Friday 2 September 2011

Red Smoke

{Watching the bag of red smoke slide across the Reverend's desk on the dull point of the dagger letter-opener} <<pull up a pew, vampire>> {the purple eyed sin-eater was one shrewd sonofabitch, sat across from the bloated desk, the look in his eyes sharper than the five thousand dollar suit he filled with that big muscled frame} I'll stand.. <<suit yourself>> {a hand cruising over the 'hawk as I pocket the red smoke, peeling the Benjamins off the money clip and tossing the green down on the highly polished mahogany, inclining my head in a respectful nod} appreciate it, true {feeling those cold amethyst eyes lifted to my face, the Reverend's words 
spoken in a low baritone} <<had a couple of my working girls pull no-shows for their shifts at the club.. no trace.. no contact.. like they're just disappearing off the Caldwell grid.. we're talking no blood link.. as in 'dead' untraceable>> {ice-white eyes narrowing, feeling my shoulders lift in a shrug of leather} sounds like internal affairs, true? {indicating the androgynous head of security lurking in the shadows, Xhex, with a jerk of my goatee'd jaw} not exactly Brotherhood biz, feel me? {pressing a hand-rolled between my lips, flaming up with a metallic rasp, tendrils of aromatic Turkish smoke curling up into the tight atmosphere.. clearly the Reverend hasn't done talking.. again with the hand scrubbing over the 'hawk, the clenched fist and a barely audible growl the only tells that the sin eater is righteously fucked off with this sitch} <<we take care of our own, V..except.. Xhex thought these names might pique your curiosity?>> {and then he coolly drops the females' names into the conversation and they register familiarity in my brain like fucking hammerfalls..I know these females..have known them..intimately ..I can picture their names, inscribed in that little black book, alongside phone numbers and other, 'choice' details.. the same black book Tory ashed in a red haze of jealousy ..fuck.. she wouldn't? the coincidences are unsettling enough to command my full fucking attention} seems I'll be needing that seat after all, Reverend... {pulling up a chair, ass-planting in front of the desk, gloved hand raking black hair from haunted diamond eyes} I'm all fucking ears....

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