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*No....you are so much worse... you make me feel...the words ripple up to the surface of the black pool of icy rage thawing the frozen blood in my veins with a blast of heat..before reasoning and bright memories sink under, gaze fixed to chilled through and through, that sunny spark in my mind diminishing as hate rises in a dense black fog to snuff it out but that light flickers on the reflection of the shadowed pool, fighting to shed a glow on Vishous and bring me back...I know I'm not right, something inky is staining my heart, blacking out the good with the blood of the past but I'm not strong enough...the blade presses deeper, tongue stroking down lethal fangs, nostrils flaring, senses catching on the seductive blend of your blood and...mmm...dark spices...sultry, exotic...erotic...so fucking familiar...but the ice wont let up, it's spreading, turning my body glacial even as I burn, welded to the sculpted muscle of your body, so fucking close we share a heartbeat...are breathing each other’s growling air...twisting the blade against your jugular, I steel myself to finish it*
{Fuck!.. it's nothing.. just a glimmer, a flash of emerald light and then you blink and it's gone.. but it's everything..enough to stall my heart.. slowly..so fucking slowly, my free hand reaches up toward your neck, thumb smoothing back and forth over your jugular, even as the hard steel of the blade penetrates further into my own, slow hypnotic stroking, diamond eyes dilated, glowing beneath black lashes, locked with the obsidian black of yours} Shhh easy Tory..let's just cool out, true {slow stroking pressure on your vein, bringing you down, inch by tortuous inch} it's me Tory..it's V.. come back to me, my soul
*brow creasing, eyes narrowing a haze of confusion, jerking a little, V's thumb stroking a hypnotic beat over the pounding of my heart...what the...Onyx fire blazing into your gaze, tripping from the black pool of my wrath, to drown in diamond. Lulled, the rhythmic pulse of your touch running through my bloodstream, glaciers in my veins slowly melting to thud sluggishly through my body, skin heating as my anger cools, bewilderment flickering, I dont...know...what is happening, the demons scattering, shadows fleeing, brows drawn together as the haze parts in a veil of inky nightmares to let a beaming shaft of sunlight in to illuminate bright memories...slowly...ever so slowly, time suspended or I'm moving at warp speed, I dont know...but the blade inches away from the hammering drum of your jugular, sharp silver flashed from stubble, the crimson beads welling in a bloody temptation to fill the deep cut, spilled over, staining your skin with the potent essence of your life...and that voice, that name... ...my...soul..? Like wading through the swamp of demonic memories my mind strains to push through, grasping onto the lifeline you offer, the vital touch, the feather strokes to my heart coaxes the blade from my fingers, hand unclenching in a violent spasm, metal clattering to concrete in a harsh clang, a different instinct breaking through and it dips my head, tongue sweeping a rough rasp over your vein, anger simmering ...and my soul breaks from shadow, bloody lips bruise yours in a savage assault that defies my nightmares and purrs* V...?
{fuck.. yes.. the hypnotic stroking slows your heart to a steady metronome... chipping away at the black ice encasing your soul and when the breakthrough comes it's not so much a thaw as a nuclear fucking meltdown, the clanging of steel on concrete derailing your attack, the wet velvet rasp of your tongue replacing the razor tip of your blade, in a heartbeat your attack instinct has shifted focus and your mouth is crushing mine with brutal, ravaging possession, my hand burying deep at your nape, fisting handfuls of luxuriant, silken waves, wrenching your mouth from mine to growl your name on your lips} Tory... {lungs punching against my ribcage, heart hammering through my chest} fuck Tory...
*tear crystalled eyes trace your features, seeing you for the first time without the hatred distorting my vision to a spectre of evil, I'd fallen too far...let it consume me...but evil as a power source never ended well, your soul was the price to pay for such strength, and the violence chipped away everything until that's all you are...I am in pieces, a fractured copy of my present self all over again, we'd fixed me...and one outburst of furious rage had splintered that jagged edges jutting through my skin with razor emotion, raw with lingering wrath, hanging on a thin thread, your hold on me, the brutal passion in your kiss, links me to you, re-weaves the binds that had strayed* my name...say my name again.. *touch me, make me feel something other than the ice still melting a chill through my systems, soothe my ragged edges with the wild possession swirling mercurial diamond in your gaze, and fury rises a vicious heat that flares at the sight of your wounds...black and blue slowly creeping mottled under your skin, swelling around fractures, blood* fuck...V...I...
Shhhh...{silencing your mouth with a savage kiss, growling out your name over and over} Tory..Tory..Tory..{the words accented by rough pulls of your hair that jerk your face up to mine, ravaging your lips with raw, fanged possession, adrenaline and fierce love coursing through my veins, body aching all over, throbbing with the pain of my injuries and darker, carnal hungers...Jesus, call me a sick fuck, but the pain and sex are synonymous, my body hard-wired for that same visceral reaction that hardens my cock to a pounding strain in my leathers, ground hard against you and at the first scent of your arousal it's game fucking over.. logical decent thought erased, that dress shoved up your hips, shitkickers hooked around your ankles, splitting your thighs, the heel of my gloved hand grinding over the soaked strip of satin, the only barrier that separates me from the soft, swollen folds of your core, snarling curses swallowed by your mouth} fuck Tory I need you....
*crying out, the heel of your hand working a slick friction between thighs split wider for you, desire a new fury burning the inferno of sexual rage, morphing to new lusts, hips battling to grind closer, my arousal a night bloom filling the dank alley with the scent of invitation...and when your growls take my lips with kiss-distorted words, my body answers the hard questioning of yours, nails raking blood, your shirt torn with a violent rip of fabric as I seek the familiar heat of your skin, tongue laving a rough sweep up your throat as my hands score welts down to your leathers, brutally savaging rough hide, tearing the fastening in a harsh yank and freeing the thick steely length of you to the cool air, panted growls spilling from my lips, desperately battling for control of my demons, your strength mine, fueling, revitalising, a hellfire of desire in my core as my hips angle, my lips beg, and my hands drag you closer* I'm here, V... *I am everywhere, clawing, biting, at your throat, your chest, fangs elongated, nails marking, wild, untamed with passion*
Fuck Tory!! {low-lidded eyes flashing dark, erotic threat, the excruciating pleasure of your talons clawing welts down my chest drawing feral grunts from my throat, the ripping sound of fabric heralding the freeing of my heavy, throbbing arousal from the tight bondage of my leathers...all control released along with it.. game fucking on.. this is a fight I want to win.. roughly hitching your thigh to my waist, the underside of my thickly veined erection grinding hard friction through the translucent barrier of your slick silk panties, the front of your dress yanked down, my fist in your hair tugging your spine into an arch that pushes your bared breast into the bruising crush of the flat of my hand, my blood is volatile with the savage lust pumping through my veins, fangs punching down with the insatiable drive to be on you, in you, all fucking over you...the tension of my fist tightening in your hair, exposing the pulsing target of your throat even as my free hands tugs wet satin aside, the blunt head of my cock breaching the vised threshold of your core, lips locked with bruising suction on your vein and with a brutal, punching thrust of my hips I penetrate you deep, impaling you on every thick pulsing inch of my erection, a primal roar of possession ripping up my throat} MINE!!
*animal cries rip from my throat, vein bruised with hungry suction, hair fisted roughly, body curved in a taut bow of lust and the painfully arousing sensations flood my core with molten desire, melting around the brutal slamming invasion of your cock, a carnal war of anger tight bodies colliding in a vicious battle for control, even as we give ourselves over to the feral fight of sexual dominance, earlier fury morphed to this explosion of hungry lust, locked together in a violent assault, my body a lithe sinuous curve of invitation taking everything with bestial possession, and giving it back with a tenfold dose of fierce arousal, sheathing the drilling furious rhythm of your thrusts in the scorching wet vice of my sex...so fucking exposed, dress bunched up around my waist, tugged below my breasts, a raw primitive union uncaring of location, or decency, just needing you driving inside me, the fire of your love burning away all remnants of the ice around my soul, rushing in with that hurricane of flames to consume me in the ball of fiery lust searing skin and mounting that primal tension that promises death on the battlefield of our ruthlessly lethal aggressive impact...my voice echoes off stone walls, whimpering your name as you punch a merciless tempo over my sweet spot, working me ever harder* V!
YES!! Fuck yes Tory {snarling, the words punctuated by brutal thrusts, drilling you into the wall, your hips meeting the hard impact of mine, thrust for thrust, raw, carnal combat, you take all of me, muscles bunching and releasing with every thick, arousal slicked thrust through the fisted velvet resistance of your core, growls of primal lust ripping through the night air, stretching you to the point of pain, demanding your whimpering cries, driven by the primitive possessive instinct to brand what is MINE!! A violent expression of the furious love that controls me..mind, body and fucking soul...and your heartbeat is a flutter of hummingbird's wings under the delicate skin of your throat, lips curling back, fangs dropping low and lethal, eyes hooded as I fall on the throbbing target of your vein, piercing flesh penetrating deep, wet guttural moans escaping my mouth as the exquisite wine of your essence assaults my palate in an explosion of lust...FUCK!!... with every pumping thrust and dragging retreat my climax pounds harder for release, fingers clawing a perilous death-grip on the edge of sanity, demanding your ecstasy}
*with every vicious advance and retreat agonising pleasure rips through me, the feral fighting clash of our bodies a crazy frenetic battle toward ecstasy, striving with feline undulations, boots grazing the ground, leveraging my counter-thrusts as your powering demand between my thighs kicks me up the wall, cracking arched spine to stone, a bruising rhythm penetrating the depths of my soul with the relentless stretching surges of your desire, fucking me with the raw, lust hammering thrusts corkscrewing a dangerous volatile tension, core viced tight, twisting sensuous, writhing grinds on the iron velvet of your erection, nailing my sweet spot with fatal precision, gliding through the molten sheath...and mining my core to the hilt in a skin-slapping blurring tempo, that weakens muscles and sends my brain into overload. And then your fangs score my throat, your hunger penetrates to the reservoir of my emotions and you unleash the insanity of ecstasy in a tornado of unfurling lust, unravelling the essence of me in a cataclysmic apocalypse of sense, a destruction by orgasmic meltdown...the war lost, the fight surrendered, the battle a euphoric blaze that rips you from my throat with a violent fist and drags your eyes to mine...I need to know..need to see that ethereal, erotic glow of diamond, need that connection as my world fragments and my soul soars, and my body succumbs to the dominating ownership of yours in a fury of screams that rent the air with my passionate, maddening love and feral ecstatic possession* YES, FUCK!!! VISHOUS!!!
{Fuck... I am lost, possessed, consumed by the frenzied, brutal, lust-fueled assault of blood and sex, a fever of need hammering through my veins, hips pistoning of their own volition...and then your fisted hand in my hair is tearing my fangs from their bruising lock on your vein, ripping savagely through your flesh to drag my passion-glazed eyes up to yours and fuck.... your eyes...your eyes are glowing emerald fire.. you're back..you're really fucking back.. my entire body seized in the spasming grip of impending erotic detonation, spine jerked into a bow of ecstasy that punches my cock right to the limits of your desire, brain short-circuiting, anchored only by that emerald intensity as your body begins to shudder around me, so fragile in my arms and yet you are the very beat of my heart, the fire that ignites my soul..my release tackling me hard, thundering through my veins, lighting up every cell in my body, humming with barely leashed sexual power that coalesces in a bolt of ecstasy arrowing down my spine, nailing you to the wall, an explosive, mind-blowingly brutal climax that shakes me to my very core, your name a hoarsely bellowed roar from the top of my lungs} Holy FUCK TORY!!
*and my death is a fiery combustion, hurtling me into the fires of eternal love in a second devastation of ecstasy, your climax ripping through me, tearing aftershocks into full blown jolts of pleasure, surging on the crests of your bliss peaking again...you tripped the wire of my sexual release and the pulses ripple down the jetting kick of your arousal as you detonate inside me, branding me in the wash of liquid fire, nails breaking your skin in lines of bloody passion, cries kissed to the bruises colouring your face in purple blooms, tears mixing salt into the blood I tenderly lap from your skin...sorrow at my assault on you, relief lacing my love...you brought me back...you'll always bring me back* Fuck V...I'm sorry...I'm so fucking sorry...I didnt mean to...
{Oh..God.. shuddering between your thighs, hips kicking with excruciatingly pleasurable aftershocks of my climax, crystal tears shimmering, unshed, in my eyes, lips locking onto yours in a desperate, panted kiss, shaking my head slowly, forehead resting on yours, the dark incense of our bond blooming heavy on sweat-sheened skin, finding my voice, a hoarse whisper} No, Tory, no... you're back..nothing else matters, true... just..fuck..{hands tangling into the midnight waves of your hair, diamond eyes meeting yours with an un-voiced plea} Those females... you didn't kill them...did you?
*head jerking back from you so fast my skull cracks into the wall, stars exploding behind my eyes as I try to focus...and pain and confusion is a whole new sensation layered over the bliss still running electric through my body, eyes searching yours, as though I could probe your brain, my knees trembling, muscles weak, held up only by the pinning muscle of your body, fuzzed mind trying to assimilate the informative accusatory question* Who's dead? I havent killed anyone I havent fucking been out for more than a few minutes since we had the young...and you know females are not my MO...never *gaze narrowed, confused disbelief...you really thought I'd killed females? And my second thought..who the fuck was dead?*
Thank fuck...{the words breathed on your lips, relief a cool wave washing over me, tension bleeding from my body 'til I'm light as fucking air.. I knew you couldn't.. I always knew in my heart, but I'd let the sin-eater worm his doubts inside my brain and... fuck.. yeah.. framing your face in rough palms, your lips claimed in a raw, ravaging kiss} Lets just fucking go home Tory..please {my words pleading in the face of your inquisitive glare} and I'll tell you everything, true
*What the fuck have you kept from me? You didnt really believe I'd...any other thoughts are stolen by rough kisses and the caress of leather* yes...take me home....*stepping away to fasten yourself into the...very ripped..confines of your leathers isnt such a good idea as my body crumples, caught in strong arms before I hit the deck, shimmying my hem down over bruised hips, the dress tugged up to conceal the hypersensitive swells and hardened peaks of my breasts, back in order...so graciously carried, when my sex-weak legs refuse their cooperation, to my bike..and home to our Penthouse*
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