than triumphant, my blood staining more than theirs...but at least I have both of my eyes and both of my ears...fractures running through my knuckles, splits rendering bone useless in my forearms, like punching concrete with fangs, I am outnumbered and outweighed...a lightweight in a ring of heavyweight champs, darting and biting through the monoliths of muscle, speed is mine, but a vice-grip to the nape of my neck has me dangling before Jabba the Hutt like a puppy, biting with baby teeth through layers of fat, and getting goddamned nowhere...he laughs, the sound accented with a dangerous amusement, laced through with lethal threat, a blood coloured hand, crimson, mine, not his, brutally gripping the rounds of my ass and massaging a leering, marking circle to bleeding flesh...scratches, breaks, my squirming, contorting attempts to free myself only writhe me to his touch and he shakes me, a ragdoll teeth clattering motion of triumph parading me in front of V with crazy pupil-less red eyes...lifting slow lidded, tear-pooling emeralds to meet the tortured diamond of V's gaze, he is my sanity in a world that viciously pushes me to my knees, clutching scraps of material to my chest as booted feet pin my hands to dirt floor and Jabba grinds blubber once more to the thankfully still leather clad curves of my ass, my lips can shape only three words through dry sobs of helpless terror, a retching failure of disgusting weakness forced to the floor to submit to a pit of malicious warriors in front of V* I love you...
I Love You {Mouthing the words before the Bloodletter clutches my jaw in clawed fingers, wrenching my eyes away from Tory, spittle spattering hot in my face as my father speaks} <<This bastard who calls himself my son has no spine, it appears. Perhaps the seed that his mother's womb ate was of another?>> {the crowd of evil minions is worked up to a bawdy frenzy of jeering, baying for blood like fucking animals, my voice is thready, raw with emotion, struggling to be heard above the raucous crowd} Please, spare Tory. I am fucking begging you. Let. Her. Be. {The vicious strike to my face explodes like a scarlet bouquet of pain} <<So weak you are. You shall never best me, boy. Just as you shall never be free of me. I told you. I rule your life>> {A slash of steel and the front of my shirt is ripped open, the Bloodletter's crimson eyes flaring wide, the blade digging into the circular Brotherhood scar and the carved names of the young encircling it, voice incredulous with taunting laughter <<that soft-brained, lily livered King thought to induct YOU to the Black Dagger Brotherhood? You are a scar, a filthy stain on its honor, my dogs have more mettle>> {the blade's tip cutting bloody strikes through the names of Khaos and Xsykhe} <<And you dare sire young? Abominations that should never have been born. Know that when I am done with you, I shall have them executed. Perhaps Grodht shall like to feast upon their tender flesh, hmmm... and there is one more necessary task, methinks, one I should have long ago finished. Spread wide his legs. I shall do the race a favor and ensure he never procreates again>> {my ankles and thighs are yanked apart, eyes popping, trained on the huge rusted pliers in the Bloodletter's hand, face a mask of horror, opening my mouth to scream as I feel the metal clamp onto my thinnest skin, through the insignificant barrier of my leathers...blinding, spearing pain, tearing flesh...and then my vision and the world recedes to black...}
NO!! MOTHERFUCKER!!! NO!!! *Lunging forwards, off my knees in a second, startling their grip from me with the sudden surge of strength. V's agonised roar shatters my heart and screams in my soul with the tortured cries of ultimate pain...No, please no...I think I'm grovelling, my soul pleading, fighting to stop the Bloodletter's torture despite the hands that pull me back, clawing at my leathers, gouging into my thighs as I am dragged, kicking and screaming back into the circle of lusting males, an animal caught in a trap, a female forced to watch her soul brutalised at the hands of a male he fears...and I would take every violation, every assault, if it would spare him. But that decision is not mine to make...the power totally out of my hands, I am nothing against these males, no matter how much I fight, Jabba's hands still manage to tear through rough hide, splitting the seams of my leathers in one fell swoop, his nails bleeding crescents into ivory bruise blushed thighs and hauling my ass up, the heavy hands of his buddies jacking my shoulders to the floor, securing me, prone, ramrod stiff, listening to the flap of material that signifies flab is being unloaded off flab and his arousal is freed from tough breeches....nononononononononono....the laughter deafening, the jeers a pour of humiliation down tear wet cheeks...the horror rises over me in a wave of abhorrent disgust, my mind pulling the plug on my sentience and plunging me into a silent darkness*
<<Sire...Sire??>> {Fuck, eyes peeled wide, bolting up out of the casket, Fritz's cheery countenance morphed to one of horror as my gloved hand closes a death-grip around the doggen's throat, snarling through fully extended fangs...what the?..SHIT!!..releasing the old male on a curse, his voice stammering with fear, struggling to maintain an air of professionalism as he rearranges his suit} <<I am so terribly sorry to have disturbed your sleep, Master Vishous..I..I..took the liberty of bringing you and Miss Tory fresh clothing and masks for the masquerade ball in celebration of All Hallows' Eve?..your Brothers and their shellans are gathered above, Sire>> {Holy shit, breathing ragged.. hands shooting down between my legs to cup my scarred sac} Fuck Tory? She's ok? <<Why yes, of course Sire, Miss Tory is right here, in the casket beside you...>>
*It's my name that jolts me from the pitch black of a horror my mind is already stealing away with awakening, trying to shield me from a nightmare that was not all my own...emerald eyes flashed wide as my body curves up from the silk lined base of the casket, the fear clamped hand between V's thighs and the instinctive banding of my arms concealing a dream nakedness sharing a remaining adrenaline bath of terror in our separate coffins...fuck....Clambering out on shaky legs, Fritz is standing, a small, old, widely smiling comfort, clothes bundled in his arms and extended with the filigree black metal of an exquisite masquerade mask. Trembling hands reach for the offering of normality, V's arms surrounding my waist, ragged breath breathing the lingering panic of our nightmare to my skin...but before we change, before we head forth into the party that starts above our heads in a flutter of gowns and twinkling lights, I cant fight the compulsion to stroke out tentative fingers to the closest closed casket, discreetly brushing away a deep cover of dust to reveal the crest glittering in a dim light...with V's hand at the small of my back, I obediently move to exit the garage that inspired dreams of hellish memories and I cant help but turn back once..once to catch the dark hellfire glow glittering bright*

Monday, 31 October 2011
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Home in a body bag
{Folded up like a goddamn concertina into the cramped rear seat of the CPD cruiser, head wedged against the roof, the cuffs cutting into my wrists at the small of my back. The uniformed cop on the other side of the thick plexigass and steel partition looks jumpy, spooked eyes meeting the arctic glare of my reflection in the rear view mirror. I could be out of the cuffs and have the guy incapacitated before the SOB knew what hit him, but I had two over-riding motives to play along with this charade a little longer. Number one, Tory was in another car, somewhere in this CPD convoy, and breaking her out of whatever holding cell they planned on throwing her into would be easier if I was already on the inside. Number two, I still had a bone to pick with Detective Butch O’ fucking, spit-swapping and face sucking what is MINE!!...Neal. Yeah...exhaling on a growl...so I was gonna cool my jets and wait for the perfect opportunity...letting the downtown cityscape roll by, until we are cruising past the pig-ugly, dated facade of the Caldwell police station, where the local TV crews are huddled on the rain-slicked steps like vultures, hoping for a scoop on that DelVecchio case that’s been all over the evening news, face shielded from the paparazzi flashes as the police cruiser hangs a louie to pull us up to the back of the station, the business entrance with the iron bars. The cop pops the door, leathers creaking as I unfold stiff limbs from the car to tower over the arresting officer, gifting the human a sinister glare that has his hand hovering over the butt of his firearm. Damn, if I said ‘Boo!’ to the POS he’d piss his fucking pants. Diamond eyes narrowed, head cranking around, watching for any sign of Tory as I allow myself to be lead past the security door with the uniformed female guard built like a linebacker in lipstick and down the grubby linoleum stretch of hallway..maintaining a tight-lipped silence throughout the check-in process...I can’t even be fucking assed giving false deets...not like the pen-pushing desk-jockey will remember a damn thing about this little rendez vous, true...not the sudden, overwhelming compulsion to click delete on my record before the interview was even over, not the fact that when I let him roll the pads of my fingers on the ink pad they failed to register a single print, not even the fact that the camera fritzed out when he had me posing for those mug-shots...and then I’m being lead further down that grungy hallway with its buzzing strip fluorescents.. and just as the guard turns the lock on the holding cell, barring me inside.. I spot Tory, just a brief glimpse of her back rounding a corner up ahead, midnight black hair whipping as she is man-handled by a woman guard with a silhouette like a Romanian shot putter, gloved hand fisting around the steel bars, a low growl bleeding through tight lips, before turning to meet and greet the glaring, watch-your-ass welcome wagon of gangbangers, chrome domes, sociopaths and flaked out junkies, spread out along benches like some recruitment poster for the fucking Lessening Society. Sons of bitches have enough survival smarts to smell danger...for now, anyways, the cockroaches giving my ass a wide berth like I'm doused in Bug Be Gone..giving me space to check out my new accommodations. A standard issue, thirty by thirty cinder block room, stainless steel sink and toilet in one corner, re-enforced bars across one wall and the small window up high...too small for a grown male to clamber through..but big enough to let in sufficient sunlight that, come dawn, if I’m still slammed up in this shithole, the peanut gallery of lowlife Caldwell scumbags were gonna be singing Kumbaya and sharing horror stories around one bigass, flaming pile of vampire barbecue. Yippi-kay Ay, Motherfucker..planting my ass on the end of a bench, massive shoulders leaned back against the cinder block wall to wait for Detective Butch O’fucking Neal...and I knew he'd come, because the asshole was jonesing for a piece of me just as bad as I was for him, true..gloved hand patting the empty pockets of my leathers with a snarl..cocksucker took my smokes too?.. just one more reason the cop's ass was fucking MINE...}
*this is insane...my foot taps out a drumming beat on the floor of the car, scuffing the worn mat with it's sticky spilt soda spots and the crumpled boxes of donuts tucked away under the front seat. Why the fuck am I taking this shit? Never before had I let it get this far, I'd busted my ass out of dozens of these things, never once actually letting myself get transported to the station...but now... V was in one of these cars, lost in the line of vehicular cages and I wanted to be where he was, 'cause I have a suspicion Butch is not going to go easy on him. Something had snapped in the cop and he was directing all those jagged broken pieces at my male...Not. Good. Vishous would kill him in a heartbeat with just the slightest provocation now and I cant do a damn thing to derail him if I'm not there. So I wait, head kicked back against the seat, ponytail long since released to cascade midnight waves into a shroud of semi-protection...concealing taut curves and dagger edges...my eyes trained on the ceiling, avoiding the leering gaze of the one male officer taking up the drivers seat with his bulbous form, noting the miles that go by in a rush of city chatter seeping through the cracked window...jerked, eased, call it what you will, being popped from the car as it drove in to park was far from pleasant, the cuffs tightened, biting into skin and drawing a low snarled hiss from my lips* Yeah...fucking tighten them, asshole, you're just turning me on...*poor little officer, new, young, already waiting at the doors to the station, dropped my wrists so fast I could have been a cobra, his eyes flaring blue shock, face beetroot in a second, stammering under the weight of my glare, my lip curled into the vicious snarl that would keep him at a distance* You dont fucking touch me...<<Ease up, Miss, he wont touch you again. I'll take you from here.>>*And she did. Female hand slipped around my elbow to guide, she may not have been all that feminine, but the human cop was quick, professional, taking me through the motions as half my brain focussed on creeping into minds and putting my total recorded presence into a full on delete. Not my best skill. I'm not all that good at wiping, I have to really think about it and getting people to make your records disappear is a lot harder than you'd think..but deets, mug-shots, non existent fingerprints...all gone by the time the faint strains of a growl peeters through the air to caress my ears with the sounds of possession...V...he's close...hair whipping a crack that snaps my head around, seeing only the corner of an off white wall before I'm led down an out-dated, lino-floored hallway in a struggle of arching, wriggling female limbs, banded in she-male arms and hauled off, my ass slammed into the holding pen with all the other creatures of the night. Hookers dressed up in strips of material masquerading as clothing, dead faces, makeup smeared, lipstick bleeding out around thin lips and the caked, pastry-flaking dullness of the addicts, stringy hair, pitted, sunken eyes, clawing their arms in an attempt to rid themselves of bugs that weren’t there...rocking in the corners like weebles, they wobble but they don’t fucking fall down...until their pimps, or dealers, or a dirty needle ends the pathetic excuses for lives...surviving, existing, but never truly living...I am in a cage of shadows, death hovering with greedy fingers waiting for fate to take its pick of street scum...pity a leaden presence in my gut, my ass meets cold bench and I shut out every detail of this cell, these walls, the humans eyeing me with a mixture of resentment, interest and pure, cold hatred...females...my eyes roll...the bitchiest creatures alive when their vanity is threatened...propping my chin in my hands, foot tapping, hair closing me behind a black curtained wall of silk, the low spoken <<Tory?>> is nearly lost to a chatter of whining insults...fuck, if Vishous doesn’t get me out soon, I'll be killing the bitches...*
{Elbows braced on split knees, staring up at the steel-barred, rectangular patch of sky, watching it change subtly as the night wore on with still no sign of the cop. It dawned on me then that I was gambling, not just my own fate, but Tory’s too, on the conviction that this human cop, Detective Butch O'Fucking Neal wanted to finish what we'd started.. hands scrubbed roughly up my face, fingers raking into thick black hair in fists ..how the fuck did I get myself into this sitch? The hours dragged by and the cop was a big no-fucking show...doubt creeping through the bars of the holding cell, a steel cage.. impossible to dematerialize out of. Too much fucking time to mull over where they were keeping Tory and hoping to hell it was a windowless cell, somewhere safe from the fireball of death that would be popping over the horizon, any fucking minute now. I'd been given my phonecall, for all the damn good it did, dumping straight to voicemail at the Brotherhood mansion..fuckers would all be asleep in their beds by now, cozying up with their shellans..while mine was rotting in a human prison cell? Fuck that, true..the decision to take matters into my own hands already taken as I draw up to full, foreboding warrior height, face pressed between the rungs of cold steel, a harsh, high pitched whistle escaping my teeth to catch the attention of the nearest guard..all I needed was eye-contact and a little mind-crawling, psychic manipulation to convince the officer that unlocking the cell right now was a real smart move..his movements robotic, gaze fixed on the hypnotic diamond glow of darkly dilated pupils, hand reaching for the bunch of keys attached to the gun belt at his hips, metal sliding inside the lock, the mechanism turning...this was going to be a fucking massacre..no way I could manipulate and wipe every human mind in this place, I was good, but not that fucking good.. no way I could leave this kind of messy evidence in my wake, but fuck it, if I had to take down the entire Caldwell police department to get Tory out of here alive..then so be fucking it, true. And what do you know, the cop picks this exact moment to pitch up, that scent of Scotch and Italian cologne hitting me right before I spot the MOFO..long strides eating up the stretch of linoleum corridor, anger bleeding out of every pore in the male's body...fucking perfect..a hard smile on my lips as I allow myself to be cuffed again and shoved out of the cell, lead down a maze of corridors to an interrogation room somewhere in the basement of the old building..talk about a lucky fucking break..not a single window in the room, not a crack of outside light..cocksucker might have saved my ass without even knowing it.. suppressing a laugh.. shrew diamond eyes scanning the perimeter of the ceiling, fritzing out the security cameras to eliminate any unnecessary witnesses to the carnage that was about to go down here. And I know the cop is right on board with the plan when he pulls rank to dismiss the wet behind the ears, uniformed security, neither of us bothering with the formalities of sitting, the tension in the air so thick, you cut cut through it with a blade..if you had a blade, true..tongue curling over twin razor fangs in a tight-lipped smile as the cop gets in with the interrogation} <<What's your name?>> Name's Vishous..you got a hearing problem, asshole? {throwing the cop's insult to Tory right back in his face with a snarl} my female told you my name, true <<Try again, dickhead. I want your real name, not some 'Ludacris' gangster bull-shit>> {Leaning forward, leading with my head, staring down at the cop, nostrils flaring, thinking how much I am going to enjoy ripping that thick throat open with my teeth, lips curling back off a grotesque set of dagger fangs on a hiss} Vishous Bloodletter, Cop, by name and fucking nature, feel me? {Credit to the cocky SOB, the cop fronts well, despite the fact he's bleeding terror out every pore in his skin as he checks out the huge canines} <<Quite a set of hardware you got there>> Yeah? {leaning in close so my breath is a hot rush in the guy's face, cracking my goatee'd jaw} Quite a left hook you got, for a human, cocksucker {The cop squares off his shoulders} <<You kiss your mother with that mouth, asshole?>> {fuck..almost laughing at the image of anyone kissing the Scribe Virgin and the shit she'd do to them if they tried} Fuck no!... but you made the fatal mistake of kissing my female with yours, true {and just like that it's game over for the human cop, handcuffs clattering to the ground and in one fluid movement, I'm right up in the male's grille, his back slammed into the cinder block with inhuman strength, disarmed in a heartbeat, gloved hand wrapped around his throat in a death-grip, scrabbling fingers clawing at the iron choke-hold, eyes bugging out, gagging, air starved as I clap my free palm on the cop's jaw, his head shoved back to expose the taut column of a pounding jugular, fangs punching down on a primal snarl, chest to chest with the male, lips peeled back as I bite down, brutal twin penetrations tearing ragged holes in the human male's neck, a hoarse cry escaping his mouth, my own flooded with the hot, salty spill of crimson lifeblood..holy fuck.. the taste hits like a head-on with an eighteen-wheeler..an echo crashing around inside my skull, an ancient, primal instinct, hammering for attention.. recognising its own Wrath ..Wrath..WRATH?.. What The FUCK?.. lethal canines ripped from the cop's throat, wrenching back to pin the SOB with a penetrating diamond glare, the pupil of my right eye dilated to a fathomless black hole, blood smeared from my lips to the back of my hand on a growl, gloved palm pinning the male to the wall like an insect under a microscope} Who? What the FUCK are you?!! {those hazel eyes pop wide, incredulous, with a whole lot of <<you're asking ME that fucking question??!!>> one hand flying up to cup the gaping wound at his throat, the other gripping like grim-death to the gold crucifix around his neck and he's sucking in air like a goddamned Dyson} <<You.. bit.. me!! Jee..zus, you fucking bit me, you asshole>> {fear darkening the human's face} <<Fuck!!...am I gonna to turn into one of you now?>> {shaking my head slow} No, doesn't work that way, true {the cop pops a brow, voice a gravel pit from the near-strangulation} <<Rabies?>> {barking a hard laugh} No, you fucking idiot..{damn.. if I didn't want to fucking kill this arrogant as all get out human, I might even like his gum-flapping, cocky ass..and just like that the aggression is sucked out of the room, both of us collapsing in near hysterical laughter..I had no fucking idea what I was gonna do with this SOB, but I sure as fuck wasn't gonna kill him until I knew why the King's blood was running through his veins..the little party interrupted by a soft knock, a familiar voice bleeding through the door of the interrogation room, two set of eyes darting in the direction of the words uttered respectfully in the cadence of the Old Language} <<Sire? Master Vishous? Are you within Sire?>> Fritz??
*Hours...goddamned hours, with no sight of V or Butch and the numbers on the clock slowly climbing...1...2...3...4...5...6...another hour and I'll be ashing the place with a supremo bonfire...took me a while to spot the fucking bar-reinforced window in all it's light letting in glory and once spotted, I'd been clock watching like the thing was attached to a nuclear detonator. But, at least I wouldnt be alone when I died. The young, too much chest, not enough ass female who had said my name was one of Rehv's girls, arrested 'cause she tried to take the money some guy owed her for their...time...he called the cops, obviously they believed the asshole and she got banged up with the meth heads and not so pro prostitutes, her tiny body wedged as close to me on the bench as she could get* <<Why you watchin' the time, Tory? You aint gonna get outta here any quicker...a watched clock does not tock...>> *offering her a laugh and dragging my eyes away from the time piece to look into her hollow blue ones, mascara pooled in the corners, her hair floofed to within an inch of it's life and starting to droop...* I need to get out of here, I need to get to @Vishous_unbound...*I need to see my young went unsaid, but they'd been running through my head, my one call going to voicemail in the Penthouse...not surprising since the Chosen Maia had no clue how to use the phone, but I wasn’t hoping she'd be any help getting us out, even with the instructions I left...my last words...'kiss the twins for me'...fuck....*<<Tory? Tory? Where'd ya go? Do not leave me alone with these bitches>> *chipped hot pink nails clicking in front of my face, dragging my mind back to the small, now pretty cramped cell and it's catty inhabitants...head shaking to clear the fog of a drifting mind in a flurry of black waves* I'm here...just thinking...<<Prison Break? Think you can fit me under your shirt and smuggle me out too?>> Kacey, YOU can barely fit under your shirt...*snorting a laugh, fingers raked through mussed, tangled ebony as I stand, needing movement to order the chaos in my head, to...fuck..to plan. But I cant think straight with the heat creeping in with the purple hues of dawn, damn pretty but a little too lethal to be appreciated...fingers wrapping around the bars, forehead pressed to cool iron, I am dry of ideas, a total desert of smarts with an oasis of panic setting in like a mirage on the horizon. And then a break...a tap on my shoulder, short, skeletal, primped and preened like she was entering an Oompa Loompa beauty pageant, her face starting miles under the makeup and almost on eye level with mine*<<That @Vishous_unbound guy? He your pimp? You been talkin' awful fond of him to hussy slut over there, and I need a new handler. Mine's doing some time playing butt monkey in the big lockup>>*Even if English was my first language, I still would have had trouble computing what the fuck she was saying, 'cause she couldnt possibly be asking what I think she's asking...grinding my teeth, jaw clenched tight, biting a tongue that strokes down concealed weapons...fluffing up her hair, shimmying up her bra to display her assets, bright red caked lips open to speak again*<<He gonna come post your bail? Gonna pick ya up? 'Cause I'll do whatever to get back in someone's pocket. I'm a damn good earner.>>*My answer? A fist in knotted back-combed hair, yanking her head and hurling the light-weight, barely there female like a rag doll into the opposite wall, crumpling a skin bag of whimpering bones to the floor, snarling ivory daggers quickly hidden behind tight lips as the human starts up a wailing scream for an officer and three burly women barrel in, led to drag my hands between the bars and re-apply the cuffs by the bitch's bony finger trembling in my direction...a small voice piping up from under now bedraggled mousy locks*<<Aw fuck Tory, now I gotta wait alone 'til I get picked up?>> Sorry Kace, Xhex will be here soon though right? Rehv never leaves you guys in here for long...*ordered out the cell's doors, I am restrained, caged in by brick shithouses on three sides, and guided down, passing offices, barred doors, the sunburn flush just starting to colour my skin cooling as windows disappear to walls and only flourescent lights illuminate the hallway*<<You cant play nice with others, you stay here, someone will come and get you when you're free to go, if Sweetie doesnt press charges for assault>>*My 'awww fuck' is met by a closed door, shut into the light tight space with its small cot and metal toilet..much better accommodations, more private, less likely to make me combust once that sun has risen, less likely I'll kill someone in a peak of possessive fury...flopping out on the single bed, ankles crossed, arms under my head, the weight of daylight pulls heavy on nocturnal eyelids, my body clock confused by my wakefulness and demanding I sleep...dream...reaching out for @Vishous_unbound I surrender to the oblivion, if only for a few....FUCK! The knock is soft but jerks me upright in a bared hiss of fully elongated fangs, sleep blurring eyes I'd only just rested, disoriented by blank walls and the haze of dreams, voice broken, rough with the heat of subconscious images* Yeah? *silly Tory, why are you answering? They know you're in here..but no female voice responds, only the soft familiar tones of..Fritz? Hands planted to the door, the lock clicks and pure silver white hair greets a smile fang filled..until emerald eyes fall to the gurneyed body bag..Oh Fuck...no..Vishous?!!*
*this is insane...my foot taps out a drumming beat on the floor of the car, scuffing the worn mat with it's sticky spilt soda spots and the crumpled boxes of donuts tucked away under the front seat. Why the fuck am I taking this shit? Never before had I let it get this far, I'd busted my ass out of dozens of these things, never once actually letting myself get transported to the station...but now... V was in one of these cars, lost in the line of vehicular cages and I wanted to be where he was, 'cause I have a suspicion Butch is not going to go easy on him. Something had snapped in the cop and he was directing all those jagged broken pieces at my male...Not. Good. Vishous would kill him in a heartbeat with just the slightest provocation now and I cant do a damn thing to derail him if I'm not there. So I wait, head kicked back against the seat, ponytail long since released to cascade midnight waves into a shroud of semi-protection...concealing taut curves and dagger edges...my eyes trained on the ceiling, avoiding the leering gaze of the one male officer taking up the drivers seat with his bulbous form, noting the miles that go by in a rush of city chatter seeping through the cracked window...jerked, eased, call it what you will, being popped from the car as it drove in to park was far from pleasant, the cuffs tightened, biting into skin and drawing a low snarled hiss from my lips* Yeah...fucking tighten them, asshole, you're just turning me on...*poor little officer, new, young, already waiting at the doors to the station, dropped my wrists so fast I could have been a cobra, his eyes flaring blue shock, face beetroot in a second, stammering under the weight of my glare, my lip curled into the vicious snarl that would keep him at a distance* You dont fucking touch me...<<Ease up, Miss, he wont touch you again. I'll take you from here.>>*And she did. Female hand slipped around my elbow to guide, she may not have been all that feminine, but the human cop was quick, professional, taking me through the motions as half my brain focussed on creeping into minds and putting my total recorded presence into a full on delete. Not my best skill. I'm not all that good at wiping, I have to really think about it and getting people to make your records disappear is a lot harder than you'd think..but deets, mug-shots, non existent fingerprints...all gone by the time the faint strains of a growl peeters through the air to caress my ears with the sounds of possession...V...he's close...hair whipping a crack that snaps my head around, seeing only the corner of an off white wall before I'm led down an out-dated, lino-floored hallway in a struggle of arching, wriggling female limbs, banded in she-male arms and hauled off, my ass slammed into the holding pen with all the other creatures of the night. Hookers dressed up in strips of material masquerading as clothing, dead faces, makeup smeared, lipstick bleeding out around thin lips and the caked, pastry-flaking dullness of the addicts, stringy hair, pitted, sunken eyes, clawing their arms in an attempt to rid themselves of bugs that weren’t there...rocking in the corners like weebles, they wobble but they don’t fucking fall down...until their pimps, or dealers, or a dirty needle ends the pathetic excuses for lives...surviving, existing, but never truly living...I am in a cage of shadows, death hovering with greedy fingers waiting for fate to take its pick of street scum...pity a leaden presence in my gut, my ass meets cold bench and I shut out every detail of this cell, these walls, the humans eyeing me with a mixture of resentment, interest and pure, cold hatred...females...my eyes roll...the bitchiest creatures alive when their vanity is threatened...propping my chin in my hands, foot tapping, hair closing me behind a black curtained wall of silk, the low spoken <<Tory?>> is nearly lost to a chatter of whining insults...fuck, if Vishous doesn’t get me out soon, I'll be killing the bitches...*
{Elbows braced on split knees, staring up at the steel-barred, rectangular patch of sky, watching it change subtly as the night wore on with still no sign of the cop. It dawned on me then that I was gambling, not just my own fate, but Tory’s too, on the conviction that this human cop, Detective Butch O'Fucking Neal wanted to finish what we'd started.. hands scrubbed roughly up my face, fingers raking into thick black hair in fists ..how the fuck did I get myself into this sitch? The hours dragged by and the cop was a big no-fucking show...doubt creeping through the bars of the holding cell, a steel cage.. impossible to dematerialize out of. Too much fucking time to mull over where they were keeping Tory and hoping to hell it was a windowless cell, somewhere safe from the fireball of death that would be popping over the horizon, any fucking minute now. I'd been given my phonecall, for all the damn good it did, dumping straight to voicemail at the Brotherhood mansion..fuckers would all be asleep in their beds by now, cozying up with their shellans..while mine was rotting in a human prison cell? Fuck that, true..the decision to take matters into my own hands already taken as I draw up to full, foreboding warrior height, face pressed between the rungs of cold steel, a harsh, high pitched whistle escaping my teeth to catch the attention of the nearest guard..all I needed was eye-contact and a little mind-crawling, psychic manipulation to convince the officer that unlocking the cell right now was a real smart move..his movements robotic, gaze fixed on the hypnotic diamond glow of darkly dilated pupils, hand reaching for the bunch of keys attached to the gun belt at his hips, metal sliding inside the lock, the mechanism turning...this was going to be a fucking massacre..no way I could manipulate and wipe every human mind in this place, I was good, but not that fucking good.. no way I could leave this kind of messy evidence in my wake, but fuck it, if I had to take down the entire Caldwell police department to get Tory out of here alive..then so be fucking it, true. And what do you know, the cop picks this exact moment to pitch up, that scent of Scotch and Italian cologne hitting me right before I spot the MOFO..long strides eating up the stretch of linoleum corridor, anger bleeding out of every pore in the male's body...fucking perfect..a hard smile on my lips as I allow myself to be cuffed again and shoved out of the cell, lead down a maze of corridors to an interrogation room somewhere in the basement of the old building..talk about a lucky fucking break..not a single window in the room, not a crack of outside light..cocksucker might have saved my ass without even knowing it.. suppressing a laugh.. shrew diamond eyes scanning the perimeter of the ceiling, fritzing out the security cameras to eliminate any unnecessary witnesses to the carnage that was about to go down here. And I know the cop is right on board with the plan when he pulls rank to dismiss the wet behind the ears, uniformed security, neither of us bothering with the formalities of sitting, the tension in the air so thick, you cut cut through it with a blade..if you had a blade, true..tongue curling over twin razor fangs in a tight-lipped smile as the cop gets in with the interrogation} <<What's your name?>> Name's Vishous..you got a hearing problem, asshole? {throwing the cop's insult to Tory right back in his face with a snarl} my female told you my name, true <<Try again, dickhead. I want your real name, not some 'Ludacris' gangster bull-shit>> {Leaning forward, leading with my head, staring down at the cop, nostrils flaring, thinking how much I am going to enjoy ripping that thick throat open with my teeth, lips curling back off a grotesque set of dagger fangs on a hiss} Vishous Bloodletter, Cop, by name and fucking nature, feel me? {Credit to the cocky SOB, the cop fronts well, despite the fact he's bleeding terror out every pore in his skin as he checks out the huge canines} <<Quite a set of hardware you got there>> Yeah? {leaning in close so my breath is a hot rush in the guy's face, cracking my goatee'd jaw} Quite a left hook you got, for a human, cocksucker {The cop squares off his shoulders} <<You kiss your mother with that mouth, asshole?>> {fuck..almost laughing at the image of anyone kissing the Scribe Virgin and the shit she'd do to them if they tried} Fuck no!... but you made the fatal mistake of kissing my female with yours, true {and just like that it's game over for the human cop, handcuffs clattering to the ground and in one fluid movement, I'm right up in the male's grille, his back slammed into the cinder block with inhuman strength, disarmed in a heartbeat, gloved hand wrapped around his throat in a death-grip, scrabbling fingers clawing at the iron choke-hold, eyes bugging out, gagging, air starved as I clap my free palm on the cop's jaw, his head shoved back to expose the taut column of a pounding jugular, fangs punching down on a primal snarl, chest to chest with the male, lips peeled back as I bite down, brutal twin penetrations tearing ragged holes in the human male's neck, a hoarse cry escaping his mouth, my own flooded with the hot, salty spill of crimson lifeblood..holy fuck.. the taste hits like a head-on with an eighteen-wheeler..an echo crashing around inside my skull, an ancient, primal instinct, hammering for attention.. recognising its own Wrath ..Wrath..WRATH?.. What The FUCK?.. lethal canines ripped from the cop's throat, wrenching back to pin the SOB with a penetrating diamond glare, the pupil of my right eye dilated to a fathomless black hole, blood smeared from my lips to the back of my hand on a growl, gloved palm pinning the male to the wall like an insect under a microscope} Who? What the FUCK are you?!! {those hazel eyes pop wide, incredulous, with a whole lot of <<you're asking ME that fucking question??!!>> one hand flying up to cup the gaping wound at his throat, the other gripping like grim-death to the gold crucifix around his neck and he's sucking in air like a goddamned Dyson} <<You.. bit.. me!! Jee..zus, you fucking bit me, you asshole>> {fear darkening the human's face} <<Fuck!!...am I gonna to turn into one of you now?>> {shaking my head slow} No, doesn't work that way, true {the cop pops a brow, voice a gravel pit from the near-strangulation} <<Rabies?>> {barking a hard laugh} No, you fucking idiot..{damn.. if I didn't want to fucking kill this arrogant as all get out human, I might even like his gum-flapping, cocky ass..and just like that the aggression is sucked out of the room, both of us collapsing in near hysterical laughter..I had no fucking idea what I was gonna do with this SOB, but I sure as fuck wasn't gonna kill him until I knew why the King's blood was running through his veins..the little party interrupted by a soft knock, a familiar voice bleeding through the door of the interrogation room, two set of eyes darting in the direction of the words uttered respectfully in the cadence of the Old Language} <<Sire? Master Vishous? Are you within Sire?>> Fritz??
*Hours...goddamned hours, with no sight of V or Butch and the numbers on the clock slowly climbing...1...2...3...4...5...6...another hour and I'll be ashing the place with a supremo bonfire...took me a while to spot the fucking bar-reinforced window in all it's light letting in glory and once spotted, I'd been clock watching like the thing was attached to a nuclear detonator. But, at least I wouldnt be alone when I died. The young, too much chest, not enough ass female who had said my name was one of Rehv's girls, arrested 'cause she tried to take the money some guy owed her for their...time...he called the cops, obviously they believed the asshole and she got banged up with the meth heads and not so pro prostitutes, her tiny body wedged as close to me on the bench as she could get* <<Why you watchin' the time, Tory? You aint gonna get outta here any quicker...a watched clock does not tock...>> *offering her a laugh and dragging my eyes away from the time piece to look into her hollow blue ones, mascara pooled in the corners, her hair floofed to within an inch of it's life and starting to droop...* I need to get out of here, I need to get to @Vishous_unbound...*I need to see my young went unsaid, but they'd been running through my head, my one call going to voicemail in the Penthouse...not surprising since the Chosen Maia had no clue how to use the phone, but I wasn’t hoping she'd be any help getting us out, even with the instructions I left...my last words...'kiss the twins for me'...fuck....*<<Tory? Tory? Where'd ya go? Do not leave me alone with these bitches>> *chipped hot pink nails clicking in front of my face, dragging my mind back to the small, now pretty cramped cell and it's catty inhabitants...head shaking to clear the fog of a drifting mind in a flurry of black waves* I'm here...just thinking...<<Prison Break? Think you can fit me under your shirt and smuggle me out too?>> Kacey, YOU can barely fit under your shirt...*snorting a laugh, fingers raked through mussed, tangled ebony as I stand, needing movement to order the chaos in my head, to...fuck..to plan. But I cant think straight with the heat creeping in with the purple hues of dawn, damn pretty but a little too lethal to be appreciated...fingers wrapping around the bars, forehead pressed to cool iron, I am dry of ideas, a total desert of smarts with an oasis of panic setting in like a mirage on the horizon. And then a break...a tap on my shoulder, short, skeletal, primped and preened like she was entering an Oompa Loompa beauty pageant, her face starting miles under the makeup and almost on eye level with mine*<<That @Vishous_unbound guy? He your pimp? You been talkin' awful fond of him to hussy slut over there, and I need a new handler. Mine's doing some time playing butt monkey in the big lockup>>*Even if English was my first language, I still would have had trouble computing what the fuck she was saying, 'cause she couldnt possibly be asking what I think she's asking...grinding my teeth, jaw clenched tight, biting a tongue that strokes down concealed weapons...fluffing up her hair, shimmying up her bra to display her assets, bright red caked lips open to speak again*<<He gonna come post your bail? Gonna pick ya up? 'Cause I'll do whatever to get back in someone's pocket. I'm a damn good earner.>>*My answer? A fist in knotted back-combed hair, yanking her head and hurling the light-weight, barely there female like a rag doll into the opposite wall, crumpling a skin bag of whimpering bones to the floor, snarling ivory daggers quickly hidden behind tight lips as the human starts up a wailing scream for an officer and three burly women barrel in, led to drag my hands between the bars and re-apply the cuffs by the bitch's bony finger trembling in my direction...a small voice piping up from under now bedraggled mousy locks*<<Aw fuck Tory, now I gotta wait alone 'til I get picked up?>> Sorry Kace, Xhex will be here soon though right? Rehv never leaves you guys in here for long...*ordered out the cell's doors, I am restrained, caged in by brick shithouses on three sides, and guided down, passing offices, barred doors, the sunburn flush just starting to colour my skin cooling as windows disappear to walls and only flourescent lights illuminate the hallway*<<You cant play nice with others, you stay here, someone will come and get you when you're free to go, if Sweetie doesnt press charges for assault>>*My 'awww fuck' is met by a closed door, shut into the light tight space with its small cot and metal toilet..much better accommodations, more private, less likely to make me combust once that sun has risen, less likely I'll kill someone in a peak of possessive fury...flopping out on the single bed, ankles crossed, arms under my head, the weight of daylight pulls heavy on nocturnal eyelids, my body clock confused by my wakefulness and demanding I sleep...dream...reaching out for @Vishous_unbound I surrender to the oblivion, if only for a few....FUCK! The knock is soft but jerks me upright in a bared hiss of fully elongated fangs, sleep blurring eyes I'd only just rested, disoriented by blank walls and the haze of dreams, voice broken, rough with the heat of subconscious images* Yeah? *silly Tory, why are you answering? They know you're in here..but no female voice responds, only the soft familiar tones of..Fritz? Hands planted to the door, the lock clicks and pure silver white hair greets a smile fang filled..until emerald eyes fall to the gurneyed body bag..Oh Fuck...no..Vishous?!!*
{Props to the old doggen, true. Fritz was every bit the warrior the Brothers were, except his MO was to blindside you with his impeccable credentials, before dealing you the fatal blow with that charm offensive of his. Not that the doggen didn't keep a neat little .40 pistol tucked away in that pristine, black worsted wool suit, and if it came down to the wire he was a highly skilled marksman, but there was no call for weapons today, no, Fritz had single handedly achieved what none of the brothers could have, least not without leaving a trail of bloody carnage in their wake. The doggen had infiltrated the Caldwell police department in the guise of chief undertaker for the esteemed Perlmutter & Bros Funeral Parlor, here on business to tend the recently deceased unfortunates brought in by those fine and upstanding officers of the CPD, casually wheeling his lead-lined bodybags through the grimy corridors of the station without a second glance from a single member of the human staff. And I was one grateful fucking SOB, sliding my shitkickers into the base of one unzipped bag, throwing a last look at the cop, slumped in a corner of the interrogation room, dead to the world in a hypnosis induced coma..perhaps I should have scrubbed his memories better and Wrath would be handing me my ass for it later, but the overriding imperative was getting to Tory. Besides, I figured if the cop started shooting his mouth off about vampires in Caldwell..well..career suicide for a homicide detective true. When he woke, the cop would be losing his shit, thinking he was going the way of his crazy mom, Odell O'Neal, whose stories nobody believed. Laying back slow, settling the massive dimensions of my frame into the tight confines of the body bag, the irony not lost on me that I'd threatened the cop with the same fate not twenty four hours ago...so many thoughts churning my grey matter, not least the carefully walled up terror that we were too late for Tory, refusing to even entertain that thought until Fritz is yanking the zipper on the body bag, metal teeth sealing me into claustrophobic darkness... and that when the loss of control hits...FUCK ME!! I can't fucking breathe, limbs pinned to my sides, air circulating across hot, panicked skin..utter, suffocating blackness..where does the oxygen get in?...Christ, I'm gonna lose my shit in here.. recalling that leather mask in my collection, the one I'd never had the balls to use, the fact it terrified me reason enough to own the thing..vaguely aware I'm being moved...the trundling of wheels beneath me..mental hypoxia, panic setting in..totally fucking vulnerable..all it would take is one asshole deciding to inspect the contents of Fritz's cargo and I'm reduced to a scorched and smoking smear of sun-roasted vampire...FUCK!!!!...that image and all I can picture is Tory facing the sun alone...Oh God.. stamping down the terror that steals the precious oxygen from my lungs...Be. Fucking. Alive Tory}
*His hair the brightest thing in the damn room, a shock of white peering around the door with a wide smile, I would have been ecstatic to see him under any other circumstance, and I am...but the dark shadow raining on my happiness is a warrior sized body bag set up on a gurney...the black plastic sheened under the fluorescent lights and...moving...? The doggen doesnt stand a chance, knocked into the metal door by a dart of frantic female, I would have leaped him if I wasnt sure my legs would give...please..fuck..please dont be a bag of ash.. God where had they put him? Had the dawn reached him? It's rays are threatening to permeate concrete and brick, trying to reach with UV fingers and incinerate us, a death beam...a shaft of sunlight and we'll be suffering third degree burns...two...and it wont be long before we actually are ash...fuck...dont be ash, dont be dead...scrabbling, my fingers are a fumbling mess at the zipper of the thick black material, Fritz gently easing my hands from the bag and drawing the zip down clicking metal teeth, parting...revealing....I think I fall one minute standing a little shaky with dread, the next raining assaults of rough kisses to the panicking pale of V's face ..fuck...what did they do to you? The words whispered between the hard kisses, trying to ease the...terror?...on your face with my touch hands slipped into V's hair, a macabre sight to any onlooker, but the hallways are empty as I bask in his presence, the lost half of my body, half of my soul, throat tight, barely breathing feeling slowly pieced back together with each kiss reaffirming life half flung onto the gurney like I can fit into that damn bag with Vishous, a blanket of midnight and porcelain* Fuck..you're alive
{We've stopped..fuck, why have we stopped? Muffled, indecernible voices leaking through the hermetic seals of the bodybag.. and then I hear the unmistakable metallic rasp of a zipper..Motherfucker..a horrifying cocktail of terror and rage rising up my chest..torquing in the straight-jacket bondage of the bag, if this is it..if this is my time, then sure as fuck whatever cocksucker was opening me up to the sun was going down with me...and then I'm sucking in great gasps of air like a landed fish, light flooding over me, blinding sensitized retinas that slowly come into focus...and sweet Fuck! I haven't seen a dawn in three centuries, but damn, the sight of Tory is just about the most incredible thing I've ever laid eyes on, what it must feel like to have the sun on your face and still not burn, and yeah, so maybe the brain hypoxia was turning me into a fucking sap..but fuck, I've never felt so alive, grasping fistfuls of her hair to drag her mouth to mine, all but hauling her inside the damn body bag with me, ravaging her mouth with air-starved desperate kisses} Thank fuck Tory...you're alive!!
I'm alive, you're alive...we're alive... *murmuring grateful kisses to V’s mouth, slung over his body in an attempt to wriggle into that tight bag, and V is helping the sitch, hauling me closer, welding me to muscular lines....until a soft cough clears a polite throat on a gentle chuckle, Fritz's voice sounding through the haze of relief and separating V from my lips, gasping at air* <<Miss Tory, I fear the bags are not double, so Master Vishous can not share his, but I have yours right here. You won’t be far>>*His smile is all gentleness as a slow gesture indicates the flat black zipped material beside V and I force a necessary separation sure to hurt far worse than any sunburn, squeezing V’s hand and vaulting up on his opposite side in a fluent move that lays me in the quickly opened bag and Fritz sets to closing me in, my eyes locked to V until I am blacked out and my world disappears to darkness, soothing, my air limited to shallow breaths that don’t hide the closing of the second bag...V's growl unmistakable even in the muffled confines...and then we're moving before my lips can utter a reassurance trundling down twists and turns, a surreal journey of blind movement jostling me in a vibrating rumble of wheels, Fritz's voice every so often seeping through with a 'Morning Sire' as he works his way through the station, every sound catalogued, weighed up for a threat by the half of my brain that actually fights not thinking about Vishous, the logical warrior side that preps for a sunlight battle if needs be...Drowning...it's like drowning, in complete darkness, sounds foggy, dim, the feeling of spiralling underground, instincts calming as the raging heat of the sun diminishes, the threat receding the further down we get...hollow sounds, the clack of the wheels changing, billowing out in an echo of movement....an underground garage? I fucking hope Fritz has a damn sun-tight bat mobile down here cause even tinted windows wouldn’t stop the sun...we'd burn...as we roll to a stop, I am already fumbling to get to Vishous, nails clawing at the zipper tracks, but of course no one is supposed to get out from the inside of one of these damn things, futile to try, I guess....and dim light floods eyes that blink rapidly up at a dark concrete ceiling, the black sides falling apart to the sitting motion of trapped curves, brushing back hair mussed from static, lips falling open on an incredulous laugh, emerald eyes meeting Fritz's dancing ones* No way....*The dead charade doesn’t stop with the body bags...awaiting, parked perfectly in a large bay was a double wide sleek obsidian hearse, glittering like the Grim Reapers ride under the sickly cast of low lights...and mahogany shimmers in the cave of lush satin lining, curtains drawn in hues of red silk to conceal....fuck....Vishous and I would be going home in....coffins?*
Monday, 24 October 2011
Cuffed by the Law
{I didn't need to see the shiny CPD badge held up in Red Sox's meaty palm to peg him as a cop, any more than I’d need X-Ray fucking vision to know his free hand was wrapped around the business end of his piece right now, the scent rolling off the guy confirming he was juiced. A wild intensity in those hazels, point blank eyeballing me, betraying that this sitch, finding Tory blindfolded in the car...Nah, this was something more than SOP police business...something that yanked the guy's chain good and tight.. a name floating up to the surface of the male’s conscious thought...Janie...a female...a sister? Yup, this shit was personal..and whatever demon the guy had dancing on his back, it made the human male a loose fucking cannon. Gloved hand slipping inside the leather of my jacket..Cop or not, I wouldn’t hesitate to drop the human to protect Tory. Flashing a chipped front tooth as he opens his pie hole to speak} <<Caldwell Police Department. Detective O'Neal. Let me see your hands>>
*if the drawling male voice hadn't niggled at my subconscious, the name certainly did, that and the tension pouring off the presence on the other side of the car...I recognise it, same energy, threatening, aggressive and I cant keep riding blind any longer, the soft silk of the blindfold tugged down to circle my throat, emerald eyes narrowed, leaning around V with a hand to rock hard, tense muscle, fingers curling into V's shoulder, a mammoth blockade shielding me from the apparent threat of a Detective O'Neal....wild masculine aggression works itself up something good, two males, one human, mirroring a stance that strokes fingers to weapons...and my eyes roll...so much unnecessary posturing, as if the human really had a chance against V. Dodging around leather clad shoulders, my vision alights on the face that matches the name, hazel eyes slightly crazier than last seen but no less familiar without their alcohol glaze...voice soft, the cop already provoked, tentative seeking to diffuse the tension* Butch?
{Butch??? Shooting Tory a bemused look, diamond eyes narrowed, questioning, as I do a double take of the recognition registering between Tory and the CPD officer, the bonded beast prowling along the bars of its cage} What the fuck? You know this male, Tory? <<I SAID, let me see your hands>> {eyes peeled away from her, cranking the heavy weight of an icy stare up to Officer Red Sox as he cuts me off. Like Tory knowing this sonofabitch wasn’t already prodding those base, territorial instincts, a feral growl escaping lips closed in a tight line over dagger fangs, gloved fingers concealed as they close around the hilt of one perfectly weighted blade. Fucker wanted to bait me? His fucking pine box, true. Card carrying member of the Red Sox Nation or not, the cocksucker was so much dead meat. Words growled in Tory's direction} Tory. Stay put, true. This won't take long, feel me?
V....*my voice is low with warning...I'd have to be an idiot not to sense the violent possession rolling from V's body, his muscles bunched, poised to attack, even in the confines of the vehicle and if either one got a draw on their weapons I'd be disposing of a human body, possibly mangled, knowing the brutality of a bonded male protecting his mate...a heavy exhale flutters escaping strands of ebony hair from my face, my hand slipping down to @Vishous_unbound's thigh, squeezing lightly for attention* Dont....dont kill him... *a hair trigger...Butch is on a hair trigger, something riled him up all wrong and he's got it in for my male, his anger palpable, his enmity uncalled for, completely out of the blue...but he doesnt deserve to die for his stupidity and arrogance* V...Butch has helped me out a couple of times...in the past. When I ran into the law with blood on my hands? *eyes wide emerald imploring, fingers digging into the column of your thigh, a quick glance catching Butch's glare* Just dont kill him...
What?! {Meeting Tory’s eyes.. confused..morbid jealousy momentarily clouding the logical process of thought.. totally fucking blindsided at the idea of Tory getting all cheek by jowel cozy with this human male..yeah, I just bet he 'helped' her out..Attention drawn to the bite of Tory's nails digging crescents into the tensed muscle of my thigh, just a split-second lapse in concentration, but enough to swing the odds.. gaze jerking up from her clawed fingers in the direction of a click..and there it was. Fuck! The all too familiar sound of a gun being cocked. Staring down the muzzle trained on me through the window of the Escalade at point-blank range. Not even I could survive a hit that tight and with Tory riding shotgun? No way in hell I was risking her, true} <<HANDS ASSHOLE! And step out of the cah’. Or I put a window in the back of your damn skull>>
No....*threads of sound whispering from lungs that have stopped their breathing, not even a heartbeat in the tense silence, gaze locked on the muzzle of the gun, aimed straight at V....no...Butch's command, laden with a taut nonsensical fury growling a threat my mind doesnt even want to register...fuck...how do we end up on the wrong end of guns? Fucking wired cop is a riot of emotion, bubbling under his skin and turning every move to a provocation V would take up the minute he could...then Butch is done for...and even with me defending him...and believe me, I am supporting him less and less the longer he trains his weapon on my male...it wouldnt help any..not now. Lowering my tone, tamping down fear for growling reasoning* Butch, what the fuck are you doing? He hasnt done anything, you cant just....<<You. Stop talkin’. Out of the car too>>*an arch stare raising the delicate line of my brow, emeralds set to a glare of daggers, my hand on the door* You'll have to back up, or he wont be able to get out without stuffing your muzzle into his face...*and if a slight sheepish flush raises on his skin, it's lost to the slam of doors as Butch backs up and I move to stand beside V...well...more a little in front, a feminine barrier trying to bar Butch's sight from V...no way he'd shoot a female...I hope*
{the muzzle of the cop’s weapon is a cold steel prod, wedged into the base of my neck as a heavy hand clamps down on my shoulder, and I allow myself to be manhandled away from Tory and shoved into a wall, stubbled jaw mashed into the rough brickwork, this human cop's breath hot, prickling the tiny hairs at the back of my neck, his scent an earthy blend of single malt whiskey and Aqua di Parma cologne. <<you wanna tell me what you're doin' out here this time 'a night?>> {cracking a hard smile} Just out for a drive, true. You? Never been on a date, cop? {I swear the human actually fucking growls in my ear as first my right arm, then my left are yanked behind me, neck straining to make eye contact with Tory, heavily-muscled shoulders popping in their sockets as the cop slaps on the cuffs, and he's a real pro with the metal, true. Steel teeth ratcheting tight on thick wrists as he spits angry words in my ear} <<uhuh, brought yourselves some mahshmallows to toast on this little bonfire too?>> {the backdrop inferno of the still-blazing abattoir throwing off almost as much heat as the cop himself as he tightens the cuffs another notch, cutting into flesh and leather ..that's it cocksucker, just a little lower, true.. Just slip off the glove and you'll be the one getting toasted tonight} <<Hate breakin' it to ya, asshole, but this ain't no fucking lovah's lane and you two sure as hell ain’t datin’ >>
Fuck...*muttering curses, my arms wrap my curves in a self comforting embrace, eyes frantic locked on V, pressed to the wall, Butch's hands clicking the cuffs down around my males wrists and that's about as fucking good for my sanity as the muzzle digging into V's skull...fuck...MINE...no-one cuffs him but me...a weird possessive surge rolling the violent growl of a barely leashed Rottweiler into the night air, shimmering with a threat that is too strong for Butch to ignore..his head snapping around, eyes flared wide searching for a rabid canine and faced with me...fuck the past, fuck helping him, he hurt V and memories would mean jack shit...years ago, long past to me, Butch had pulled himself up onto a bar stool, breath loaded with enough alcohol to start his own business and started in on a very well slurred compliment of my person, a drawling, hilariously sweet come on that had incited pity, not hatred, too desperate to be angry at, my simple 'Go find Cherry Pie, Butch, she'll take care of you a lot better than I will...' going unheeded, lost in the haze of drunken lust...I knew how to kill, to hurt...what he wanted...no way in fucking hell...deaf to my suggestion soft lips had taken mine with a Lag laced infusion of hungry pressure...Fuck..I'd toppled him off his stool so damn fast and ran...shit...Diamond eyes were narrowed in a craning of thick neck, piercing through emerald with a stare that I could only meet with unspoken apology* Let him go Butch...
{Oh fuck NoNoNoNo!! you have got to be fucking kidding me!!..the image of that cop's filthy, slobbering mouth on Tory burned like a brand on my retinas..crushed harder into the wall of a building as my body tenses, rage boiling up just beneath the surface, reflected in the questioning diamond gaze that locks onto Tory, willing a denial, voice tight with restraint, mouth distorted, mashed into the brick by the pressure of the gun barrel digging into my throat, pulse hammering a furious beat against the muzzle} You need to leave. You need to get the fuck out of here. Now <<DO NOT LOOK AT HER!!>> {Biting out a snarl.. oookay..sucking in a ragged breath...Now... I am ready to fucking kill... Having copped an eyeful of that drunk make-out session with Tory....shit was going to get real ugly..a sardonic smile curling my lips, biding my time as I allow the cop to frisk my body and rifle through pockets for weapons..Glocks, blades, ammo piling up on the asphalt <<Jesus Christ, You got some ID? Or wasn't there room in here for a wallet, with the thirty pounds of concealed weapons you're carryin'?>> {His voice is like the drone of an annoying insect in my ear..an insect I fully intend to squash.. fuck yes..I plan to look this sonofabitch right in the eye while the life bleeds from his body <<You got a name, asshole?>>
Vishous...his name is Vishous...not asshole...*growls thrumming loud, I've been worked into a tense crouch of defensive female, about ready to kill the fucker myself but with the gun so close, one wrong move could have V's brains colouring the wall...and I kinda like his brains...my fingers caressing the hilt of a dagger...silly cop, check my male but dont search the innocent little female...a mistake many make and my fingers curl tight on the black hilt as the human snarls, riding my hackles right up* <<Do you have a hearing problem, sweetheart? I said stop talkin'>>*boring holes in the back of the cops skull, I wait, for a dagger strike...or the perfect shot*
{A snarl ripping through clenched teeth.. speaking to Tory in that tone of voice? Strike. Three. Motherfucker. SOB got a death wish? I am more that happy to oblige the cocksucker} Tory, please leave. Now. {a tightly growled plea for her to dematerialize to safety before this sitch gets real nasty. Allowing myself to be spun around, bunched shoulders slammed back into brick wall, the pain only fuelling my hatred for this Butch O'Neal, diamond stare a penetrating threat as the cop wedges the gun into the stubbled skin just beneath my jaw, his free hand stripping my black daggers from their holster..I won't need blades to kill him, true. My words are laced with acid} You gonna arrest me, cop? <<Yeah. I am>> What for? {the cop crawls up in my face} <<Let me think. Arson. Concealed weapons..>> Don't forget murder, true. You ever been inside a body bad, officer? <<Don’t threaten me>> Not a threat, cop. {aggression flowing a venomous circuit between this human male and myself, lips pulled into a cold sneer} I'm going to enjoy killing you, Butch O'Neal {the cop's elbow cocks back, meaty hand fisted, ready to connect hard with my jaw...then freezes in mid-air as my lips peel back to bare a set of monstrous fangs} Happy fucking Halloween. Officer.
*A snicker and eye roll escaped at V's words...so cocky, my hellren..but I'm too wound up to enjoy it for long, Butch's fist threatening to bust fangs and his short pause allows seconds to pass in a blur of movement, my Glock making friendly with the cops head, pulled in that moment to kiss muzzle to skull, a chain of potential death channeled through firearms and anger* I'm thinking, my trigger finger is a lot faster than yours...*So calm, the quiet in the storm of murderous intent. No one hurts my hellren, and now I have a hand in this game, my violence is amped up, cranking for freedom, eyes locked on V with a slow stroke down ivory fangs* You gonna let us go, Butch? We havent done anything, you can just...forget all about us...*lulling, hypnotic, my tone reaches for his attention...I need that gun away from V...He'd got in a hit, his stupor at the flash of not so costumey fangs pressing play on the pause of shock, Butch's fist slamming forwards to a chorus of growls, my gun cocked, trigger teased* Do it again and we'll see how your brain looks decorating leather...*and then we're fucked...in a bad way....sirens in the not so distance closing in like wailing shrieks of rolling cages....too close...here...skidding into stops in front of the blazing building...too many...we're fast but if they open fire V and I will resemble colanders more than vampires...shit fuck, motherfucker....trapped, dematting out of the question, there are just too many minds to wipe and that kind of damage control would get fierce shit from the King...Lovely....Butch shifted his weapon a second before I did, letting the gun hang off my finger in a half surrender of situation. I'm homicidal not suicidal and that act of disarming has me slapped up next to V, the bite of metal to my wrist torquing my body in a panicked jerk, a heavy arm pinning between my shoulder blades as the cuffs click closed, manacling my wrists...fuck...*<<Be calm miss...You and your boy get to take a little ride with us...Detective...You ok?>>*I'm zoned, teeth clenched tight, read rights I barely hear and bundled into a squad car...alone...V ducked and pushed into the tight space of another...fuck...the drive to the station would not be fun*
*if the drawling male voice hadn't niggled at my subconscious, the name certainly did, that and the tension pouring off the presence on the other side of the car...I recognise it, same energy, threatening, aggressive and I cant keep riding blind any longer, the soft silk of the blindfold tugged down to circle my throat, emerald eyes narrowed, leaning around V with a hand to rock hard, tense muscle, fingers curling into V's shoulder, a mammoth blockade shielding me from the apparent threat of a Detective O'Neal....wild masculine aggression works itself up something good, two males, one human, mirroring a stance that strokes fingers to weapons...and my eyes roll...so much unnecessary posturing, as if the human really had a chance against V. Dodging around leather clad shoulders, my vision alights on the face that matches the name, hazel eyes slightly crazier than last seen but no less familiar without their alcohol glaze...voice soft, the cop already provoked, tentative seeking to diffuse the tension* Butch?
{Butch??? Shooting Tory a bemused look, diamond eyes narrowed, questioning, as I do a double take of the recognition registering between Tory and the CPD officer, the bonded beast prowling along the bars of its cage} What the fuck? You know this male, Tory? <<I SAID, let me see your hands>> {eyes peeled away from her, cranking the heavy weight of an icy stare up to Officer Red Sox as he cuts me off. Like Tory knowing this sonofabitch wasn’t already prodding those base, territorial instincts, a feral growl escaping lips closed in a tight line over dagger fangs, gloved fingers concealed as they close around the hilt of one perfectly weighted blade. Fucker wanted to bait me? His fucking pine box, true. Card carrying member of the Red Sox Nation or not, the cocksucker was so much dead meat. Words growled in Tory's direction} Tory. Stay put, true. This won't take long, feel me?
V....*my voice is low with warning...I'd have to be an idiot not to sense the violent possession rolling from V's body, his muscles bunched, poised to attack, even in the confines of the vehicle and if either one got a draw on their weapons I'd be disposing of a human body, possibly mangled, knowing the brutality of a bonded male protecting his mate...a heavy exhale flutters escaping strands of ebony hair from my face, my hand slipping down to @Vishous_unbound's thigh, squeezing lightly for attention* Dont....dont kill him... *a hair trigger...Butch is on a hair trigger, something riled him up all wrong and he's got it in for my male, his anger palpable, his enmity uncalled for, completely out of the blue...but he doesnt deserve to die for his stupidity and arrogance* V...Butch has helped me out a couple of times...in the past. When I ran into the law with blood on my hands? *eyes wide emerald imploring, fingers digging into the column of your thigh, a quick glance catching Butch's glare* Just dont kill him...
What?! {Meeting Tory’s eyes.. confused..morbid jealousy momentarily clouding the logical process of thought.. totally fucking blindsided at the idea of Tory getting all cheek by jowel cozy with this human male..yeah, I just bet he 'helped' her out..Attention drawn to the bite of Tory's nails digging crescents into the tensed muscle of my thigh, just a split-second lapse in concentration, but enough to swing the odds.. gaze jerking up from her clawed fingers in the direction of a click..and there it was. Fuck! The all too familiar sound of a gun being cocked. Staring down the muzzle trained on me through the window of the Escalade at point-blank range. Not even I could survive a hit that tight and with Tory riding shotgun? No way in hell I was risking her, true} <<HANDS ASSHOLE! And step out of the cah’. Or I put a window in the back of your damn skull>>
No....*threads of sound whispering from lungs that have stopped their breathing, not even a heartbeat in the tense silence, gaze locked on the muzzle of the gun, aimed straight at V....no...Butch's command, laden with a taut nonsensical fury growling a threat my mind doesnt even want to register...fuck...how do we end up on the wrong end of guns? Fucking wired cop is a riot of emotion, bubbling under his skin and turning every move to a provocation V would take up the minute he could...then Butch is done for...and even with me defending him...and believe me, I am supporting him less and less the longer he trains his weapon on my male...it wouldnt help any..not now. Lowering my tone, tamping down fear for growling reasoning* Butch, what the fuck are you doing? He hasnt done anything, you cant just....<<You. Stop talkin’. Out of the car too>>*an arch stare raising the delicate line of my brow, emeralds set to a glare of daggers, my hand on the door* You'll have to back up, or he wont be able to get out without stuffing your muzzle into his face...*and if a slight sheepish flush raises on his skin, it's lost to the slam of doors as Butch backs up and I move to stand beside V...well...more a little in front, a feminine barrier trying to bar Butch's sight from V...no way he'd shoot a female...I hope*
{the muzzle of the cop’s weapon is a cold steel prod, wedged into the base of my neck as a heavy hand clamps down on my shoulder, and I allow myself to be manhandled away from Tory and shoved into a wall, stubbled jaw mashed into the rough brickwork, this human cop's breath hot, prickling the tiny hairs at the back of my neck, his scent an earthy blend of single malt whiskey and Aqua di Parma cologne. <<you wanna tell me what you're doin' out here this time 'a night?>> {cracking a hard smile} Just out for a drive, true. You? Never been on a date, cop? {I swear the human actually fucking growls in my ear as first my right arm, then my left are yanked behind me, neck straining to make eye contact with Tory, heavily-muscled shoulders popping in their sockets as the cop slaps on the cuffs, and he's a real pro with the metal, true. Steel teeth ratcheting tight on thick wrists as he spits angry words in my ear} <<uhuh, brought yourselves some mahshmallows to toast on this little bonfire too?>> {the backdrop inferno of the still-blazing abattoir throwing off almost as much heat as the cop himself as he tightens the cuffs another notch, cutting into flesh and leather ..that's it cocksucker, just a little lower, true.. Just slip off the glove and you'll be the one getting toasted tonight} <<Hate breakin' it to ya, asshole, but this ain't no fucking lovah's lane and you two sure as hell ain’t datin’ >>
Fuck...*muttering curses, my arms wrap my curves in a self comforting embrace, eyes frantic locked on V, pressed to the wall, Butch's hands clicking the cuffs down around my males wrists and that's about as fucking good for my sanity as the muzzle digging into V's skull...fuck...MINE...no-one cuffs him but me...a weird possessive surge rolling the violent growl of a barely leashed Rottweiler into the night air, shimmering with a threat that is too strong for Butch to ignore..his head snapping around, eyes flared wide searching for a rabid canine and faced with me...fuck the past, fuck helping him, he hurt V and memories would mean jack shit...years ago, long past to me, Butch had pulled himself up onto a bar stool, breath loaded with enough alcohol to start his own business and started in on a very well slurred compliment of my person, a drawling, hilariously sweet come on that had incited pity, not hatred, too desperate to be angry at, my simple 'Go find Cherry Pie, Butch, she'll take care of you a lot better than I will...' going unheeded, lost in the haze of drunken lust...I knew how to kill, to hurt...what he wanted...no way in fucking hell...deaf to my suggestion soft lips had taken mine with a Lag laced infusion of hungry pressure...Fuck..I'd toppled him off his stool so damn fast and ran...shit...Diamond eyes were narrowed in a craning of thick neck, piercing through emerald with a stare that I could only meet with unspoken apology* Let him go Butch...
{Oh fuck NoNoNoNo!! you have got to be fucking kidding me!!..the image of that cop's filthy, slobbering mouth on Tory burned like a brand on my retinas..crushed harder into the wall of a building as my body tenses, rage boiling up just beneath the surface, reflected in the questioning diamond gaze that locks onto Tory, willing a denial, voice tight with restraint, mouth distorted, mashed into the brick by the pressure of the gun barrel digging into my throat, pulse hammering a furious beat against the muzzle} You need to leave. You need to get the fuck out of here. Now <<DO NOT LOOK AT HER!!>> {Biting out a snarl.. oookay..sucking in a ragged breath...Now... I am ready to fucking kill... Having copped an eyeful of that drunk make-out session with Tory....shit was going to get real ugly..a sardonic smile curling my lips, biding my time as I allow the cop to frisk my body and rifle through pockets for weapons..Glocks, blades, ammo piling up on the asphalt <<Jesus Christ, You got some ID? Or wasn't there room in here for a wallet, with the thirty pounds of concealed weapons you're carryin'?>> {His voice is like the drone of an annoying insect in my ear..an insect I fully intend to squash.. fuck yes..I plan to look this sonofabitch right in the eye while the life bleeds from his body <<You got a name, asshole?>>
Vishous...his name is Vishous...not asshole...*growls thrumming loud, I've been worked into a tense crouch of defensive female, about ready to kill the fucker myself but with the gun so close, one wrong move could have V's brains colouring the wall...and I kinda like his brains...my fingers caressing the hilt of a dagger...silly cop, check my male but dont search the innocent little female...a mistake many make and my fingers curl tight on the black hilt as the human snarls, riding my hackles right up* <<Do you have a hearing problem, sweetheart? I said stop talkin'>>*boring holes in the back of the cops skull, I wait, for a dagger strike...or the perfect shot*
{A snarl ripping through clenched teeth.. speaking to Tory in that tone of voice? Strike. Three. Motherfucker. SOB got a death wish? I am more that happy to oblige the cocksucker} Tory, please leave. Now. {a tightly growled plea for her to dematerialize to safety before this sitch gets real nasty. Allowing myself to be spun around, bunched shoulders slammed back into brick wall, the pain only fuelling my hatred for this Butch O'Neal, diamond stare a penetrating threat as the cop wedges the gun into the stubbled skin just beneath my jaw, his free hand stripping my black daggers from their holster..I won't need blades to kill him, true. My words are laced with acid} You gonna arrest me, cop? <<Yeah. I am>> What for? {the cop crawls up in my face} <<Let me think. Arson. Concealed weapons..>> Don't forget murder, true. You ever been inside a body bad, officer? <<Don’t threaten me>> Not a threat, cop. {aggression flowing a venomous circuit between this human male and myself, lips pulled into a cold sneer} I'm going to enjoy killing you, Butch O'Neal {the cop's elbow cocks back, meaty hand fisted, ready to connect hard with my jaw...then freezes in mid-air as my lips peel back to bare a set of monstrous fangs} Happy fucking Halloween. Officer.
*A snicker and eye roll escaped at V's words...so cocky, my hellren..but I'm too wound up to enjoy it for long, Butch's fist threatening to bust fangs and his short pause allows seconds to pass in a blur of movement, my Glock making friendly with the cops head, pulled in that moment to kiss muzzle to skull, a chain of potential death channeled through firearms and anger* I'm thinking, my trigger finger is a lot faster than yours...*So calm, the quiet in the storm of murderous intent. No one hurts my hellren, and now I have a hand in this game, my violence is amped up, cranking for freedom, eyes locked on V with a slow stroke down ivory fangs* You gonna let us go, Butch? We havent done anything, you can just...forget all about us...*lulling, hypnotic, my tone reaches for his attention...I need that gun away from V...He'd got in a hit, his stupor at the flash of not so costumey fangs pressing play on the pause of shock, Butch's fist slamming forwards to a chorus of growls, my gun cocked, trigger teased* Do it again and we'll see how your brain looks decorating leather...*and then we're fucked...in a bad way....sirens in the not so distance closing in like wailing shrieks of rolling cages....too close...here...skidding into stops in front of the blazing building...too many...we're fast but if they open fire V and I will resemble colanders more than vampires...shit fuck, motherfucker....trapped, dematting out of the question, there are just too many minds to wipe and that kind of damage control would get fierce shit from the King...Lovely....Butch shifted his weapon a second before I did, letting the gun hang off my finger in a half surrender of situation. I'm homicidal not suicidal and that act of disarming has me slapped up next to V, the bite of metal to my wrist torquing my body in a panicked jerk, a heavy arm pinning between my shoulder blades as the cuffs click closed, manacling my wrists...fuck...*<<Be calm miss...You and your boy get to take a little ride with us...Detective...You ok?>>*I'm zoned, teeth clenched tight, read rights I barely hear and bundled into a squad car...alone...V ducked and pushed into the tight space of another...fuck...the drive to the station would not be fun*
Monday, 17 October 2011
Blind date
*Utter darkness...Blindfolded, bundled into a car, no idea where I'm going, the night air a welcome breeze rolling through the open window to flood the passenger seat with a cool wash to flushed skin...wicked male... when V said surprise, I didnt think it would include wearing a compulsory blindfold and us both being clothed. But I'll wait, I'll be patient, then I'll beat him over the head if he pitches up outside McDonald's or something...TGI Fridays, I could maybe get on board with, at least the booths there allowed for illicit encounters...enough room to...move...blind miles pass by, the low drone of the engine and the random sounds of my shuffling iPod in no way able to silence the devilish smirk and continuous, 'Are we there yet?' punishing my males ears for his secrecy. With my eyes on lock down, my mind is devouring the scents coming through the open window, judging, distancing, trying to track...until glass shuts down my blood hound impression with a whir of electrical motors, and a blind glare burns through silk to sear with my frustration shuffling down in my seat, fingers wind through 's belt loop, I offer up a soft, slightly huffy* Are we there yet?
So impatient, shellan mine {the tires of the Escalade rolling to a stop at the kerb of the deserted street, headlamps killed, reliant on enhanced night vision and the murky yellow light thrown from the few streetlights that survived the rough neighbourhood's version of Darwinism, cutting a glance over to Tory, riding shotgun, blindfold, fangs gnawing on her full lower lip, fingers fidgeting with the belt loops of my leathers... anticipation mingled with just a frisson of fear..and fuck if that doesn't stroke up the darker recesses of my psyche..doubt tugging momentarily..maybe this wasn't such a bright idea.. might have pictured a very different kind of 'date', but damn, we both needed some closure on the fucked-up shit that went down here} Yeah, Tory, we're here {barking a laugh as your head continues to nod to the beat of whatever tune is blaring on your ipod, the white buds tugged from your ears, goatee a velvet brush at your throat as I lean in to whisper} We're here Tory. Just, don't freak the fuck out, true {gloved hand reaching to untie the blindfold}
*head jerking slightly with a flare of ebony waves as I'm unplugged, disconnected from the rock out beat of Breaking Benjamin with a rasping hush of stubble, your voice replacing the sudden silence...and dread descends, even before the black fold of fabric slips from my eyes...you'd never warn me if something pleasant was going to fill my sight would never warn me if we had parked outside some restaurant with it's bustle of humans or exclusive vampire clientele so my gut coils with the dark foreboding rising with the scent of the river, seeping through the glass, that rank stench of death washing through the vehicle, crawling through the tiniest of gaps to invade my senses with violent memories...and my head is shaking, fingers clawing through the thick strands of my hair with anxious absent motions fabric slipped from my eyes to pierce you with emerald fear, vivid, darkened by shadows, turned on you with shock as my fingers white knuckle themselves back into your belt loop...clinging, voice tremulous* No....Just no...Why..? No....
{I was coming back to the scene of this crime whether I liked it or not, true. The kind of massacre of vampire bodies left behind in that slaughter house, with no sunlight to dispose of the evidence.. that shit would give the human X-files conspiracy theorist eggheads a hard-on like you wouldn't believe, Caldwell would have its very own area 51, Wrath would go fucking ballistic. This was part of my role.. cleaner for the Brotherhood..but I'd taken a gamble on bringing Tory here, because what was rotting inside that building was festering inside her head too. I only hoped my calculated risk wasn't going to come back and bite me in the ass, true. Gloved palm reaching up to cup your cheek, free hand steadying the tremble in your white-knuckled hand at my waist, meeting the wide-eyed terror of your emerald gaze with iced diamond, tone level, reassuring} Because I want you to see, Tory...I want you to see this nightmare hellscape razed to the fucking ground, true
*Fuck..I dont want to go in there...I dont want to see...I dont want to know...your touch eases, sending the darkness into remission for a short time, your skin on mine, leather cradling my jaw with tender authority, lending me the strength to at least...look...fuck...blinking down my lids, just the slightest glimpse of that accursed building roiling and churning bile in my gut, nausea spreading out a sheen of sweat to paled skin, panic glistening in the dim light like droplets of terror, blackening my heart, staining memories with the ink of the past, and merging the two again....Ebony lashes lift slowly, brow creasing, emeralds wary falling to diamond reassurance at the soft sure words* Burn it? *History repeats itself...it's inevitable apparently...a century gone I'd watched my house...no, HIS house...his dungeon go up in the hellfire of my vengeance, waited for the sun to burn HIS living remains and then torched everything, an explosive release of dynamite aggression, bloodthirsty power raining a blaze on the demons inside...fuck...trembling hands harshly tug the thigh-length mass of my hair into a ponytail, secured back from the fear lined planes of my face with a fierce determination...the door opened, my body slipped from the comfort of the Escalade, away from you, your support, the air you provide to gasping panicking lungs...and re-joined just as quickly, snapped back into place like a rubber band of intense connection, reformed to your side with the few steps you take, bringing us closer to hell* then let's go...'cause my body is a few breaths away from dematerializing...*that way, I'd simply cease to exist until I got to the haven of our suite...laced around your fingers, the door looms in front of us like the rusty old gates to hell*
{Fuck..I can smell your fear, the dread that rolls off you in trembling surges..it's what I wanted..extreme exposure..but in the face of your anguish, your bone-breaking grip on my knuckles..I have a wavering moment of doubt. Squaring up in front of the solid metal door of the hulking, industrial building..behind its high walls lies the evil labyrinth of hooks and chains..the cages, the spirit of that motherfucker with his hands all over you, the guilt and fury that haunts my dreams and yours. Time had come to exorcise the SOB once and for fucking all, true. Teeth yanking on the buckle securing the glove to my cursed right hand, the lead-lined leather fingers tugged between snarling fangs to expose the ethereal, back-lit glow, the inked warnings in the Old Language standing out, illuminated from behind with a pulsating, radiant energy, a force, a power I feel channeling through my body, humming in every cell like a high tension wire, locking eyes with yours, the glow flaring to retina-burning brightness in the gloomy half-light of the abandoned street as I press my palm to the steel door, the metal hissing, yielding to the intense heat in a molten, orange glowing handprint, white-hot cracks fissuring out from my twitching palm, a giant spiderweb of consuming magma flames hooking blistering, incinerating claws into the concrete fabric}
*Holy...fuck....My eyes protest the luminous sunlight pouring from my hellren's hand, warping and swirling with fluid incandescent otherworldly light, peeking through my lashes as the fiery beast swarms over the door, rising, raking rivers of lava, thin lines spanning the door, like flaming spores spreading out with blazing fingers to devour and melt, brick, metal, wood, everything gives to the tendrils of flames pouring out from your glowing palm in licking hungry advances, an apocalypse of fire setting the abattoir up on the pyre of nightmarish memories, incinerating piece by piece, the demonic energy shattering building into debris with combusting screams of falling beams and the blast of glass flowing molten in the wake of such nuclear heat, a devastation, an inferno of bright orange and pluming reds, billowing black and grey monsters roaring their agony in the smoke clouding out. Violence, Terror, Cruelty...they wail and writhe as embers explode to the fiery teeth slicing through foundations and shuddering the world in an insanity of blazing carnage, a massacre of ravaging flames destroying....everything....and I just watch, forehead rested to your arm, peering out at the memories flickering in the smoke and burning wreckage...soon it would be nothing...just the ash of a true Evil...filtered down to be swept by the wind...light, the tears roll down heat red cheeks in a crystal wash of release*
{Drawing you back from the blistering heat and billowing smoke that the building coughs up into the night in a giant, black mushroom cloud. The chain-reaction, once initiated, morphing into an animated beast of relentless, infernal destruction. Cursed hand re-sheathed in protective lead and leather, your eyes met, the heat scorching my skin like a sunburn, an ablution of fire, flames dancing in the emerald, tear-jewelled brilliance of your eyes, your lips twitched up in smile edged with insanity and defiance, a smile that tells me this was exactly the right thing to do and when I got you home I had plans to brand a whole new set of memories into your subconscious, a decadent feast of pleasure pain..but now..fuck..the mhis were good..but not that fucking good.. already the scream of sirens carrying down the wind, and I needed out of this Godforsaken shit-hole before the place was swarming with the Caldwell fire department and the CPD's finest, a wide ivory-fanged smile curling my lips, your mouth claimed with rough-stubbled possession, gloved hand at the small of your back, guiding you back towards the Escalade, yours eyes lingering on the licking, hypnotic flames as we move} time to get the fuck out of dodge, Tory.. I'm nowhere near finished with our 'blind' date, feel me? {growling a kiss to your vein}
*allowing you to usher me away, my legs obeying when my head is fixed gazing at the pyre of smoke and flames lighting up the night with a bonfire of raging destruction that lends an orange glow to midnight blue* Not...finished, my love? *my brow is quirked up, my throat arched, body settled back into the seat and humming with a new heat, a sexual warmth that replaces terror with erotic anticipation, your lips teasing, distracting, fluttering my lids closed with gentle kisses that steal my breath and take away from the slip of silk refastened to black out my sight and send my senses soaring* V...*fisting your collar, my lips are a hairsbreadth from yours...slowly closing the...fuck! Jolting, the knock to tinted windows sends my heart hammering, so caught up in you, in our world of seduction, I didnt hear any approach*
{Narrowed diamond eyes darting to the heavy rapping on the other side of the Escalade's tinted glass, a finger depressing the switch for the passenger side window, Glock palmed in my lap, the dark glass glides down on a whir, doing a slow reveal of the human male's face...Red Sox hat pulled low on hazel eyes that flare, taking in the sight of Tory's blindfold, busted up nose, mouth opening to reveal a chipped front tooth, a Boston accent and the scent of expensive Scotch on his breath drifting into the confines of the Escalade with a muttered} <<Mawtha a'Gawd. Miss?...are you alright?>>.......................
Thursday, 13 October 2011
{Between the hot air blowing out the heater vents and the low growl of the Hummer's engine as Qhuinn sped us through the Caldwell night, Tory succumbed to the pull of exhaustion, lax in my arms, insensible as I carried her from the elevator and laid her down in our mated bed. The black silk might be cold, but still it offered up a cloud of that dark, possessive scent infused into their fibres. Telling myself sleep was good for Tory...restorative...healing. But the down side? I was left alone with my malignant thoughts...Correction: not alone.. because that was the fucking problem, true. I hadn't just brought Tory home tonight. However dead the SOB might be, HIS scent was fucking everywhere...on me...on Tory... impregnated into her clothes, every strand of her silken hair and fuck if that didn't get my territorial, bonded male instincts All. Fired. Up. Tory oblivious as I unlaced her combat boots and slipped them from her feet, a dagger unsheathed with a rasp of cold steel on leather to slice Tory's ragged shirt from her skin, that motherfucker's reeking stank on Tory clawing at my skin like a swarm of venomous scorpions, gloved hand fisted with rage as I rammed Tory's offending clothing into a black duffle, my own leathers thrown in after, everything infected with HIS stench. I half-jogged, half-ran down the emergency stairs to the basement furnace, the licking orange flames reflected in ice-white irises, feeling the heat of the blaze scorch my skin as I watched that fucker go up in a burst flames. Back turned on the fire, I beat feet back to the Penthouse...to Tory's still sleeping form...and I showered, scrubbed my skin raw like a fucking decontamination protocol, pulled a fresh set of leathers up my thighs, even trashed my glove for untainted hide. Hands braced on the bathroom sink, face lifted to my own scruffy reflection. Damp black hair falling into diamond eyes that stare back at me with a crazed, unhinged look...yup...welcome to the world of the fucking bonded male...................}
*Fuck.......bleary eyes open warily to a flickering darkness, my brain switching back on from an exhaustion coma with groans and aches that travel the length of my body in a dull throb of healing, flailing out sleep-dead limbs in some semblance of movement as the mental and physical seek to reconcile, to get back on track from a separation that kept my mind from destroying itself...fuck...damn world is hazy to all my senses, like I'm touching things through a plastic wrapper, seeing through swim goggles, hearing under water...but fuck...the one sense I would kill to dampen right now is on full fucking power, bombarding me with the scent of my torture, my torturer, it's on me...HIS touch, the scent of HIS blood, HIS skin, drowning my cells in the rank stench of his assault, a noxious perfume staining my body with the memories evoked at just a whiff of that revolting stink...I am disgusting, lying in a bed of bonding scent that touches the edges of HIS rancid brand with greedy tendrils, desperately winding through my senses with dark spices...not enough...like a rose in a garbage heap...I need to plant a whole damn rose garden...and I'm already seeking out the source of that faint beautiful scent, drawing me into the swell of sultry steam infused with the unique, soul saving incense of my male...V...I need to bathe in that scent...my haven...bedraggled, dry blood coated as I am, my arms still wrap stealthily around V's waist, keeping the worst of the scum from his skin...I need to shower, scrub layers of flesh off before he can touch me, but the low whispered words beg for my hellren's presence* Stay with me...please...while I shower...I dont want to be in here alone...
{sensing your presence long before those fragile arms wind around my bare waist, rooted to the spot, my head swivels back towards the plea in your voice, fingers tightening reflexively around the cold porcelain lip of the sink as your scent floods my lungs, fangs unsheathed on a hiss...whoa Vishous...yanking hard on the mental choke-chain of my restraint, because given a thin inch, the caged, predatorial beast would be all fucking over you, devouring you alive...fuck...dipping my head in a short nod, voice distorted by the effort of containment} Not going anywhere, Tory, true...
*fingertips grazing the ripped muscle of your abs in a lingering reassurance before my skin leaves yours and that tightness in my chest starts up again, my lungs closing off, throat swallowing around a fist of insane separation anxiety I've only ever felt in the aftermath of the Omega's games...fuck...shutting myself quickly into the shower, the water is scalding, a boiling wash of heat pouring rain to tender flesh and searing off skin with the brutal scrubbing, a cheese-grater peeling HIM from my body scent molecule by scent molecule...and I can feel you...on the other side of the glass, a tempest of male instinct stuffed into the body of a warrior, all tension and power burning hotter than the water ...cleansed raw, my forehead leans to slick marble, wet curves shivering in the torrent of fiery water as blood washes rusty down the drain, swirling every last piece of HIM into the sewers where he belongs...but still...I'm...tainted...*
{snagging a black cotton towel from the rail, leather-covered ass slid up onto the bathroom counter to wait for you, the pent-up tension in my warrior frame escaping through hairline cracks, shitkickers swinging, pounding a heavy beat on the marble, fangs cutting into the soft flesh of my lip, breaths growled from my lungs, the towel twisted in tight fists, flicked out into the steamy, soap-scented air that floods the bathroom, a satisfying pop as the tip of the towel cracks, just like a whip...just like...FUCK!!!...like the one that motherfucker used on your skin...I'd seen the marks but all I'd cared about then was that you were breathing, that you would live for me...now?...now it clawed at my heart, invading, taking root in my soul like a cancer...}
*breath leaves my lungs on a wet exhalation, a sigh trying to rid myself of the heavy feeling in my gut, the sense that my skin is not as clean as it looks, that even with it raw and in places bleeding, I will still be able to smell HIM, feel him when I leave the sterile heat of the cubicle...I have so many demons, and they crawl and swarm, making me dirty with their memories until I cant see myself...I need you to make me clean, to bathe me in the scent I dreamt of in the hanging prison...bracing, steeling myself to face the powerful purity of your presence...flushed porcelain skin pats out of the shower stall for a towel, sodden hair wrapping hot, wet curves in a blanket of soaked silk...coming up empty* nallum? Have you taken the towel? *wouldnt put it past you, you had a tendency to like me naked and it's not the first time you've left me towel less...but I dont want you to see the marks that arent yours, still healing...still branding* V?
This what you're looking for Tory? {Fuck...the feral weight of my diamond stare heavy on the flushed wet curves of your naked skin, the black Egyptian cotton bath-sheet sliding through my palms, my voice betraying the tension that hums just beneath the surface, looping the towel over your head to snag your ass in a cotton lasso, yanking your dripping wet, inked curves between my seated thighs, water slicking leather, streaming rivulets over the erotic geography of your form, dropping my forehead to yours on a low growl, goatee'd mouth a breath..a fucking eternity from your wet lips, voice cracking} Fuck, I missed you Tory...I thought I'd lost you....
wicked male....*surrendering to the towel leash wrapping wet skin in a reining tug that brings me to you, face upturned in a silent demanding expectation of the kisses you hold off, hovering over my lips with a tension that thickens the air, the weight of your gaze tightening my body, drawing up the hard pink peaks of my nipples, kissed by cool air, I am helpless to stop the visceral reaction, it is as breathing, instinctual, necessary...captured between your thighs, my cage is one of arousal, wet palms slipping up your water-glossed clean leathers, voice taut breathed to your lips, trying to reassure that broken edge* I missed you V...*taking your next breath with a kiss, rough, animal* You will never lose me....*fingers wandering to curve into your waistband and feather my thumb to hot skin, anchoring* you're getting wet....
Yes. I am..{the words swallowed by the ravaging crush of your starved mouth on mine, stealing my breath, shitkickers crossed at the heels, locking powerful calves to the lithe mounds of your ass, animal hunger driving me to grind your bare, intimate skin on the thick, iron ridge that strains the seams of my leathers, your hair dripping, sodden silk, heavy on my biceps, the counter height negating our substantial height difference, the erect peaks of your nipples grazing my scarred pecs, my words husky, punctuated by biting kisses as my hungry, goatee'd mouth devours your heat-swollen lips} Question is Tory....are you?
hmmm...wet or wicked? *jailed in the confines of your body, a willing prisoner in the aroused lock of limbs, the hard press of steely flesh restrained by leather and grinding out a command for freedom against intimate skin answered by the rock of my hips, the beaded peaks of my nipples rubbing a tantalising friction to the steam damp heat of your chest...and I'm melting...demons scurry from the heat, their ice thawing in the wake of igniting arousal, my thighs wet with slick desire, delicate folds jewelled by the dew of lust, drenched...dragging deep, fiery, lingering kisses from your mouth, an invitation spelled out in purrs and grinding undulations, bitten to your lips in feral hunger* Why dont you find out?
Fuck.. you challenging me Tory? {control balanced on a knife-edge, words thick with lust and erotic threat, breathed and bitten savagely to your lips, accentuated by the hard-ground revolution of my hips that work my arousal on the slippery sensitive nerve-centre at the top of your cleft...feeling exactly how wet and wicked you are, a molten desire that licks flames of erotic heat over my skin and pulses a throbbing ache through the rock-hard shaft of my cock} because, Tory...you know I can't resist a fucking challenge, true {wet velvet tongue pushing at the seam of your lips, opening you up to me even as strong hands yank on the towel, spinning your curves like a beyblade that reels you face forward to the tiled wall, wet palms splaying on marble to halt the centrifugal force that torques your body, hair an ebony wet lash of soaked curls falling to your ass as the towel dumps, sodden to the floor and I'm on my feet not a millisecond after you, on my knees the next, fingers digging hard into the curve of your hips, tilting back your pelvis for the rasping, hot, slick stroke of my tongue through the silky, swollen lips of your core, groaning with the raw need to taste you...mark you...own you...fuck...vibrating a growl to your lusciously soft, aroused flesh} fuck Tory....wickedly wet, true...
*a twirl of wet flesh splaying palms to the slippery tiles in a hard impact that shocks me to a gasp, one minute wrapped up in you, the next flush to cold surface, my hips cocked up and back, thighs split, the dominating presence of your hungry warrior body plastering me to the wall in a tender assault of ravenous lips and burning abrasive stubble to the swollen soaked folds of my most intimate flesh, a kiss, intense, erotic, lips meeting lips, tongue sweeping a rasp of velvety licks through the glossy pool of my arousal, dipping into the silken flesh of my sex to torture a firebrand of sensation in curling, probing advances, devouring me with kisses of such possessive sexual intimacy that my thighs tremble, and my hips grind down in a slow beat tempo, guiding your tongue, riding your expert, savagely arousing mouth and basking in the cleansing purity of carnal fire as whimper-cries fill the air with sizzling passion and lust glistens on my skin* fuck...V...yes...*molten on your tongue, my body liquid fire, trembling a tension building with each stroke*
Tory...{fuuuck.. falling back on my heels, your ass gripped savagely, firm flesh squeezed up in rough hands until your toes are scraping marble and your palms are squeaking wet on tile, head thrown back, the raspy stubble of my goatee circling an abrasive rhythm on your clit as my mouth ravages the lush, molten plunder of your sex, your arousal melting on my tongue, glossing starved lips that suck greedily on your folds, my tongue a wet muscular spear thrust with fast, penetrating flicks through the tight-clenched rings guarding the threshold of your core, tapping the well of slick honey that slips down my throat, then flat and raspy, laving long, tantalising strokes that run the entire length of your cleft, jaw locked hard against the downward grind of your pelvis, bony resistance to work the aching, gyrating need that tenses your thighs to trembling muscle, fangs grazing delicate skin with every sucking drag through your flesh, hands clenched hard on your ass, a merciless, relentless, devouring assault, every breath growled rough to aroused flesh} Ahhh...fuck...Tory...
oh fuck..fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck..*unintelligible murmurs, nails clawing for purchase on wet marble, you own my body, playing me like a well tuned instrument with sucking drags that trap sensitive folds in the heat of your mouth, nipping a threat of fangs that provokes wild shivers of ecstasy and cranks the riding rock of my hips to a fever pitch, infected with lust as I grind to your jaw, working my clit to the abrasive stubble of your goatee, that tiny bud tormented with agonising sensitivity and overwhelming pleasure jerking my spine to an arc of desire, kicking up the pace, racing fire through the fast pulsing circuit of my blood and jolting sexual electric shocks to clench contractions around the thrust and retreat of your tongue...fuck...you master my body with alternate strokes...backing off when I demand more, attacking me with long, rough fluttering laps, piercing the well of my desire until I'm begging for mercy and my knees buckle...a constant ravaging merciless carnal pleasure drawn out until I'm near delirious from ecstasy, the first quakes of my climax rolling on and on in a continuous lightning explosion of orgasmic tremors, merging, overlapping, working me to peak after shuddering peak with the devilish expertise of your mouth, tongue, fangs...nicks of pain prolonging bliss, short circuiting sentience until I am a floating entity of incandescent love* holy...V...
Fuck YES!! {snarling, biting, grinding, rasping, tongue-fucking your whimper-abused, quivering, orgasmic flesh, a hand released to pop the button and ride the zipper down the heavy ridge of my cock, surging to my feet in a fluid move, gloved palm planted over the back of your right hand in a claw of barely leashed passion, free hand spanning your belly, literally holding you up as your body spasms through multiple releases, fangs clamping a hard lock on your pulsing vein, gritting out words laced with raw need} I'm going to come inside you now, Tory {angling the demanding head of my cock to your suck-raw throbbing entrance, pushing through the vised resistance of your core in a brutal thrust that flattens your ass against my abs and fuck...so damned aroused, the fever of lust flushing my skin, pumping through the thickly veined shaft of my cock that it takes just those few, wickedly targeted, cry-inducing tight strokes before my hips are bucking reflexively in the throes of blindingly exquisite release, thrusting the molten brand of my love and possession to the tender depths of your core on a warrior cry} FUCK!!!
*cries rent the air in a symphony of soul soaring ecstasy, but there's no mistaking the rasp of a zipper, the low growled promise in my ear threatening destructive euphoria...thrilling me as our bodies join in an impact of souls and flesh...yes...more, my body collapsed in your arms, relying on your strength to keep me upright, and yet I wind, I undulate, urging on the rough penetration lancing you into the heart of me...cant get enough...more...raw, tender flesh shaping your shaft in the slick fist of greedy need, devouring inches, milking the pumping thrusts driving you to the edge as my fingers grasp around yours, anchoring us both as you fall in a tackling climax of surging fire, curves twisting in sensuous dances of fluid muscle, a being of carnal ecstasy locked to her mate with the vising caresses of euphoric bliss and soul completing love* fuck, Vishous...damn...*fuck that scent makes my head spin, brings the world together and shatters it...realigning skewed facets of my soul...peace in the plume of blooming spices, possessive stroking across sex flushed skin, encasing me in the shroud of our union and erasing any trace of HIM with the beauty of our bonding*
Tory, you have no idea how much I fucking love you {spine curled around yours, hips spasming, drilling your shower-soaked curves into the bathroom tile, goateed jaw falling to your shoulder on a growl of pure male satisfaction, fangs grazing your skin, gloved fingers laced with yours in a hard, climactic grip, musky spices usurping the clean fragrance of your soap, annihilating any lingering trace of HIM, rising up in the steamy tendrils that wrap our bodies in wet heat, infusing every inch of your skin, every strand of your hair with possessive, vicious love and unbreakable bond} MINE!!
I fucking love you....all yours, only yours...for every forever beyond infinity...*no scent on me but yours, branding possession in every molecule, your name written into every atom of my being, your aroma infused into the cells of my body, a fragranced stamp of ownership I dont mind in the least...a testament to your love, to this soul connection that keeps my heart beating and my lungs working, welded to every hard muscled plane of your body in a languid purr of ultimate satisfaction...until you move, and my hand slips in the grip of yours, sliding over marble tiles in a pinning glide of heart-racing frantic momentary panic...fuck...a brief shadow of hanging, dangling memories and I'm strung taut, panting fighting to shut down the image as it flickers...and fades with the banding strength of your embrace...fuck...head dropping back to your shoulder in a cascade of damp curls that lash my ass, the backs of my thighs in a silk stroke, lids low, disguising the lingering shadows with drowsy sex-blissed emeralds* mmm...now I smell like you again..*bringing our joined hands to my lips, breathless kisses placed reverently to your knuckles*
{Fuck! Your body stills in my arms, relaxed, shuddering curves suddenly tense against my chest, your heart hammering at the vein in your throat and it feels like the air just got sucked from the room...replaced by an arctic chill, low brows darkening diamond eyes, biting back a growl when I see it...that image of HIM projected from your brain...looming large...MOTHERFUCKER!! he was at your back, just as I am now...his hands on you...touching, groping you...rage building inside me like a scream for vengeance...I could kill the fucker, tear him apart with my own teeth, we could scrub him from our skin, burn him from our clothes, replace his reeking stench with the essence of bonding, but clearly it was going to take something more...extreme...to exorcise the dark memories of HIM from your consciousness forever..................}
*Fuck.......bleary eyes open warily to a flickering darkness, my brain switching back on from an exhaustion coma with groans and aches that travel the length of my body in a dull throb of healing, flailing out sleep-dead limbs in some semblance of movement as the mental and physical seek to reconcile, to get back on track from a separation that kept my mind from destroying itself...fuck...damn world is hazy to all my senses, like I'm touching things through a plastic wrapper, seeing through swim goggles, hearing under water...but fuck...the one sense I would kill to dampen right now is on full fucking power, bombarding me with the scent of my torture, my torturer, it's on me...HIS touch, the scent of HIS blood, HIS skin, drowning my cells in the rank stench of his assault, a noxious perfume staining my body with the memories evoked at just a whiff of that revolting stink...I am disgusting, lying in a bed of bonding scent that touches the edges of HIS rancid brand with greedy tendrils, desperately winding through my senses with dark spices...not enough...like a rose in a garbage heap...I need to plant a whole damn rose garden...and I'm already seeking out the source of that faint beautiful scent, drawing me into the swell of sultry steam infused with the unique, soul saving incense of my male...V...I need to bathe in that scent...my haven...bedraggled, dry blood coated as I am, my arms still wrap stealthily around V's waist, keeping the worst of the scum from his skin...I need to shower, scrub layers of flesh off before he can touch me, but the low whispered words beg for my hellren's presence* Stay with me...please...while I shower...I dont want to be in here alone...
{sensing your presence long before those fragile arms wind around my bare waist, rooted to the spot, my head swivels back towards the plea in your voice, fingers tightening reflexively around the cold porcelain lip of the sink as your scent floods my lungs, fangs unsheathed on a hiss...whoa Vishous...yanking hard on the mental choke-chain of my restraint, because given a thin inch, the caged, predatorial beast would be all fucking over you, devouring you alive...fuck...dipping my head in a short nod, voice distorted by the effort of containment} Not going anywhere, Tory, true...
*fingertips grazing the ripped muscle of your abs in a lingering reassurance before my skin leaves yours and that tightness in my chest starts up again, my lungs closing off, throat swallowing around a fist of insane separation anxiety I've only ever felt in the aftermath of the Omega's games...fuck...shutting myself quickly into the shower, the water is scalding, a boiling wash of heat pouring rain to tender flesh and searing off skin with the brutal scrubbing, a cheese-grater peeling HIM from my body scent molecule by scent molecule...and I can feel you...on the other side of the glass, a tempest of male instinct stuffed into the body of a warrior, all tension and power burning hotter than the water ...cleansed raw, my forehead leans to slick marble, wet curves shivering in the torrent of fiery water as blood washes rusty down the drain, swirling every last piece of HIM into the sewers where he belongs...but still...I'm...tainted...*
{snagging a black cotton towel from the rail, leather-covered ass slid up onto the bathroom counter to wait for you, the pent-up tension in my warrior frame escaping through hairline cracks, shitkickers swinging, pounding a heavy beat on the marble, fangs cutting into the soft flesh of my lip, breaths growled from my lungs, the towel twisted in tight fists, flicked out into the steamy, soap-scented air that floods the bathroom, a satisfying pop as the tip of the towel cracks, just like a whip...just like...FUCK!!!...like the one that motherfucker used on your skin...I'd seen the marks but all I'd cared about then was that you were breathing, that you would live for me...now?...now it clawed at my heart, invading, taking root in my soul like a cancer...}
*breath leaves my lungs on a wet exhalation, a sigh trying to rid myself of the heavy feeling in my gut, the sense that my skin is not as clean as it looks, that even with it raw and in places bleeding, I will still be able to smell HIM, feel him when I leave the sterile heat of the cubicle...I have so many demons, and they crawl and swarm, making me dirty with their memories until I cant see myself...I need you to make me clean, to bathe me in the scent I dreamt of in the hanging prison...bracing, steeling myself to face the powerful purity of your presence...flushed porcelain skin pats out of the shower stall for a towel, sodden hair wrapping hot, wet curves in a blanket of soaked silk...coming up empty* nallum? Have you taken the towel? *wouldnt put it past you, you had a tendency to like me naked and it's not the first time you've left me towel less...but I dont want you to see the marks that arent yours, still healing...still branding* V?
This what you're looking for Tory? {Fuck...the feral weight of my diamond stare heavy on the flushed wet curves of your naked skin, the black Egyptian cotton bath-sheet sliding through my palms, my voice betraying the tension that hums just beneath the surface, looping the towel over your head to snag your ass in a cotton lasso, yanking your dripping wet, inked curves between my seated thighs, water slicking leather, streaming rivulets over the erotic geography of your form, dropping my forehead to yours on a low growl, goatee'd mouth a breath..a fucking eternity from your wet lips, voice cracking} Fuck, I missed you Tory...I thought I'd lost you....
wicked male....*surrendering to the towel leash wrapping wet skin in a reining tug that brings me to you, face upturned in a silent demanding expectation of the kisses you hold off, hovering over my lips with a tension that thickens the air, the weight of your gaze tightening my body, drawing up the hard pink peaks of my nipples, kissed by cool air, I am helpless to stop the visceral reaction, it is as breathing, instinctual, necessary...captured between your thighs, my cage is one of arousal, wet palms slipping up your water-glossed clean leathers, voice taut breathed to your lips, trying to reassure that broken edge* I missed you V...*taking your next breath with a kiss, rough, animal* You will never lose me....*fingers wandering to curve into your waistband and feather my thumb to hot skin, anchoring* you're getting wet....
Yes. I am..{the words swallowed by the ravaging crush of your starved mouth on mine, stealing my breath, shitkickers crossed at the heels, locking powerful calves to the lithe mounds of your ass, animal hunger driving me to grind your bare, intimate skin on the thick, iron ridge that strains the seams of my leathers, your hair dripping, sodden silk, heavy on my biceps, the counter height negating our substantial height difference, the erect peaks of your nipples grazing my scarred pecs, my words husky, punctuated by biting kisses as my hungry, goatee'd mouth devours your heat-swollen lips} Question is Tory....are you?
hmmm...wet or wicked? *jailed in the confines of your body, a willing prisoner in the aroused lock of limbs, the hard press of steely flesh restrained by leather and grinding out a command for freedom against intimate skin answered by the rock of my hips, the beaded peaks of my nipples rubbing a tantalising friction to the steam damp heat of your chest...and I'm melting...demons scurry from the heat, their ice thawing in the wake of igniting arousal, my thighs wet with slick desire, delicate folds jewelled by the dew of lust, drenched...dragging deep, fiery, lingering kisses from your mouth, an invitation spelled out in purrs and grinding undulations, bitten to your lips in feral hunger* Why dont you find out?
Fuck.. you challenging me Tory? {control balanced on a knife-edge, words thick with lust and erotic threat, breathed and bitten savagely to your lips, accentuated by the hard-ground revolution of my hips that work my arousal on the slippery sensitive nerve-centre at the top of your cleft...feeling exactly how wet and wicked you are, a molten desire that licks flames of erotic heat over my skin and pulses a throbbing ache through the rock-hard shaft of my cock} because, Tory...you know I can't resist a fucking challenge, true {wet velvet tongue pushing at the seam of your lips, opening you up to me even as strong hands yank on the towel, spinning your curves like a beyblade that reels you face forward to the tiled wall, wet palms splaying on marble to halt the centrifugal force that torques your body, hair an ebony wet lash of soaked curls falling to your ass as the towel dumps, sodden to the floor and I'm on my feet not a millisecond after you, on my knees the next, fingers digging hard into the curve of your hips, tilting back your pelvis for the rasping, hot, slick stroke of my tongue through the silky, swollen lips of your core, groaning with the raw need to taste you...mark you...own you...fuck...vibrating a growl to your lusciously soft, aroused flesh} fuck Tory....wickedly wet, true...
*a twirl of wet flesh splaying palms to the slippery tiles in a hard impact that shocks me to a gasp, one minute wrapped up in you, the next flush to cold surface, my hips cocked up and back, thighs split, the dominating presence of your hungry warrior body plastering me to the wall in a tender assault of ravenous lips and burning abrasive stubble to the swollen soaked folds of my most intimate flesh, a kiss, intense, erotic, lips meeting lips, tongue sweeping a rasp of velvety licks through the glossy pool of my arousal, dipping into the silken flesh of my sex to torture a firebrand of sensation in curling, probing advances, devouring me with kisses of such possessive sexual intimacy that my thighs tremble, and my hips grind down in a slow beat tempo, guiding your tongue, riding your expert, savagely arousing mouth and basking in the cleansing purity of carnal fire as whimper-cries fill the air with sizzling passion and lust glistens on my skin* fuck...V...yes...*molten on your tongue, my body liquid fire, trembling a tension building with each stroke*
Tory...{fuuuck.. falling back on my heels, your ass gripped savagely, firm flesh squeezed up in rough hands until your toes are scraping marble and your palms are squeaking wet on tile, head thrown back, the raspy stubble of my goatee circling an abrasive rhythm on your clit as my mouth ravages the lush, molten plunder of your sex, your arousal melting on my tongue, glossing starved lips that suck greedily on your folds, my tongue a wet muscular spear thrust with fast, penetrating flicks through the tight-clenched rings guarding the threshold of your core, tapping the well of slick honey that slips down my throat, then flat and raspy, laving long, tantalising strokes that run the entire length of your cleft, jaw locked hard against the downward grind of your pelvis, bony resistance to work the aching, gyrating need that tenses your thighs to trembling muscle, fangs grazing delicate skin with every sucking drag through your flesh, hands clenched hard on your ass, a merciless, relentless, devouring assault, every breath growled rough to aroused flesh} Ahhh...fuck...Tory...
oh fuck..fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck..*unintelligible murmurs, nails clawing for purchase on wet marble, you own my body, playing me like a well tuned instrument with sucking drags that trap sensitive folds in the heat of your mouth, nipping a threat of fangs that provokes wild shivers of ecstasy and cranks the riding rock of my hips to a fever pitch, infected with lust as I grind to your jaw, working my clit to the abrasive stubble of your goatee, that tiny bud tormented with agonising sensitivity and overwhelming pleasure jerking my spine to an arc of desire, kicking up the pace, racing fire through the fast pulsing circuit of my blood and jolting sexual electric shocks to clench contractions around the thrust and retreat of your tongue...fuck...you master my body with alternate strokes...backing off when I demand more, attacking me with long, rough fluttering laps, piercing the well of my desire until I'm begging for mercy and my knees buckle...a constant ravaging merciless carnal pleasure drawn out until I'm near delirious from ecstasy, the first quakes of my climax rolling on and on in a continuous lightning explosion of orgasmic tremors, merging, overlapping, working me to peak after shuddering peak with the devilish expertise of your mouth, tongue, fangs...nicks of pain prolonging bliss, short circuiting sentience until I am a floating entity of incandescent love* holy...V...
Fuck YES!! {snarling, biting, grinding, rasping, tongue-fucking your whimper-abused, quivering, orgasmic flesh, a hand released to pop the button and ride the zipper down the heavy ridge of my cock, surging to my feet in a fluid move, gloved palm planted over the back of your right hand in a claw of barely leashed passion, free hand spanning your belly, literally holding you up as your body spasms through multiple releases, fangs clamping a hard lock on your pulsing vein, gritting out words laced with raw need} I'm going to come inside you now, Tory {angling the demanding head of my cock to your suck-raw throbbing entrance, pushing through the vised resistance of your core in a brutal thrust that flattens your ass against my abs and fuck...so damned aroused, the fever of lust flushing my skin, pumping through the thickly veined shaft of my cock that it takes just those few, wickedly targeted, cry-inducing tight strokes before my hips are bucking reflexively in the throes of blindingly exquisite release, thrusting the molten brand of my love and possession to the tender depths of your core on a warrior cry} FUCK!!!
*cries rent the air in a symphony of soul soaring ecstasy, but there's no mistaking the rasp of a zipper, the low growled promise in my ear threatening destructive euphoria...thrilling me as our bodies join in an impact of souls and flesh...yes...more, my body collapsed in your arms, relying on your strength to keep me upright, and yet I wind, I undulate, urging on the rough penetration lancing you into the heart of me...cant get enough...more...raw, tender flesh shaping your shaft in the slick fist of greedy need, devouring inches, milking the pumping thrusts driving you to the edge as my fingers grasp around yours, anchoring us both as you fall in a tackling climax of surging fire, curves twisting in sensuous dances of fluid muscle, a being of carnal ecstasy locked to her mate with the vising caresses of euphoric bliss and soul completing love* fuck, Vishous...damn...*fuck that scent makes my head spin, brings the world together and shatters it...realigning skewed facets of my soul...peace in the plume of blooming spices, possessive stroking across sex flushed skin, encasing me in the shroud of our union and erasing any trace of HIM with the beauty of our bonding*
Tory, you have no idea how much I fucking love you {spine curled around yours, hips spasming, drilling your shower-soaked curves into the bathroom tile, goateed jaw falling to your shoulder on a growl of pure male satisfaction, fangs grazing your skin, gloved fingers laced with yours in a hard, climactic grip, musky spices usurping the clean fragrance of your soap, annihilating any lingering trace of HIM, rising up in the steamy tendrils that wrap our bodies in wet heat, infusing every inch of your skin, every strand of your hair with possessive, vicious love and unbreakable bond} MINE!!
I fucking love you....all yours, only yours...for every forever beyond infinity...*no scent on me but yours, branding possession in every molecule, your name written into every atom of my being, your aroma infused into the cells of my body, a fragranced stamp of ownership I dont mind in the least...a testament to your love, to this soul connection that keeps my heart beating and my lungs working, welded to every hard muscled plane of your body in a languid purr of ultimate satisfaction...until you move, and my hand slips in the grip of yours, sliding over marble tiles in a pinning glide of heart-racing frantic momentary panic...fuck...a brief shadow of hanging, dangling memories and I'm strung taut, panting fighting to shut down the image as it flickers...and fades with the banding strength of your embrace...fuck...head dropping back to your shoulder in a cascade of damp curls that lash my ass, the backs of my thighs in a silk stroke, lids low, disguising the lingering shadows with drowsy sex-blissed emeralds* mmm...now I smell like you again..*bringing our joined hands to my lips, breathless kisses placed reverently to your knuckles*
{Fuck! Your body stills in my arms, relaxed, shuddering curves suddenly tense against my chest, your heart hammering at the vein in your throat and it feels like the air just got sucked from the room...replaced by an arctic chill, low brows darkening diamond eyes, biting back a growl when I see it...that image of HIM projected from your brain...looming large...MOTHERFUCKER!! he was at your back, just as I am now...his hands on you...touching, groping you...rage building inside me like a scream for vengeance...I could kill the fucker, tear him apart with my own teeth, we could scrub him from our skin, burn him from our clothes, replace his reeking stench with the essence of bonding, but clearly it was going to take something more...extreme...to exorcise the dark memories of HIM from your consciousness forever..................}
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