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{Wrath's lips are set in a cruel slash as I dish out the four one one on the Cop Tory and I ran into, but truth is, my mind is a million fucking miles from what went down with that CPD detective..so juiced up, body tense as a high-voltage cable, the hard ridge of my cock pounding against the fly of my leathers as I scan the room...Jesus, Fritz loved the mansion like she was his old lady, and decked out in all her Gothic finery, she was magnificent to behold, thousands of candles, a sea of flames reflecting off cut glass and mirror polished surfaces, hooded eyes seeking out the brightest jewel in the room..yup.. I am totally macking on that female in the black dress as she walks the foyer... Tory never wears dresses, and the way it clings to her curves..death and fucking seduction, true, diamond eyes like a charmed cobra, mesmerised by the sway of voluptuous hips...an erotic thirst that needs slaking and fuck, when you turns to look at me, eyes feline emerald behind that mask..yeah..that mask strokes at the dark, erotic parts of my brain the seam...it's erotic fucking spontaneous combustion chemistry. That look in your eyes the ocular equivalent of a big fucking come hither. Muttered excuses to Wrath, shitkickers surrendered to the draw of pure animal magnetism leading me to you}
*You're mine, and totally on board. No words, primal, carnal communication translated in the current of electric desire arcing between our bodies, drawing you from your conversation with the wildly flashing beacon of my need, so brightly lit up with arousal I'm surprised there are still shadows in the room at all....backing up, emeralds blazing under ebony lashes, pure devilish lust seeking to claim you, to finish what we started, even if it's in a fucking closet. Everyone else was eating, talking, doggen milling about happy to be of service...no one notices the adjoining door shut and lock, enclosing us in the neat sorted space...more a cloakroom than closet, but away, private. Locked to the glowing ethereal diamond fire in your eyes, I sink to my knees, a slow, sensuous drop bowing me before you in a loving worship, fingers quick, popping the button on your leathers, dragging the zipper down softly clicking metal teeth on an audible hiss....and that's not the only sound...the carefully cradled black pillar candle sputters as a slight dip connects wax and fire in an unholy union of painful anticipated pleasure, drawn from behind my back with a low purred* I'm going to paint you, V
{drawn on the seductive leash of your gaze, mirroring your backward steps until we are ducking inside the door of the cloakroom, a soft snick closing us into the confined space, your palms flat to my pecs, backing me up into a wall of rough hide leathers and the soft, thick fur of a sable duster, male scents and perfumes permeating the air, the scents of my brothers stirring up all kinds of feral, bonded male instincts inside of me. A hiss sounding out as you sink to your knees and I can't tell if it came from between my own gritted molars or from the flame of the candle glinting off the emerald facets of your eyes, aglow with wicked intent behind that filigree mask, a low growl slipping through extended fangs, the thick shaft of my aching arousal freed from the tight bondage of my leathers, diamond eyes locked on the molten wax threat gripped in your hand, the corners of my mouth pulling up in a half grin, voice gravelled by lust} you are playing with fire Tory.. {eyes darting to the door, the noise of the party leaking through in chaotic murmurs} what if somebody comes in? {quirking a brow, my smile spreading wider to reveal glinting fangs}
Then we'll hide...*my shoulder brushing the hem of a jacket, stroked over by hanging fabrics as my mouth moves to the muscled line of your hip, feathering over your skin, tasting inches of warm golden velvet flesh with fanged bites and the silky brush of whispering lips* or...*hand raising the black pillar of the candle to hover just above your navel* We'll set them on fire....*a tip of my wrist, practiced, measuring the pour of molten wax spilling down ripped abs to sear the heat of my passion in scorching droplets to your body, marking you with teasing blotches of bone deep burning* Beautiful *Bold ink casting stark warnings around your groin, melts under the heat of a reverent tongue, a softer contrasting burn to the liberally splashed wax fluttered over your skin with each lapping stroke as my free hand shoves at your leathers clawing them down your thighs so I can reach every character, every threat permanently marked into your flesh, slow in my exploration, generous with the patterning of pain dropped along the line of your hip, splashed to the tensed column of your thigh, as though there aren’t warriors and females on the other side of the door, tasting every black line of your ink with tender care before I douse them in the wildness of vicious arousal, my passion a fire in the hiss of the candle*
FUCK!!! {biting out the words on a ragged hiss of air, head kicked back into the heavy pelt of sable as my spine arches, palms splayed back against the wood panelled wall of the cloakroom} you make me fucking burn, Tory {the wax splashes blistering, exquisite agony over my skin, thigh muscles rigid as the rivers of searing ecstasy pour down the lines of inked warning, lashing me with unbearable red heat that hardens, pulling my skin taut, unravelling my control, molten lust swarming my senses, my pulse pounding in the shaft of my rock-hard arousal, breathing raw, struggling against the overwhelming urge to roar my pleasure, fangs punching ragged holes in the flesh of my lower lip to gag my screams}
*Fuck...I want your screams...I want you as you were, deep in my throat, taking your pleasure from my mouth with loud growling cries of ultimate masculine surrender...MINE...my tongue sneaks out, kittenish flickers tracking silvery scars gentle fingers cupping and stroking your sac as I play over the evidence of a brutal past with intimate kisses. The wax all but branded to your skin, only faint trickles of pain grace sensitive flesh with the next tip of my hand, the flame danced up your inner thigh as the thrumming sounds of your agonised pleasure spur me on, urging me higher, to bite sucking kisses to the thickly veined length of your shaft, dragging fangs down silken sheath, glossing steel in the wet heat of a hungry mouth, an assault of devouring suction and harsh nipping hums, taking inches on short retreats, bathing you in tight contracting muscle as you tip the back of my throat, an alternating rhythm that has your hands jerking at my hair, your hips thrusting through your control...Fuck yes!! You are mine, steel velvet on my tongue, my soul in my eyes*
Ahhh fuck!!! {Sensory fucking overload.. the molten firebrand of the wax replaced by the deliciously insane torture of your velvet tongue, teasing licks slaking over the delicate, scarred skin of my sac, blood red lips flirting with the blunt head of my arousal, shaping the thickly ridged column of the throbbing shaft, riding glossy, wet heat down every rock-hard inch, the threat of razor points skimming the vellum soft skin that sheaths the steely core, riding shivers of raw, carnal pleasure down my bowed spine, breathing in growled pants, fisting handfuls of your silken hair in a battle to maintain the control that slips with every tight suctioning draw and retreat of your mouth, tantalizing shallow sucks alternating with deep, enveloping plunges that kiss the sensitive head of my cock to the limits of your throat..a head-rush of exquisite pleasure, diamond eyes transfixed on the erotic sight of your lips wrapped around my thick girth, a mind-blowing twist and suck that has my hips rolling rhythmically on a primitive, fuck-thrusting instinct, so fucking powerful on your knees you own me, body, heart, mind and soul... FUCK!! latching onto the emerald glow of your eyes as your throat constricts, growled hums vibrating chills through the corded muscles of my body that ratchet up the sexual tension to a fevered, teeming frenzy of fierce passion...I'm right on the fucking edge...bonding scent pulsing off my sweat sheened skin infusing the cloakroom with dark, exotic spices, my eyes pleading, begging permission for release for this blinding torture}
*teasing, tormenting, working your cock deeper with every cushioning glide to your hilt, swallowing inches in fisting purrs and as your hips swing free, your hands rein into my hair, a desperate bid for more, pleading, in the hurricane of sensation, fucking my mouth with a hungry striving pace, kissing through the sucking rake of pearly blades with hisses of pain fuelled ecstasy, the muscles of your ass flexing and bunching in the clawing grip of my hands with each powerful stroke, candle long extinguished and forgotten...and I fucking love you...I love you unleashed, unbound, completely revealed and feral before me, seeking the depths of my soul with your passion and feeding me everything you have...every thick iron inch slipping past my lips in a frenetic tempo of mounting climactic energy, lightning sparking over my skin, my desire dripping honey over the swollen folds of my sex, my lust wildly awakened, never sleeping, forever embers ready to be stoked by your touch, your voice, your scent..we are eternal in our passion, our desire never wavering, our hearts entwined, enshrined in the pure emotion of our souls' connection, the bond that allows you to give yourself over to me, that lets you trust me, that gives me the overwhelming desire to kneel before you and bring you to ecstasy over and over, trusting you to protect me, both vulnerable, both stronger together, exquisite in our union...my mouth rides silky glides of velvet curling tongue and flickering licks, warm breath running cool to the oversensitive, hot crown of your cock... drilled to the hilt, your shaft punching deep, I can only growl and beg with the tear shimmering facets of an emerald coloured soul for you to come for me*
{Fuck I AM UNDONE...the mutilated, ugly skin of my sex revered with the kiss of a lover, the violence of your love felt in every erotic chill inflicted by the velvet draw of your mouth, shitkickers planted wide, leathers riding low on rigid thighs as the delicious rake of your nails over the flexed muscles of my ass sends me barreling into screaming ecstasy hips bucking, fists reining your hair to thrust my cock deeper into the hot vice of your mouth, surging hots jets of molten ecstasy down your throat, bloody rivulets welling from the punctures of fangs, stifling the roar building in my chest, my body lit up with lightning passion, quaking with the intensity of my release, crystal tears burning diamond eyes locked onto the emerald depths of yours, my anchor in the eye of a climactic storm, hoarse words barked out, oblivious to the party that continues just beyond the closet door} I fucking love you Tory...Fucking MINE!!!
*I am lost....caught up in the crashing storm of mounting ecstasy, my palm clamped tight in the intimate apex of my thighs dipped under my dress to stroke and ease the throbbing insanity of arousal, circling the tiny bead of my pleasure in fast rapid touches, matching you thrust for thrust, synching our wild rhythm, you in my throat, controlling me now, guiding my strokes to a frantic tempo, my fingers penetrating the well of my lust...my body tight, your muscles corded under a glimmer of sweat, poised, teetering...my fangs slice down on a deep kicking thrust, my hand clamps hard, heel working at my clit...and we're unravelling in violent screaming roars that no soundproof room could contain let alone a flimsy mahogany door, your climax bolting through us both in surging pulses of liquid fire, pleasure soaking my fingers in hot honey as you come apart in my throat, bathing the swallowing caressing embrace of tight muscle in the molten wash of masculine ecstasy, potent, pure euphoria on my tongue, stringing us both taut in the gripping throes of rapturous completion, soaring, falling, cresting the swells of crazed emotion and orgasmic energy shivering shocks of bliss to hypersensitive pleasure centres and flooring us in the ultimate union, the wildest, most primitive connection sealing our souls, racing through our hearts and leaving me panting at your feet, catching lingering drops of your pleasure from whimper parted lips* Fuck...I fucking love you, V...my soul, my hellren, my love, my air, my everything...
{Clearing the gravel from my scream raw throat, light in my shitkickers as we stumble stride out of the intoxicating haven of the mansion cloakroom, all those scents supplanted by the heady fragrance of male possession, husky laughter ,deep-edged with delirium, barely stifled as we meet the masked faces of the assembled throng, wide eyed with shock..fucking priceless, true..doggen, glymera, shellans, brothers..all eyes trained on the door as we emerge, their jaws slack as you tame your mussed hair with a slow lick over glossed lips and gloved fingers rearrange the zipper of my leathers, blood swiped from fang punctured lips on the back of my free hand as you lean into Fritz's ear to whisper a little too loudly} 'Wonderful party Fritz...the hors d'oeuvres...simply delicious' {wicked emeralds glinting up at me with a knowing look, those tangled midnight curls fisted to plant a kiss of raw, possessed passion to your swollen lips..right there in front of the peanut gallery of rubber-neckers, goatee'd mouth brushing your ear with whispered promises of the erotic tortures that awaited you in the Penthouse when we got home} Let's blow this fucking joint Tory......
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