Monday 8 August 2011

Story time

{tendrils of soap-scented steam and soft candlelight break from the cracks in the bathroom door where Tory soaks her aching, tired limbs. The young, freshly bathed, their warm, slippery bodies cuddled into soft towels, are propped up in the black silk pillows, a hard-muscled arm crooked around each tiny head, stubbled jaw brushing over their fine baby hair, inhaling that incredible baby scent, like milk and honey and the sun on the Old Country wheat fields of my pre-trans days.. they smell of innocence, the skin of their unblemished cheeks softer than fine satin against the back of my fight-hardened knuckles. A surge of the bonding scent rising up from my skin as I settle back into the pillows, knees pulled up to form a bookrest, gloved fingers opening the cover, I begin to read} 'We're going on a bear hunt...we're going to catch a big one...we're not scared ...' {they may not understand the words, but my voice is a low baritone, the cadence of the alliteration tripping off my tongue, an inflection of the Old Country accent bleeding through some of the sentences} Splash splosh! Splash splosh!.... {Xsykhe's fist curls over my pec, bright eyes dancing over the colors of the turning pages} 'Tiptoe! Tiptoe! Tiptoe! WHAT'S THAT?' {Khaos pulls a little jerk of surprise against my chest, baby face crumpling into a mashed-up frown, lower lip jutting out in the unmistakable overture to anguished wailing... lowering my voice to a husky equivalent of that hushed, soothing tone I've heard Tory use... he looks up at me with her eyes, one tiny hand reaching out towards the inked patterns around my eye... And he settles, burrowing into my skin with a snuffled sigh.... turning my attention back to the pages when a shadow darkens the bathroom doorway.. diamond gaze lifted to Tory, dark, damp waves curling down to her ass, inked skin flushed and glowing from the bath... a fucking goddess backlit by candlelight.. a slow smile pulling at the corners of my mouth} We were just..umm hunting Tory... you going to join us nalla? {eyes bright with amusement}

*brow raised, lips twitching, Vishous and the twins a picture, so damn....coughs...badass...with their book propped between them and Khaos looking like he's recovering from a shock, tucked against V's chest as his sister demands more words, her palm flat to the page with a soft family...tucking the towel tighter and padding towards V, a warmth in my heart that has nothing to do with the heat of the bath, slipping in silently beside him, fitting myself into his side, chin resting on his shoulder, a kiss to his jaw, content to watch as he entertains our young...such love...a tenderness I cant describe in my soul* hunting, V? We better go and get that bear then...*before our young throw a fit...Xsykhe already geared up now that their father's attention has switched...pressing a kiss to their tiny noses and letting him continue, as soothed as our freaklings by V's voice, lids closing, lips curved, listening to the happy coos as he reads*

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