Saturday, 3 March 2012
{Bare feet hitting marble, dropping down from the bedding platform, a growl lodged in my throat, arms punching into the sleeves of a discarded robe, racking my brain to remember a time when a visitation from the Scribe Virgin ended well. This was not a good sitch. Hands dragged in a rake through mussed hair. Caught in flagrante fucking delicto with the deity's personal Sequestered Scribe. Nice. Timing. True. Yanking the sash tight on my hips, hands fisting the fabric, jerking it into an over-tight knot.. she should be a fucking comedienne} <<On the contrary, Primale. My timing is impeccable>> {the corners of my eyes creasing into a diamond-hard glare, jaw muscles clenched and twitching rhythmically...God Damn. I hate it when she reads my fucking mind... said the SIG to the fucking Glock. The glowing hood turns toward the mess of silk sheets on the bedding platform and much as it kills me to admit it, she has a point, five minutes earlier and she would be getting an eyeful of..hmm, yeah, my cock twitches beneath the robe with memories of Serhenity's mouth on me, voice deepened to a rough, graveled rasp} Whatever 'words' you have are with ME, true. Leave her out of this {Getting my substantial warrior mass between Serhenity and the Scribe Virgin's line of sight, her eyes unseen beneath the hood, but the weighty judgement of her stare no less palpable for that, her tone is the vocal equivalent of a high-arched brow <<So territorial. You are aware the Chosen came here with the intent to assassinate the Primale?>> {my response is droll} For Real? And here I thought the knife was foreplay {sarcasm dripping from lips curled in a hint of a sneer, my insolence getting her all frosted up} <<A crime punishable by death, Warrior>> {Fuck! The words are like a frozen slap in the face. Death? FUCK NO! A steel fist of fear constricting my throat, eyes bright as magnesium flares, the bonding scent rolling off my skin in powerful waves. Think Vishous! fighting the urge to pace...gloved hand fisted hard enough to crush diamonds as I stare down the Scribe Virgin} Vengheance is also our law. Serhenity had a right to bear arms against me. <<Indeed. And yet you live, warrior and here stand in the Chosen's defense. Curious, think you not?>> {Is that fucking humour in her voice? Biting back a snarl at her choice of words, while the Scribe Virgin floats, robes skimming marble in a puddle of light as she paces, wringing unseen hands beneath long sleeves...curious?..the omnipotent mother weighs Serhenity's life in the balance and thinks it's fucking CURIOUS!!} A blind Chosen is no match for the warrior you bred and had trained in that brutal camp. Mother {A low blow, the title spat out on a seething growl, but if she wants to play dirty, so the fuck can I...and the accusation cuts deep, bringing her pacing to an abrupt halt, the glow spilling out from under the hem of her robes losing a little of its lustre} <<So you disarmed my Sequestered Scribe. Am I to understand you forced yourself between her thighs also Warrior?>> {The words seem laced with a mocking cynicism} <<In coming to you, in taking willingly to your bed, Serhenity stands in breach of her sacred vows of sequestration. What say you Primale? Such transgressions demand punishment under law>> {The words thrown down like a gauntlet, I am being tested and we could both be reduced to floor polish for the Primale Temple on her whim. My voice is cracked} Hasn't she suffered enough? {The thought of Serhenity hurting more because of me drives a cold spear of dread into my heart. And so I lie, for whatever good it might do} She did not submit willingly. I forced myself on her, Mother, as is my right as Primale. I am my father's son. You lay under his sweaty rutting body. You know first hand what the males you breed to kill for you are capable of. {The Scribe Virgin's sharp intake of breath comes out on a hiss, dissolving into a stony silence between us.... and then Serhenity clears her throat, to speak?....}
No....*it comes out reedy and thin, a murmur in the presence of Her Highness, the Primale's words degrading all we did into lies...I know how I must look, disheveled, bruised, clutching the silken sheets desperately to shield my nakedness from Her Highness's eyes, any of which could lay credit to the Primale's ridiculous lies...the sound is cleared again from a voice trembling* NO!! Verily...*my hand curls around Vishous' bicep, bidding the protective wall of warrior anger to move so I can address her, to dispel the untruths...and her light is not seen but felt, pulsing against my skin through the darkness, unlike the Primale's, but fear is no longer made of the dark, it is of this great Mother of our race, her moods mercurial, and every word spoken lends me to a more death like ending* the Primale did not force himself upon me. I entered willingly into his chambers, into his bed...*not just his bed, I fear not one inch of this temple was left pure, the columns, the floor...the marble surely imprinted into my skin...Her amusement is a strike against my honesty, and it trembles uncertainty through curves suddenly grateful Vishous did not relinquish his shielding* <<So you broke free of your vows of your own will? 'Tis something you may not want to admit unto doing, child.>>*Yes, she is...amused..her voice softer, her light not as warm against my skin, toned down to a stroke..and I feel like an errant child. Caught in my own honesty, my answers, any I give that are not lies, will result in a punishment I dare not even imagine* Truth. I removed myself from the sacred vows I took upon myself...I...*have no reason, but that the Primale owns my very soul, and all my vows...mean nothing in the light of that* I failed in my vengeance, Your Highness. To kill His Grace, I see now, would result in the greatest of punishments. My life. My heart. My soul, would die with him and nothing your greatest power can do unto me would punish me more. Everything I have done, every vow broken, every blind moment, I would do it ALL again, Your Highness. If it resulted in my presence beside the Primale. *and there is no denying it, his scent lies heavy on my skin, passion is a tangible mist in the air, caressing us in every breath...inhale, exhale, it's so loud in the pregnant silence, she has not moved, the Great Mother is invisible to my senses, barely there, hovering on a periphery of shadows until her voice, soft light, breaks through the shade of my tremulous fear, my resolute conviction* <<You smell of him, child. You are each scented by the other, think me not a fool. I designed you thus. To force my creations to feed from a potential mate in the hopes of this...*a movement in the air...her hand waving to the dark spiced mist* To aid the continuation of our race, this bonding of souls...*She trails off, an air of confusion about her, words quiet...* I never believed it could occur once more...*my fingers are strumming the muscles of Vishous' spine, a comfort to myself as I ground in patience, her words not yet over..confusing....so cryptic, her Highness is, speaking riddles that we are not meant to know the answers to, and if we did, the Fade would be the tree of all our knowledge and we would be gorging ourselves in the afterlife..I can live with not knowing* the Primale's scent on your body, the lies he would tell for you, betray where his true loyalties lie>> *she moves, a whisper in the air and my flinch is unbidden, instinctive, feeling her warmth rise over my body and melt me back behind Vishous...fingertips flutter heat to the darkness of my eyes, brushing my lashes, barely reaching, stilled by the fear that cowers me from her touch...no more...please...what more can she possibly do to my sight. I live in a world where the Primale's face is merely a memory painted in stars to my blindness and yet I cringe from her....she allowed this....her sigh could not be more beautiful, lyrical, chiming sorrow* <<I regret that your sight has been taken from you. That you cannot see with your own eyes the ferocity of this warrior's affection for you. In this matter I have been as blind as you, child. Your destiny is mine. I have known not your path. Neither yours or that of my son. Follow me>> *I move as Vishous does, obedient, trailing my fingers over his skin, shadowing his movements...for sure she will not lead us to our deaths?*
{We walk, the Scribe Virgin talks, and floats, leading us toward the giant doors of the Primale Temple} <<I see many things to come, whole legions of triumphs and tragedies, but they are mere grains of sand within a vast shore. The larger whole of fate, not even I can envision the future of this race I have borne tied too closely with mine own destiny, outcomes unknown and unknowable to me. I favor safety and the security of order. Nature, however, and the natures of my living creations, are messy, unpredictable. And fate it seems, will find her way has found a way, regardless of my intercessions. I would have faith in my creation. The time has come>> {The Scribe Virgin's robed hand extends toward the mammoth doors, the flow of energy from her glowing fingertips charging the air, and the heavy doors swing wide on her command, a yawning gape that opens out onto a technicolor landscape of explosive, vibrant color} HOLY FUCK!! {I feel Serhenity's fingers lace into mine, sensing a change she cannot see, her silk robe bleeding from white to scarlet as we cross the Temple threshold, it's like stepping into the merry ole land of fucking Oz. Holy shit! The grass is emerald green, the sky a deep, vivid blue, the plants and flowers are painted in a fucking rainbow of retina-burning, Kodachrome intense brights, the Chosen spilling out from the collonades in a stream of multicolored robes, entranced by the sensory onslaught of color spewed out in a million saturated hues. Leather closing around Serhenity's palm in a reassuring squeeze, goatee'd mouth dropped to the shell of her ear to answer the unvoiced question in her mind} It's not white anymore. It's... {Tensing up on instinct, hackles bristling as the Scribe Virgin floats up before us, the hood of her robe rising up from her face as though lifted by disembodied hands to fall to her shoulders. Her beauty is ethereal, so radiant it hurts to look directly at her, like staring into the sun. Beautiful, lethal and utterly unpredictable. She extends robed arms} <<Give me your hands>> {Resistance is not an option. Lifting our joined hands, they are obscured beneath the fall of black robing, energy sparking like static, a radiant heat enveloping our linked fingers} <<Ahhh yes. This is a good mating. Verily this was ever a very good mating. Would that you had sought my blessing on the first occasion of your union>> {Her cryptic words are edged with a profound sadness} <<I need not speak of worth, of sacrifice, of defense of body and honor. For such are proven, time and again in this pairing.>> {Dark brows slashed low, storm clouds of confusion gathering in diamond eyes. Jesus. The Scribe Virgin has finally lost the damn plot. The first occasion of our mating?? What the actual fuck? God knows the sensory and emotional desert of the Other Side would make anyone certifiable, and right now the Virgin Scribe has joined the funny farm, skipping hand in hand with Murhder through the fucking daisies} <<Verily, fate has brought you together again. I bow to her superior knowledge and release you from your servitude to the Chosen and this Side>> {Holy shit! She's letting us go to be together? Hope swells my chest to fucking bursting. This is nonsensical. And yet her words hold a resonance, in some dark recess of my subconscious. Something felt all along, from the moment I set eyes on Serhenity. Call is what you will. Biology. Chemistry. Destiny...FUCK..the fluxing current of energy radiating from the Scribe Virgin's hands jolts up my arm like a high voltage shock and the skin across my shoulders starts to tighten and burn, a blade of fire branding the old language lettering deep into my flesh...T...O...H.. She is mating us...Fuck!!...the Scribe Virgin has lost her fucking marbles and is carving my back, and the name incised by incorporeal hands is not Serhenity...but...Tohrture...a name plucked straight from the darkest realms of the chilling dreams that have haunted my sleep ever since my shitkickers landed me in this surreal place}
*It's not...white? The Primale's words resonate, the palpable edge in the air explained though my mind can conjure no image to gift me with what he sees....ever blind, though the world changes around me, though Vishous changes, rigid, electric, on fire under my fingertips....I stroke to soothe us both as the madness of the Scribe Virgin dwindles to silence...she makes little sense to my stunned mind....mated...she mated us?...she released us, blessed us in our union and we...are..not...dead...my hands wander, freed from the clasp of hers to take my reassurance in your body, in the life that still thrums through it...in the...a growl hums in my throat, letters in darkness sprung up beneath caresses...this is not my name...the female branded in your skin is named for war...and I...know her, these characters ARE mine...the realisation is trembling, and my fingers curl to claws in the Primale's skin, a hold anchoring me to the strength of him as I bathe in the blessing she gave our souls....*<<Embrace your male, child. Tender your love to him. *her words are amused, and heat creeps my cheeks in a flush* Your souls are near screaming for a mere kiss...silence them>>*A study in confusion, her permission grants us fusion, her warmth a hand fitted to mine and leading us to lace, male into female, offered up to Vishous in a melting kiss, who moves, I know not..but his hand in mine links us into a hearts embrace of tender kisses, a collision of love crashing into pleasure...I could kiss him forever...and mayhap will get the chance to...she stays, a silent observer radiating...fire, loneliness, regret that bristles over my body...so hot, her flames are harsh on my skin and I bid her, Mother of our Race to silently leave us be...I want to melt into my male..........* <<Tohrture? Tohrture? Tory!!>> * a snap if ever I heard one jerking me back, eyes wide to the female staring perturbed across from me, bathed in the light of golden flames*<<Am I that boring, daughter? That you must entertain your own mind? Childrens tales work not for you?>>*now she is laughing at me and my eyes roll, a smirk curving my lips as I try to shake the lingering edge of confusion, a dream that doesnt feel like a fucking dream, hovering with its blindness...Holy fuck...my eyes seek, roaming out over elegant furnishings burnished in the flicker of a fire, to the expanse of snow covered gardens that spread out like icing beyond heavy glass doors...Vishous. A figure of darkness amidst the white, my shadow breathing tendrils of smoke, some dragon in the night...my soul...my love...my life...my infuriating tormenting wicked hellren who gives me gifts beyond imagining, the twin bundles fighting in the cushions of the couch my most treasured gift as my mahmen's voice drones on. Hellfire glitters fierce love and passion, coaxing V to look up, willing diamond to find my gaze, needing it...no doubt, in all my centuries of battle, of death and war, every scar and inked tally...that I would have found this male, through anything...we are fated*
{The sudden lick of pain in my ungloved hand jolts me from my reverie, lids flying open on startled ice-white irises, sights trained on the epicentre of the pain, the butt of the handrolled wedged between my fingers that has burned down to the quick while I daydreamed out here in the frozen night. Tossing the offending article into the snow on a growled profanity, crushing the embers under the sole of my boot. God, it's so fucking white here. My breathing is the only sound, the snowflakes fall silently, in slow motion, settling on my eyelashes, layering crisp on the ground, filling in the trail of footprints I made from Tory's mahmen's house. I came out for air, suffocated by the happy families atmosphere, strangled by the conviction that I don't deserve to be this fucking lucky. The Penthouse can burn down, the world can crumble around me, but I have Tory, we have Khaos and Xsykhe, and that makes me the world's fucking biggest lottery winner... I feel the weight of her gaze without looking, every nerve ending in my body standing to full, hell yeah, you got my fucking attention height. The soles of my shitkickers pivot in the snow, the broad expanse of my leather bound shoulders turning slow to meet Tory's eyes through the glass pane, locking onto the bright emerald intensity of your gaze...Fuck Tory... I was in a coma before I met you, hooked into an emotional life support machine, barely alive though my lungs drew breath and my heart beat. Then you looked up at me, killed me on that first lip curl. Unplugged. Fuck, years gone by in a blur and I still can't fucking breathe when I look at you, my heart kicks into tachycardia, my stomach flips like an olympic pole-vaulter. The whole fucking package. Badass attitude, homicidal instinct, razor sharp wit, incisive intelligence, killer curves built to withstand all my hard edges...watching you wield a blade is a virtuoso performance...feels like fucking yesterday you carved your name in my back and yet to see you with our young would fucking melt an icy warrior's heart. Pyrocant. Absofuckinglutely. You are the flint that strikes my flame, the nitro in my tank, my Helen of Troy in tight leather.. and leather never looked fucking better than when it shapes your peachy, biteable ass...except maybe shredded in my hands... No inch of your body unexplored, every scar, every curl of ink committed to memory...Never more fucking alive than when I'm touching you. Time has not dulled the reaction, only strengthened the titanium bindings that forge us together. Call it magic, chemistry, call it fate, if you believe in such things. Were you precision engineered to fit the jagged puzzle of my soul? Or was it blind chance we met? The corners of my mouth lifting in that secret smile, you gift me its return in kind through the glass. Turning the collar of my leather jacket against the biting cold and my back on the empty, white expanse of the night. My feet carry me back to you and as I stride towards the house, on this, the anniversary of our mating, offering up a scarce heard prayer to the Scribe Virgin that I found you...that I have yet the honor to call you... MINE} I fucking love you Tory... #LoverUntamed #OneYearMated #SoulMated
Saturday, 25 February 2012
Surrender To A Kiss
*I know not what wakes me....mayhap the thud of another heartbeat so close to my own, or the dull aching florets of pain on my skin that can only signify the onset of bruises....I have no doubt there will be bruises. I am eternally marked as his....his fangs had tasted every pulse in my body, not one inch of me left unattended, his tongue, his fingers, his....everything had been inside me, his blood raced with mine through veins raw from his hunger, muscles protested the soft stretch that searches the length of my body for the heat of his, caressing the sprawled mass of warrior a hairsbreadth from the splay of my ecstasy sated curves....he had seen every inch of me, had sculpted me to new heights with the carving bliss of his tongue, a devastating attack of slick velvet on intimate silken flesh, stroking away my embarrassment and shuddering me over and over into the molten cascade of ecstasy I would forever feel at any memory of his mouth. Wicked male. Torturing, tormenting master of my body....my fingers seek gently, careful to not disturb the hold dreams have over the Primale, his breathing soft, the darkness amplifying every sound to a tremble in my core....I would not wake him, but I would see with my mouth what my eyes deny me, a passionate urge arisen from sleep and whispering the room into a feather touch of soft I love you's....* I love you...I love you...I love you...*laced into the path of silken lips and grazing fangs, the words travel kisses over your flesh, woven into the tender caresses that taste and wander, exploring the broad muscled expanse of your chest and shoulders with tentative touches and soft possessive sucking bites, teeth finding gentle holds to mar your skin to red nips of passion...just teasing, marking, driven by dream needs to place my brand on your body, and swallow your scent to feed my soul eternally*
{I am floating…hovering somewhere between a darkly erotic dream state and reality, submerged just beneath the surface, lured upward by your sensual assault to a sudden jolting awareness.. Ahhhhh sweet fuck....my neck arches on instinct, head falling back into pillowed silk, warrior hands fisting the white satin expanse on which I am laid out, a male sacrifice, a powerhouse of tense, honed, sinewed muscle flexing up into the fanged worship of your mouth, deliciously wet tongue stroking tingles of pleasure from my skin, the reticence of your nipping bites a sweet, erotic torture, my mind is drugged, drunk on your scent, the quiet voice inside of me saying I should stop you...too intimate...this is too exposed, even to your unseeing gaze, but the voice is quashed by the intoxicating pleasure of your mouth on my skin, body hardened to a state of full arousal, only the death grip of fisted silk restraining me from taking you like an animal as I have these past days and nights, over and over, in every imaginable way and some ways beyond lesser imaginations} Fuck. Chosen...
mmm....*no muscle left untasted, the dips and hollows of your abs rippling under the flat velvet of my tongue, lining you in wet painted heat...and your body flexes, low growls peppered over your skin as I skip to taste the rolling muscle that bunches and surges to my kiss, a slow, leisurely devouring mapping of golden skin, fangs and tongue and lips caressing you in the passionate drive of a deep craving hunger, an instinct so far beyond innocence, my lips already know their destination, the pinpricking pierce and raked welting lines scattered across your torso, delved into muscle, just the journey. A hint of pain to contrast the pleasure of my mouth a tentative motion testing the hitch of your breath and the growled moans for signs of a 'No'...and delighting in the urging, the fluid ripple of warrior power guiding my mouth lower, to dig fangs in a sucking kiss over the muscle of your hip, penetrating just the surface to lock in and bruise, tongue sweeping potent crimson beads of your intoxicating essence with a purring moan.... strength and purity unleashed, wildly daring to assume I can take even a drop of your soul uninvited but I cannot stop, I want to devour, explore the body I'd only ever caught glimpses of through the water...to touch you as no other ever had...obsidian lashes flutter up for just a moment, casting my gaze to the darkness where your face should be, and the words are freed, tentative, shy drawn up in the lyrics of a soul symphony and whispered to your tongue wet flesh...asking.....* Please....May I?
{Oh God...FUCK.... tense tremors of shivery pleasure wrack my body and I might as well be bound and gagged for all the resistance my body is putting up against this sensuous, all-consuming attack, any protest caught in my throat, strangled by the feral growls grunted out through clenched molars, fangs fully primed and slicing into my lower lip...why am I allowing this..how?...the intimacy, the surrender of control is mind blowing in its intensity, my heart is hammering in my throat, pumping through the rigid shaft of my cock, lying a thick rope up the length of tongue-glistening, tensing abs, weeping a crystalline tear, a plea for mercy as your raking nails claw my spine to an arch of submission and then your fangs are piercing the sensitive flesh of my hip, jolting my pelvis up from the silk, a hiss escaping my lips as my neck cranes to catch a glimpse of crimson stained ivories sinking into golden skin, your lashes lift, revealing the dulled emerald of your sightless gaze, blind perhaps, but no less intense for that, and we are locked in a moment of perfect understanding...no fucking going back...my response a deep gravelled growl} Fuck Serhenity...Please...
*that word...it curls my spine up in a feline undulation, disconnected from your hip with a gloss of tongue to lips and slowly trailing my mouth to the hot pulsing steel flesh of your erection....you granted me permission, you offered up to me a surrender, it's in every growled breath, every twitching roll of your body, surging power beneath me and awe ripples through the raging swell of lust ripping my desire into an inferno...mind switched off and offered up to a higher consciousness, there are no nerves, no hesitation, just the sudden wet seal of my mouth over the crown of your erection, blindly sought with an unerring precision as delicate fingers shape your shaft in a slow eased stroke, lapping at the crystal tear weeping for my touch, your arousal bright on my tongue, flaring through molten curves with ragged torn out purrs...exquisite...desire strokes my tongue from base to tip, reluctantly leaving the heaven of your essence to explore velvet iron with dragging cushioned kisses, silk lips shaping the underside of your shaft in a slow ascent of tongue curling licks and fanged suction, snagging at delicate flesh, reverently teasing every inch in a roaming blissed out pattern, rough bitten touches interspersed with the softest breathed caresses, delighting in every buck of your hips, the growled moan that stutters from your lips as my fingers trace delicate satin scars music to my ears...not a no...as I worship your silk flesh, my lips locked over the head of your arousal in a gentle grip of fangs and descending...slowly, ever so slowly, purring devouring inches, savouring with a riding flick of my glossing tongue...mmm...yes....mine...*
Fuckfuckfuck.... {growled curses spilling from my mouth...that first searing breath on the hot pulsing flesh of my arousal, that first kissing seal of lips....this is what it feels like to die...touching the Fade, a piece of my soul offered up willingly to this blind angel of death and seduction, luring me to my end with the most exquisitely beautiful torture, your delicate fingers wrapping hot as a flame to my pulsing flesh, Ohhhh fuck...the velvet sweep of your tongue across the tip of my cock jolts darts of shuddering ecstasy through the base of my spine, bucking my hips, a reflexive plea, your lips are a silken caress to the throbbing steel of my erection, excruciatingly tender as they worship the scarred, misshapen skin of my groin, crystal tears stinging behind closed lids as a tidal wave of emotional release crashes over me, raw, utterly exposed to your exploring mouth...I should be cringing, but somehow you make me feel like a fucking God, invincible not damaged, powerful, sexual, even in this act of total and complete submission...and then the wet sucking heat of your mouth is engulfing my shaft, every muscle tremoring, screaming out for your touch, before I can control it, my gloved hand releases silk to knot into a great handful of your cropped waves, fisting tight. An anchor? Seizing control? I know not, I only know that your full pink lips are stretched taut around my cock, gliding friction down the thickly veined, iron girth, glossing velvet skin as inch by inch, the tight suctioning heat devours my cock and my hips are pumping up off the silk, straining to thrust myself deeper still, to see myself swallowed to the hilt by the molten passionate embrace of your mouth} Oh fuck...Chosen...I'm...FUCK!!!!!
*The violent intimacy of this, such an intense trust allowing you to gift me free rein to explore and devour, to unleash the desire for your taste in an act of tender possession, my mouth claiming you, owning the thick iron length of your arousal with a gloss and glide of silky lips, a twisting assault of tongue and fangs caging you in the suctioning kiss of my hungry mouth..I know you, every inch a familiar descent parting my lips wider in a growling purred ride to take you deeper, to obey the thrusting demand of your hips and envelop you in the liquid constriction of my throat..every withdraw a nick of razor touches, travelling coiling wet licks to the base and taking inch after thick inch with a merciless progression..slowly savaging you in the heat of my mouth, a brutal rhythmic stroke building up a tempo that vibrates through the arched straining bunch of your muscled form, bowed from the bed, hair tugged roughly into the reining guide of your fist and spurring me on...harder, fast, slow, fastslowfastfastslow...a dance of tongue to shaft and lips to the blunt head urging me to lock you at the very base, fangs bruising your skin, the entirety of your length taken and purred over, swallowing the tip of you into the clenched vice of my throat, more...hunger pushes us deeper, sets the rhythm of your hips to the flex of my throat, curses filling the air, flavouring the musky bloom of arousal with strained passion and catching my fangs into your most sensitive skin....yes, please, more...it's in the air, a pressure charging through an electrical storm of sexual energy to spike my spine into rolling undulations, building up in your body, shivering through mine, ripping flames over my skin and tightening my throat around your shaft...my hand works free from its claw on your hip and searches blindly for yours, lashes lifting once more, the most natural thing to be looking upon your face even if all I get is the shade without the sunlight....reassurance as the thunder storms wild with passion... please...give me...your all...my love...*
{Oh sweet mother of fuck... there is a fucking storm building inside of me, a mounting tension coiling tighter and tighter vining around the pillar of my lust, or is it the shaft of my arousal, pulsing in the cushioning glide and wet razor retreat of your rhythmic sucking? My brain is short-circuited on pleasure, climbing a merciless path to dizzying heights, where the only air is the scent of you and the dark musky spice that leaches from every pore of my blisteringly hot skin and fragrances the bright sheen of sweat defining every taut flexed muscle of my warrior body, poised, bowed up in submission to the wet silken clamp of your throat, my fist so tight in your hair...fuck...you are swallowing me, consuming me...and it takes just that flash of hell fire in your blind eyes, that blaze of passion that grants my soul permission to fly. Gripping onto your offered hand like a lifeline, warrior fingers interlaced with yours with bone crushing ferocity as the storm breaks loose in shuddering, bucking convulsions of high octane ecstasy, surging molten bliss in rhythmic jolts, a detonation of liquid release that once unleashed, crests on and on, washing me in divine, soul-altering pleasure...I am inside you...my heart and soul are fucking home and the bellowed roar from my throat is a raw, unfettered release that shakes the walls of the Primale Temple} Fuck I love you Serhenity...MINE!!! Fucking MINE!!!!
*Jolted by the current of electricity racing through the livewire that connects us, the surging pulses of your ecstasy are not so much of a surprise, my mouth sealed hard and twisting kisses that lock to your shaft and drain every swell and release of excruciating pleasure with purring thrums of exquisite satisfaction....your climax is an explosion of bliss on my tongue, emotions in liquid fire channelled to light my heart with the intensity of this...bond...this union of souls that stutters my life to the erratic hammer of yours and cocoons me in a world of erotic velvet dark spices, our world, surrounding us in the roared detonation of my name from your lips, and the unceasing symphony of your essence on my tongue. As brilliantly blinding as your blood, drugging, addictive, soothing my craving and stoking it up to caress my core with the ripples of your ecstasy...linked, I can feel every shudder, every seized flex of pleasured muscle as my own wringing the very last drop of your bliss into my lingering kiss, tongue curling your shaft in glossing strokes as my fingers flex in a loving hold around yours, intertwined in a weave of unity, cheek nuzzled tenderly to your thigh as I rest my words to your skin* Yours Vishous...all yours....*fangs nipping adoringly at your flesh, whispering tentatively* as you are....mine....
Yes, Serhenity. Yours. All fucking yours... {the words come out deep gravelled and distant, glazed diamond eyes struck with awe, my body still shaking with the after tremors of immense release, the ferocity of my emotions arresting, even as my arms reach to haul you up my body until your lips are less than a breath from my own, my soul knows yours, we come together like second nature, as though carved from the same heart wood...some bond that is more immense than I can even begin to comprehend, our lips crushed bruisingly together, I can taste the salty musk of my own arousal in my mouth and it draws low growled purrs of primal satisfaction from some place deep inside of me} Chosen...I...fuck {I lost control, or did I relinquish it? Mind in turmoil, struggling to comprehend what just passed between us} I didn't mean to..fuck...are you okay?
*lips swollen and bruised, fused to yours in a starved contact that feeds your pleasure to your tongue with the dance of mine, stroking boldly inside, loving your mouth as I loved your body, passionately, tenderly, viciously, you unleash so much of me I never knew I had, ripping the robes from my mind to free personality, to free my soul from the restraints of vows and obligation to just delight in you, to savour every kiss, the heat of you infused into my skin and trembling through draped curves, saturating me in the scent of carnal paradise and wicked possession...owned and owning....laughter is soft to your lips, confusion on my brow* I am...ecstatic, Primale *such euphoria from your pleasure, I do not question how I feel, what allowed you to surrender to my desires...I simply bathe in the aftermath, soaking in every sensation, shifting back slightly, my lips curve down* You did not mean to...what? Did I hurt you, sire? *eyes widening in blind horror, my hands stroke for injury, fangs tinged with your blood, as the scent of our passion blooms heavy and wild*
Fuck no..you didn't hurt me {strong hands manacling your wrists to bring the focus of your attention back to my voice} quite the opposite Chosen {the sultry growl of the words and the smouldering diamond of my eyes speaking of the untold pleasures you have inflicted on me, and my relief is a palpable thing, a diffusion of tension in the air...you are not disgusted or ashamed or regretful...damn the realisation is frightening and exhilarating...no female ever, on this side or the Far, have I cared about their feelings toward me, as I do about yours...never relinquished my body, my control, my trust, so completely to any other and yet it feels so very, very right with you. Shaking my head, the beginnings of a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth} you are incredible...you make me feel things I have never felt, Chosen {grazing my lips to yours in a growled confession} I love you...I love what you did to me...I would have you do it over and over until we were both spent and heaving for breath...I...thank you...Serhenity
*Your kiss speaking silently all the things your voice cannot shape, a confession that layers your words and stutters my heart, swelling emotion in my chest as your reassurances wash over me, releasing tense curves to sprawl languidly atop you permitting myself to enjoy this rapturous relax of a comforting union...drawing my arms up to encircle your neck, fingers slowly tracing over your face with a lazy smile...I did not hurt you..and...you...love me..the emotion that made me light as air, and sizzled my skin like fire, completes me, fills my soul with a light warmer than your gaze is returned upon me, felt for me..and my smile is a rough kiss to your mouth...you give me everything...so strong, so powerful, in control and yet you give yourself over to me with ease, trusting I will only please and never harm...how could I ever hurt my soul?* You are incredible, Vishous, you make me feel....you fill nothingness with your presence, you're light in the darkness...and you make me feel alive...*nuzzling soft breaths to your mouth, my words are hushed, low with sincerity* I love you...I love what I did to you, I love when you....*my cheeks pink in a sweeping blush* I would do it forever....
Oh, I am so holding you to that, Chosen mine {winding my hands up into the silk curls of your hair, your lips crushed with bruising possession} you bring me to life Serhenity..{growling a fanged kiss to your lips} Fuck, I love my scent on you...
*breaking from your mouth to rub eskimo kisses to your nose, lips inched up in a teasing smile* hold me to it, Primale mine….I find myself always ravenous for you....*forehead pressed to yours, sharing breath as my body blankets you* the only robing I should ever wear is your scent...*your mouth spills growls to my lips and teases me with fanged temptation*
Then you will never leave this Temple, Chosen mine {hands riding rough over the contours of your curvaceous form} no other male will ever see you naked and live, feel me {the dark incense of bond rising up in fresh plumes from my skin}
*head dipping to run my nose along your shoulder on a deep inhale, the air heavy with blooms of possession once more, fogging my brain with the sultry floral spiced accents as your hands shape desire edged curves with rough authority* Never, Primale mine...*a dream on the curve of my lips, wrapped up in the peaceful embrace sheltering me in warrior arms* I will stay here with you forever...I am yours
As I am yours, my Chosen {burying my stubbled jaw in the scented haven of your hair} I will have no other, true...never again
My sisters...*fingers curling, lips curved up, purrs rolling free on waves of sated soul happiness* will not be pleased...
Your sisters {dragging the luscious flesh of your lower lip through the score of razor fangs} can go fuck themselves, true… {Your laughter, a burst of startled amusement, stamped into silence by the pealing resonance of the voice rising above it, announcing the presence of another in the Temple} <<How you disrespect my handmaidens Warrior>> {The words snap my spine bolt upright on the bedding platform like a stringed fucking puppet... yup...and that would be the Scribe Virgin's puppet, true...the authority of her deeply resonant voice filling the Temple, just as the commanding glow that spills from beneath her robes floods into every nook and shadow of the darkened expanse, trained like a spotlight on the scene of myself and the forbidden Chosen entwined on the bedding platform, my bonding scent hanging heavy in the air like a guilty confession. Shit!! Yanking the silk sheet to cover Serhenity's flushed and naked curves, my torso twisted to shield her from the Scribe Virgin's scrutiny. Now? Of all the fucking times she might have broken her seclusion, might have aided Serhenity when I could not, the mother of the race, in all her great fucking wisdom chooses this moment to make her grand entrance, no doubt here to carve out her pound of flesh.. <<Cover yourself, Primale. I would have words with you on this matter>>
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Fucking Proof
{Prove it...Fuck...the challenge like a match struck to dry kindling, lust igniting in a blast of raw heat that knots my fingers into fists in your short hair, cracking your spine back against the marble column. A good fucking job you can't see the feral hunger blazing in my eyes...you would surely cower from its violence. My gloved thumb strokes across the fullness of your trembling lower lip, parting the pink seam, slipping inside the wet heat of your mouth, a mouth never before kissed, razor tipped fangs that have never pierced flesh...fuck...pressing my lower body against yours, one heavily muscled, leather bound thigh flexing, parting the silken folds of your robe, riding up between your bare thighs seeking out the throbbing epicentre of your desire, grinding your wetly aroused sex on the tensed leather of my thigh, as my gloved thumb explores your mouth, two sets of wet lips caressing rough hide, goatee abrasive to your soft cheek, my breath a hot brand searing the shell of your ear, words roughened by raw, animal lust} You know what I'm going to do to Chosen....{relishing the hitch of your breath that grazes the hard, silk covered peaks of your nipples to my slashed chest catching the chaotic fluster of your thoughts, laced with desire, edged with panic} Say the word. I know you know it, true
*the gasp leaves my lips unbidden in a rage of desire, the rough collision of my spine bows to the marble of the column a pinning cage of lust once more flattening me under the weight of masculine power....but now....every inch of my body is crushed into the hard muscled expanse of warrior strength, and I dont need my sight to know how you look. The air is pressured with a high electrical tension, charged with a primal shock of lust that channels anger into an animalistic urge of wanton desires...and the heat is sending me faint, the fire blazing from the rough wedged column of your thigh spreading pulsating ripples into innocent flesh, turning smooth flushed skin molten with a slick of arousal..for it could be nothing but that...and my lips close in a tight suction around the invasion of your thumb, instinctive, latching onto the solid reality of you as my body is swept up in the inferno of chaotic emotion and disconcerting lust* My lord...*the only words that will pass my lips, a soft plea for mercy, or a demand for more, my body beyond aching with the friction gliding through the apex of clenched thighs...you want me to say...what? Thoughts jumbled, fangs elongating a snick into leather...the word...you're going to....* Fuck me....I...I mean....you are going to...fuck me...Primale....
Yes Chosen. I am going to...fuck...you {the obscene word from your mouth, growled back to your innocent ear from my goatee'd mouth elicits a wanton grind of your hips, crushing the slick, pulsing folds of your arousal to glossed leather, betraying the passion sizzling just beneath the surface of your ethereal composure and fuck, but your body's response does things to me, primal, bestial things that threaten to wrest the reins from all rational thought, words hoarse with need tumbling from my lips} I am going to fuck you long and hard Chosen, until every luscious inch of your body is crying out from the pleasure and pain of it, until the irrefutable evidence of how I feel about you is branded into your fucking soul...{clamping my mouth on the unblemished, virgin skin of your throat, muscles tense and corded, shaking with the effort of restraint, tongue tasting the caged flutter of your erratic heartbeat, sucking on your neck with bruising suction, a vain attempt to dampen down the violent storm of lust brewing inside of me, control on a knife edge, one word, one fucking nod of assent from you and it will be game fucking over...just tell me to do it...unleash the animal...beg me to fuck you raw...}
*Verily 'tis sorcery that overtakes me, that controls the soft undulating flow of my hips to grind into the pressing force of your thigh clamped up between mine, a hard friction that glosses liquid silk folds and spikes sparks of sensation to seize trembles up the arching bow of my spine...I am a melt of sensation, lit up on the pyre of my desire and burning through the innocent veil of white robes that sheath me from your touch...and that word, never before has a curse threatened to surrender me to the most primal of my desires, unleashing something animal in a cover of purity...I am lost the second your mouth seals my pulse to a hummingbird panic of desire into the hot suction of your lips, bones melting rapidly to electric pulses of vivid lust and quaking my knees to surrender, hands seeking your support in a clawing desperation as my body betrays me, mewling helpless nonsensical responses to your viscerally sexual threat....promise....whimpering passion falls from fang worried lips, the words caught up in hitched breaths* Please, Primale...Take me...ummm...*dare I ask? Fingertips memorise sculpted muscle for sightless eyes, your image in my darkness* Love...me
{my answer is an unbridled frenzy of starved need, hands yanked from the tangle of your hair, the virginal white silk robe rent apart in violently clenched fists, torn from your body, swallowing back growls of raw desire at the sight of your bared flesh, the heaving swells of your full breasts, the flush of passion painted to the canvas of your porcelain skin hands ripping savagely at the front of my leathers to free the heavy length of my achingly hard erection, the flat of my callused palm pressed flush to the arched small of your back, gloved hand hitching the back of your thigh, riding your spine up the cold marble shaft of the column, latching your thighs in a tight circle around my hips, pinning you, suspended between hard, cold stone and an equally hard wall of sculpted, hot warrior muscle, all your weight centred on the grind of your aroused flesh to the underside of my thickly veined cock, intimate folds melting around my shaft in a drenched erotic kiss to throbbing heat, the blunt head pressing at the exquisitely tight threshold of your sex, a torturously shallow embrace that nudges your core, your body so primed, slippery and lush and yet I know the first time you take my full girth will cause you pain, frustration groaned through the sucking lock of my mouth on your vein, warrior hands imprinting bruises into the luxuriously soft rounds of your ass, whether to hold you back or to slam you down on the thick shaft of my cock I no longer fucking know, coherent thoughts lost in the mind-scramble of this incredibly sensuous kiss of our bodies...I am a fucking animal, a wild creature possessed by instinct...love you? Fuck...am I capable of such a thing? Rough, ground out fucking the only carnal pleasure I have ever known...but with you..mother of fuck...I have no control...}
*fangs buried deep in my lower lip, my cries are stifled from screams to hot mewled whimpers, fingers squeezing around the weave of yours in a desperate attempt to maintain my control....any control in this tumult of sensation as a single stroke lances me to the very depths, nailed into the well of my soul as I gasp for breath around the fullness stealing the air from my lungs and spearing my core in the force of an iron length...pain blasts through on a glide, silk melting a violent vice of rippling muscle as I struggle to accommodate you, to breathe around your possession, to justify my utter ecstasy as pain tears through spikes of bliss and laces into beautiful pleasure...I am yours...no further doubt as I move, feline, fluid, working through the stretching throb at my centre, moving to the primitive beat in my head testing my limits with soft experimental grinds that are a mere shadow of the tempest of desire viciously storming me for a pace that scares me, that urges me to give into the violence of an intense passion and dare to spill words that echo your own, whimpers that tremors me in lust and pour free to your ears* I love you...Vish..*tongue bitten hard* Primale...
Vishous, Vishous, Vishous....*your permission given, your name is in every breath, my tongue loving the taste of every syllable as I chant my love to the slick beat of our writhing forms, coming together into a rhythmic unity of steel and molten velvet, my core a vicing fist of delicious lingering pain and quaking shivers of potential ecstasy stroking your shaft with every advance and retreat, every thrust stronger, gaining in momentum, the leash on all your passion fraying dangerously thin, sawed by the rocking desire of tight twisting hips until I am barely chained there with you, an insanity rising over me and unclasping the veils of civility that have so long concealed me from the truth in my soul...and it all ends in a kiss....my first, unclipping me from my tether and releasing me to a full blown maddening fever of animalistic desire, surging up, hands clasped tight to yours, the taut peaks of my nipples abrading your chest with points of blazing sensation....I will not survive this collision, going down in flames to rise up in an erotic inferno that demands more...harder, you are too gentle within me...caressing...I want...blood...I am barely aware that our hands have moved until that scent explodes in my head, laced with powerful dark spices, the hint of a taste on parted lips rearing instinct into an attack pose and shedding yet another layer of civility in a brutal suctioning ravage to the offered up flow of your souls blood, mouth sealing hard, silken savagery locking to your vein in primal starved draws of a frenetic crazed branding assault....MINE!!!!....in every cell, filling every inch with a love that consumes us both*
Fuck!! {your fangs stab deep into the tendons of my thick wrist, a wild brutality one would never deem possible of a Chosen, the piercing agony jolting me through with an ecstasy of pleasure pain, and my own fangs lock to your throat on pure instinct, shallow, hard punctures that bead a flush of welling crimson to your skin, a stark, beautiful contrast to the milky white tone of your neck...a bright flame of passionate colour in a colourless landscape...my last logical thought before the beast wrests control, fangs buried deep, my growls gagged by the beautiful pounding rush thundering between my ears, drowning in the potent, saturated eroticism of the moment, reeling from the onslaught of violent emotions, sucked under a tidal wave of bonded ecstasy, every cell in my body vibrating with latent energy, charging my blood with a hellfire unleashing all of the restrained warrior power I fought so long to withhold, hips pistoning, slapping, hilt deep violent thrusts, tearing into the clenching sheath of your liquid core, a frenzied rhythm, beyond all control, your fragile body shuddering in the bruising impact of slamming hips and deep-buried canines, locked into your flesh as you are in mine drawing on the well of your soul with savage, sucking pulls, clawing at the ledge of sanity, body tensed with the threat of impending explosive fucking release....}
{FUCK!!! I'm flying, tossed in a crashing surf of ecstasy that jacks my spine taut, hips pumping a vicious tempo that nails my release deep, surging waves of power spilling inside you, a molten balm to your bruised flesh, laced with the erotic brand of my bonding scent that permeates every inch of your sex-flushed body, every strand of your raven hair, plugged into the reservoir of your electrified emotions, feeling your own release inside of me, every body shocking, carnal sensation shared in a mind-meld of primal blood and sex that shatters any preconception of the limits of pleasure...a brutally savage consummation of love maybe, but fierce love nonetheless, so far beyond lust, transcending bonded male instinct, it's as though our connection is an ancient, powerful thing, two souls recognising each other in a bond forged of fire...my body is a tremoring wall of tensed muscle, locked into you, shuddering with the force of unleashed passion, fangs ripped from your throat on a hoarse cry, breath rough on your skin} Fuck Serhenity....just...fuck...
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
A Bladed Valentine
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"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, and therefore is winged Cupid painted blind" (A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1.1.231-2)
{Time became meaningless, sitting here in the darkened space, contemplating my next move, the emotional chill clinging to the air around my body infiltrating the shadow drenched colonnades of the Primale Temple. Even without the locked doors, the frigid air of menace hanging over the place was enough to keep the timid Chosen at a distance, barked dismissals scattering them like doves to the winds when they sought to attend my 'needs'. In time, their attempts dried up completely and they left me to my own devices. Judging by the heavy stubbled beard growth darkening my jaw, and the growling of my hollow stomach's attempts at cannibalising itself, numerous days had passed without a disturbance...until now...Glowing white irises lifted in the direction of the doors, senses acutely attuned to the subtle, rippling disturbance in the frost-bitten atmosphere heralding the presence of another within the Temple's walls. Rising from my reclined position on the bedding platform with cat-like stealth, shirtless in only my fighting leathers, bare feet a whisper to marble, a ninja shadow, slipping through the puddles of darkness spilling from beneath the hulking columns, astute diamond eyes sweeping over the dark recesses, pausing, shoulders hugging the icy stone of a fluted pillar, ribs expanding silently to fill my lungs with floral scented air, no mistaking the ritualistic unctions and salves the Chosen used to prep themselves for my use, they layered on that cloying scented shit like Rehv's girls trowelled on make-up, and probably for the same reason... war paint, armor against the emotional fallout of the cold, emotionless sex they plied. Fangs bared on a warning growl, my words echoing a rumble into the frosty silence} I know you're there, Chosen {Rounding the pillar to plant feet square in front of the hooded female, towering with menace over her robed form, hands slung on hipbones protruding from the waistband of my low-hung leathers} I don't know how you got in here, Chosen, but I did not call for you. Like I told your sisters before you, you're not wanted here, true. Now leave...
*Leave? How many times can one male dismiss me from his presence with such cold anger? I can feel him, a fire in this temple of ice, scorching my skin with waves of annoyance. I'm just a female to him, to be cast aside, until it suits him, to be altered to his pleasure and his pleasure is isolation. Not a single one of my sisters may lay their gaze upon him now. Though their punishment, a case of serious sexual withdrawal is kinder than the fate he laid upon me. But something is caressing me, something deep in the darkness is purring loudly at the sound of his voice...and is silenced with the sudden swarm of hatred that overwhelms and drowns, a tidal crashing force strangling the uncontrollable pleasure that lights up in his presence with memories of the agony, the sheer excruciating pain that left me sightless and ugly....no pleasure was worth denying the wrath that ripped into me with razor blades of spearing detestation, and the spurs of rage kick their sharp tips to the flank of my aggression and guide the growling blind assault that has the blade torn from its sheath against my skin and aimed at the Primale. Pinpoint movements, I am moving with the shivers in the air, locating the massive tower of his freezing fire presence as it dwarfs the smaller flame of my anger, and lashing out, cobra quick, to strike, seeking blood with a hungry blade...out of my depth perhaps against his strength...but I can bet to the Dear Virgin Scribe that the Primale did not expect a Chosen to draw blood, on a fast lunge of balled up female fury no less....The Primale will never tell me to leave again*
Fuck..{Blind-sided, the blade glinting cold steel from beneath the Chosen's robes, slashing a crimson line across my chest before instinct engages and my spine flexes back, narrowly evading a far deeper gash from the female's disturbingly accurate mark, despite the hood depriving her of sight. The blade arcs in her fisted grip, slicing this time through nothing more substantial than thin air, blood a hot trickle to ice cold skin, with it unleashed a rush of violent emotion. This fragile, unfledged female no match for centuries of honed warrior reflexes, her slender wrist manacled, body wheeled about roughly, a body slam of warrior muscle mashing her hooded cheek to the cold marble of a column, dagger arm cranked up her spine, wedged between rock and a hard wall of living, breathing unyielding warrior, brutal pressure on delicate wrist bones forcing the hilt of the blade from the Chosen's palm, stubbled jaw grazing the silk of the hood covering the Chosen's ear, Inhaling the fear like a drug, light headed, the words a twisted snarl} Are you afraid of me, Chosen? You should be...You think I won't kill you as I killed her? {gloved hand cupping your throat, cranking your neck into a taut arc, your heartbeat fluttering frantic as a trapped bird in the crook my hand, your life in my palm} Didn't your little sisters and your precious Directrix warn you of my reputation, all the nasty things I like to do to innocent, untouched females just like you? {Fuck, but the latent sexuality of the situation, wrong on so many levels, is un-fuckingdeniable. My cock a thick hard ridge shaped in tight leather, wedged tight to the lush curves of the Chosen's ass, the leather grip on her throat tightening, voice savage} were you going to let me fuck you, Chosen? Just to ahvenge your precious Directrix... tell me why you deserve more mercy than you showed to your sister Serhenity?
*My strength is overpowered in a few quick moves that spin my body to dizzy weakness and trap me into a lock of brutal male and cold marble...but blood scents the air, rich and potent, satisfying. So my blade did bite into the Primale's flesh, it made a home in his skin on the first strike but refused to make contact again, and left me open to this pinning humiliation. I squirm, I writhe and kick and growl hisses of feral protests as the Primale's words filter through the silk of the hood, his questions striking chords within me that demand I fight back....but against this? Against the rough hand dragging my throat into a vulnerable column? Against the hard male aggression that threatens sexual domination at my back, a pressing masculine presence that hammers fear through my veins and catches my breath against the fabric of the hood. I'm inhaling silk and it is choking me. Not just his words that do not spin right, there is a tone in the last snarled question, a lilt that confuses me as my mind grapples to piece his question framed answers together through the riot of fury and fear warring for my attention. He....killed the Directrix? He....would punish the Chosen for not aiding me in my punishment? I....cannot breathe. The slightest give in the manacle of hands capturing my wrists, twists free of your hold to snatch at the stifling silk hood, gasping in lungfuls of chilled air and a scent that was all Primale. The words are a hoarse snarl, constricted by the hand still craning my jaw up...but my anger is dying, leaving me grasping at tendrils of violent heat* You should kill me, my lord...The Directrix left me worse than dead...*I do not know truth from hate, cannot discern what is real and my rage is losing steam, crushed against the mammoth form that had once set my body ablaze and now shudders me with icy confusion and a mist of anger keeping me taut, spine ramrod stiff, hips mashed to marble....anything to keep from brushing against the iron ridge pressing soft curves through a veil of silk...something, that strange part of me, told me to move back, to move into the heavy towering weight of the Primale, as the darkness bid me drop, to slip from his grasp, snatch up the blade and drive it home until the breath left his lungs and my life was ahvenged. But no true answers came from this. His implications stuttered my vengeance plan into blindness and left me faintly numb, my plans unheeded now, confused, jumbled as I ask the one question that will set my path back straight and get the blade back in my hand* Did you order me blinded, sire?
{With the drag of silk over short cropped black hair, a wave of that achingly familiar scent crashes over me, a sensory bombardment, a mangled raft of conflicted emotions unveiled with the choppy mess of curls framing delicate cheekbones, and once emerald irises, now opaque and utterly blind} You?....it's YOU... fuck... {My body jerks away from you, gloved hand unclasped from your throat, the revelation felt with the physical force of an electric shock, the crushing realization slamming home to a brain playing catch-up with a bonded male physicality that had known all along, had recognised what was All. Fucking. MINE. Hard on its heels the horrible reality of our situation, the pounding evidence of my arousal, the threat on your life, the terror I instilled in you with my attack, a sick insult to your unjust injuries, injuries for which my heart carried a heavy burden of responsibility, gloved palm dragged down a face etched in lines of trauma and confusion at your question, the gravel still deep in my voice despite clearing the knot in my throat} Fuck What? Order you blinded? God no...{brows deep furrowed on troubled eyes} I failed you...and for that I will live with the regret for as long as my heart continues to beat...{running gloved fingers over the slash in my chest} I deserved this...I'm sorry so fucking sorry, Chosen.....
*You're gone from me faster than a heartbeat, your body no longer slammed up into my spine but paces away, a tangible agitation roaming at my back and raising hackles of wary fear, a direct response to the sudden freeze riding my skin in ripples of tentative emotion. You...did not order me blind....but the heat has gone from your body at the knowledge. You would have taken anyone of my sisters, even if it was just to punish, but me? You feel a breath away from bolting, disgusted no doubt that the silken length of my hair has been shorn from me and the eyes you admired are pale reflections, milky over the brightness of a passionate soul....no, you still cannot bear the sight of me, you cast me from your temple when I was myself and you seek still to do it now. You leave my body to save me from the chilling lack of arousal no doubt. I cannot stir you now you know who I am* Am I so hideous, my lord, that you must remove yourself from this pinning embrace? Your dominance will not even allow you to savour the fear enough to take me? Here....*anger slowly sizzling with the rising melt of blooming desire...from nowhere it creeps, freed from the restraints hatred had placed upon it, released in the face of your apology. It is not to be ignored, a boiling tumult of angry lust charging numbed veins once more with a fury of fire* Is that it? An apology, but still I am not as worthy as my sisters....they will send another perhaps. One more suited, one more scared. Hood me. I believe the rest of my self is unmarred, it may please you still....*spitting words are hissed, cheek rested to marble, hidden from you even as my face turns to direct the snarl in your direction...I goad, I provoke, but that something that tickled under my hatred, is blooming raw with the passion that lit up my soul at our first meeting...nudging at fury with desiring fingers* Take me to the door if you must…
Hideous!!?? {The word spat out on an angered snarl, laced with bitter incredulity} You think I don't want you, Chosen? {palms curling around your upper arms, fingers biting into tender flesh as I spin your delicate, robed form in a lash of choppy curls, your spine cracking back on the marble pillar with more force than my rational mind intended, the bonded beast seizing the reins of my sanity, driving the surging lust that courses through my veins, breaking from my pores in drugging waves of dark spiced possessiveness, yanking your wrist to shape your palm to the thick ridge of my erection throbbing, straining at the bondage of tight leather} Feel it..Does this feel to you like I don't desire you Chosen? {the words are growled desperation, your cheeks framed in a clasp of rough warrior hands, the pads of my thumbs stroking your cheekbones with tender restraint, fingers knotting into the choppy waves of your dark hair, urging your face up to meet the crystal diamond vehemence blazing beneath hooded lids, locking onto the sightless, milky depths of your eyes, willing you to see what you will not, and when my voice comes it is a hoarse, cracked whisper, a breath searing your lips} How can you be so blind Serhenity? You are utterly blind if you cannot see what you mean to me....I. Fucking. Love. You....
*I am torn into so many different emotions, pieces of my soul scattered around trying to decide how it feels, even as it lights up at your rough touch, your vehement disgust at my own view of myself, spinning me into a fiery darkness that strains through a shadowed sight to see you...just once more to look into those diamond eyes and see the desire I can hear in your voice, layered with desperation, sharp with the bite of anger, but that sound, curls the purrs through my core, drawing my lust to the surface as tears threaten to break the tight hold I have on them and rush to dampen your cradling palms....and I still cannot believe it. You thrust my hand upon you with such force, a need under your skin harshly grinding my palm to shape the steel constrained desire still pressing, still demanding...still wanting...me.... A ploy? A tease? To dissipate my anger and save yourself from my wrath? No....too much tenderness strokes with soft intimacy on my skin, your words too open, too raw to be a lie from a warrior who gives none of himself to anyone. I.....long admitted before my soul went into hibernation, hiding in the darkness of hate, that I love you...with my very soul, with every cell of my being, every breath....it had made my hatred all the more destructive....my lips part, the words tremoring on my tongue....but they are not the ones that come with the slow undulating arch of robed curves* Prove. It.
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