Suspicious minds
{Planted in front of the four toys in a haze of scented smoke, Tory's green dude perched on top of one monitor, hogging the heat radiating off the humming screen, gloved fingers drumming the desk, forehead dropped into my palm on a growled exhale. Gotta hand it to the sin eater, the symphaths and their shadows had been all over the missing females' tracks with a fine tooth comb.. addresses, bank accounts, family, johns, blood links and fuck it, but the Reverend nailed it.. it was like they just dropped off the grid... only logical explanation.. they were dead.. in all probability nothing more than scorch marks on a Caldwell pavement by now.. one bene of murdering vampires..disposal of evidence was a cinch, true {scrubbing a palm over my nape.. dark memories intruding on my thoughts, the faces of those females, their bound and gagged bodies laid out on my rack, defiled, veins punctured.. the same images that have haunted my mind these past twenty four hours.. because their sexual leanings were what linked them, these were hard-core subs, not your lightweight Lewis-and-Clark types, these females had been Penthouse regulars, like addicts... the only way they could find their satisfaction. Who did my subs go to now I had a mate? The instant I bonded with Tory they became invisible to me. Tory... shit.. diamond eyes lifted to the nursery door, where I can hear her singing to the young. I knew the purple-eyed Symphath had wormed into my brain, pulling up that image of her burning the book, the expression on her face when I'd tossed it at her and told her to choose a blood donor, Tory's words, the first time I put her through her paces in the Penthouse <<I now need to kill all your other subs for having experienced that>>...replaying, over and over in my head..SHE WAS FUCKING JOKING!!..wasn't she? She gets off on pain..FUCK YOU..I get off on pain, doesn't make me a fucking serial killer, true.. I'd felt those symphath feelers sifting through my thoughts, had seen the red glow in the Reverend's eyes..warned the MOFO to stay the fuck out of my head.. shit got real heated, up in each other's grille.. and the sonofabitch backed off, but not before he'd wormed in there.. nice and deep. Fuck, so she had a green-eyed monster... I could empathise.. bonded fucking male that I am.. That didn't make her a murderer, true? Sure, she's killed our kind before... but those males had it coming.. rapists, abusers.. the insidious whispers in my head keep coming back... She executed them, cold blood..NO!.. She drained that civilian, robbed him, she laughed and left him for dead in that alley....SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!.. The green dude turns a shifty, chameleon, rolling eye down on me.. and I shoot back with a hard diamond glare..} NO!.. I don't believe she's capable of it and no, I refuse to read her fucking mind... because that would be a total betrayal of our trust...wouldn't it? {Goddamnit... burying my eyes in the heels of my hands on a growl...and now I'm talking to a fucking reptile.. Pain tearing like daggers through my eye-sockets every time I try to block the voices.. The sin eater suspected Tory, but the Reverend knew better than to throw that precious little accusation my way.. Not unless he wanted his ass handed to him on a skewer, deep fucking fried.. no, instead he dipped into my grid, took the information and fed it back to my subconscious, planting a seed to sprout the evil roots of doubt in my mind...the cocksucker knew that even if she was innocent, I would go fucking terminator..would stop at nothing to clear her name.. Yep, Rehvenge had done a real number in my head..he was manipulating me to expose the killer...a symphath mojo mindfuck of royal fucking proportions... }
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