Friday 8 July 2011

When Doubt Calls

*chin propped on my hand, curled on my side on the thick rug in the centre of Rehv's living space as the twins wriggle their way across the luxurious fabric, two tiny bundles squirming away from the kisses blown on their little round stomachs, the tickle of my fingers on the bottoms of those miniature feet, growling playfully to incite the giggles that make my soul smile and my body relax. Pushing the heavy fall of my midnight curls over my shoulder, my lips drop a kiss to Xsykhe's tiny nose, smoothing the shock of black hair on her head, one hand walking fingers through the dense material of the rug to gently tackle Khaos' worming flail of limbs in an assault of delight* you guys cant get enough, can you, my little warriors? *the cooing tone of my voice cut off as a frown furrows my brow, the vibrating cell pulled from my pocket, number unfamiliar, pressed to my ear, a single growled word down the line the only greeting I'll give* What?! *at first nothing, the sound of music in the background, a heavy bass that twigs my brain and puts the song on the tip of my tongue...then a voice...a voice I know, from somewhere...did I punch this female? The drawl a seductive, catty pitch..with a hint of neediness and insecurity...speaking seven words that knock my heart into my throat, pull my soul down from its soar and still the hand placating my now fussing young* <<Knew you couldn't satisfy him for long...>> *Choking on the snarl that rises, bolting upright from my lounging* Who the fuck is this?!!! *then realisation...the same bitchy intonation the first time, spoken over Jessie J's 'Do It Like A Brother', only that time it had been 'You know you wont be able to satisfy him...'. A female, my own kind, whoring after Brothers like it was the end of the fucking world, slamming down the shot of Absinthe to the table and stalking off in the direction V had gone...probably to offer to ice where I'd hit him...what seemed so very long ago. Unleashing the building snarl on a distorted word* Caith..*all I need right now, for some nympho female trailing after my male, hovering, like some vulture waiting to feed off the sexual tension and unmet needs, to offer herself as his sub...but wait..what the fuck is she talking about? Her laugh answers my unspoken question* <<Your male is wandering, Tohrture. You're not female enough for him, I presume, or he got tired of whatever vanilla fuck you can give him now you have your young. If you are fucking him at all. Apparently your little friend Laehsandra is more what V needs..the hard-core fuck that makes a female bleed, scream, and crave more. Fuck knows the freak female can take it. He came in here trolling for her. Specifically asked for her. And then got up close and personal with her, hot, heavy whispers that made her eyes wide and her cheeks blush. *a low laugh of husky cutting pleasure* and when he had his hand on my wrist..if he hadnt found her, I have no doubt I'd be pinned to a wall by now>> *and there it is...what I hadnt dared contemplate, that the reason he isnt touching me, that we got no further than kisses that blew my mind...he has another to see to that base need. The Dom in him not easily discarded in light of our new living situation, V apparently cant come to me to sate the urges. Teeth grinding, anger evaporating any tears, the temperature dropping until the young murmur their discomfort and I force the chill aside, replacing it with the white hot of my rage* Listen here, you little bitch. *mind screaming as my soul writhes in a confused mess of agony, so sensitive, so unsure of how he feels towards me now, and dead set furious at myself for letting this jealous gnat of a female make me think that he would betray me. My soul convinced it's a lie, my heart hurting, he is male he has needs I am not meeting...hissing out with feigned sincerity* I'm so sorry that the object of your..addiction..found you unworthy, but can you blame him? Who would take a female who has willingly sought out the attentions of not one, but all of his Brothers?  Whose legs pop open at the mere smell of leather, but is really too much of a coward to be able to take the full force of his hunger? Who aspires to be a sub as well renowned and well respected, and well served as Laea, but does not have the discipline nor the understanding of what it means to not only receive pleasure, but to, female...are a sexual parasite, hopping on the back of people's needs and latching on where you arent wanted. He is MY fucking drug, the cravings for V's presence, his touch, his kiss, are soothed, eased, sated, my addiction is him and I am his. There is no way some two-bit whore like you is ever going to be the methadone to that addiction. I am in his skin, in his soul and if you touch him again, you'll have to learn to wait tables with no fucking hands and no fucking head! *disconnecting the call, the twin cries start up as my voice raises, taut with fury, at her, at my inability to cater to my male, at the doubt that is creeping in...God, when V gets home he better touch me... Of course she's cant be true, not after everything we've been through. slay all uncertainty...I guess I'll be taking a trip back to our Penthouse.*

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