Monday, 18 April 2011
*it was calling to me, an ache in my muscles, the need, the urge to go and fuck something up. The night air ruffled my hair, a playful teasing, a whisper to join. Casting a guilty glance back at the closed glass doors and dematerializing, knowing that if I didn't leave I never would. And I needed to hunt. I'd been doing it for over a century and no male was going to change that now. The Lessers had been left alone for far too long while I obeyed. Strapped down with my favourite playthings, I materialize downtown and set off*
*the scent was heavy in the air, blood, fear, and the sickly sweet smell of evil. With quick hands I scale the wall, landing in a crouch on top of the roof of an abandoned club, tilting my face to the breeze, letting it carry information to me. Three at the most, a wounded female. Lip curling in a snarl, fangs elongating, my muscles tensed, anxious to go and play. But I would need to wait. They would be expecting some sort of interruption I was sure of it. Anger a raging storm inside I lurk, braced, waiting for that one moment*
*There it is. The break I need. The female is putting up a good fight and when she draws them into the alley, I follow, prowling along the edge of the roof, dropping down in front of the lessers and their very unwilling captive. My eyes widen in shock* Laehsandra!! Oh fuck no you didn't boys *smirking as I fire off two rounds, dead centre in their heads, satisfied they will stay down for a while, turning to the female* what the hell are you doing out here? And why do they always look so shocked? Makes it easy to shoot the fuckers *Shaking my head* I hate that, but they'll pop up like albino jack in the boxes *nodding, watching them closely* wasn't there three?
* The hair on the back of my neck stands on end, a shiver down my spine. A deep breath and the slight tremor of fear as I recognise the scent that freezes my blood and sets my nerves running scared. Behind me, larger than life I know what I will see* Laea? Get out of here. *Turning, pivoting slowly, face expressionless as I greet* brother mine...
*My spine snaps straight, making like wolverine and coating my bones in adamantium, setting up the barbed wire around my emotions, unwilling to let this male knock down all I have built up, I sneer* I really hope you're just graying early and haven't actually dyed your hair to match those fuckers *indicating the now stirring Lessers on the floor with a regal wave of my hand* Arhan, you look like you've been dipped in mouldy custard *and he did. His hair, the blackest black like mine, was showing through in patches, roots exposed. When his fist shot out and connected with my jaw, I should have expected it. But this was the male who had started my collection of scars. From a young age, he had been the monster under my bed. And it killed me that my body still reacted to his presence. My head snaps back, jaw fracturing, blinding pain threatening to make me lose consciousness. Instead I stumble back and aim the Glock at his knees, fear a violent tremble in my hands. I fear him more than anyone. And he found me. I gag at the sound of his voice as it booms around the alley* <<still pretending to be a warrior, Tohrture? *shaking his head and inhaling* and a warriors whore too. My, you have fucked your way to the top rungs haven't you? Who's next, the king?>> *The trigger was pulled before I could blink, his knee exploding in a mess of muscle and bone, the shot true despite the tremors in my muscles. Voice a hard bite over his furious screams* I finally have you on your knees brother. How would you like to play a game? Its called 'little Tory returns the favour'. Remember brother? Remember what you used to do? What you used to make me do? *I feel the muscles of my face hardening into the violent mask I wore when I killed my hellren* oh you'll see just how much this 'warriors whore' has learned...
*Materializing on the balcony of the Penthouse, with my clothes dripping the deep crimson lifeblood of my brother. My legs crumple beneath me and I strike the stone hard as I fall, tears streaming down my face, body shaking with the force of my sobs. I'd left. I'd tied him in the abandoned club and...but I'd left. He was still alive...barely. And I hated myself for not being able to carry on. For not having the strength to finish what he started centuries ago. Why didn't I kill him? He was a monster!!! The one behind the co-ordinated attacks with the Lessers, the one helping to harm the females. And I left him ALIVE. Resting my blood and tear stained face on the cold floor, my mind a turmoil of blood and anger and fear, I simply cry. I can do nothing else as the force of my emotions drown out all sanity with their white noise*
{Leathers creaking as I rise slowly from the chair, gaze drawn to the hunched form out on the darkened terrace of the Penthouse, relief rapidly turning to anger, jaw hard set and twitching as I will the glass to open, voice cold and devoid of emotion} So...you decided to come back...{the words trailing off as I see you laying on the cold stone, drenched in blood, your entire body shuddering with the force of each sobbing breath} What the fuck Tory?...
*your voice nothing but a whisper in my head, drowned out by the haze, the shock, the pure undiluted bloodlust still streaming through my mind. The words a choked admission, throat tightly knotted with tears* my brother, he's back...
{Hunkering down beside you, scanning your body for injuries...so much fucking blood...Jesus...diamond eyes meeting yours, a growl of anger rumbling in my chest at your words, hands curling into fists} What. The. Fuck did he do to you?
*shaking my head, my hair a mess of dried blood as it falls over my face* nothing but a fractured jaw today but when I was young *swallowing hard, trusting you won't use what I tell you against me and easing the barbed whip from beneath my prone body and laying it out by your feet* this was his favourite toy. And I his unwilling playmate
{Tentatively running my fingers over the black and purple bruises on your jaw, feeling for displaced bone, eyes fixed on yours as you speak...my brain working through the logic of what you are saying...if it's not your blood then...my jaw slackening as I see the whip, gloved hand going to my mouth, the cloying coppery stench of coagulated blood...memories of the camp flashing through my brain...fighting down the urge to retch as I think of him using that thing on your skin, whispering tightly} Ohh fuck no! For his sake Tory, I hope you killed him. I will rip that motherfuckers throat out...*choking on my tears, sound catching in my throat as I try to answer, shame filling me until I can barely look at you, head shaking vehemently, fist slamming into the floor, furious anger at myself roaring in, gritting out between clenched teeth* No...I...couldn't...I...failed...I had him where I wanted him, had started what I did to Draven...but I...couldn't finish it...*cracking the floor with my fist again* I FAILED!!!
{Wrapping your fist in my gloved hand to restrain you, pulling you into my lap, tilting your chin up to meet my gaze, brushing back the blood encrusted hair from your face and stroking your cheek} Shhhhh Tory...just shhhhhhhh
*wincing as you restrain my fist and gather me to you, pulling away slightly, not wanting to ruin your clothes with his disgusting blood, not wanting any of his evil near you. But my body disobeys and cuddles closer, needing your heat, the comfort only you can provide, my face buried deep in the curve of your throat, breathing you into my lungs and letting you vanquish the scent that haunts my dreams...*
{slipping an arm under your knees, gathering you up off the cold stone terrace, carrying you out of the night air and into the warm confines of the Penthouse. Pushing open the bathroom door with my shitkicker and kneeling down by the bath, keeping you tight against my chest as I run the warm water}
*clutching your shirt as you lift me, shivering at the temperature change, half protesting that I am able to walk and nuzzling closer, watching your face, oblivious to where you are taking me and wondering if your opinion of me has changed now that you know what I am...capable of. What I do...swallowing back more tears, I wait for the bath to fill*
{Gently peeling your blood encrusted clothes from your body, easing them off, letting them fall in a pile on the bathroom floor, then lifting you carefully into the warm water}
*a low hiss as the hot water burns my frozen skin, closing my eyes in disgust at the sight of the crimson curls spreading out through the water, slowly turning it rusty, my jaw only now beginning its painful ache* stay with me...
{pulling the plug, letting the rusty water drain away but keeping the water running over you as I reach for a wash cloth, dipping it into the fresh water and silently wipe away the blood spatters and smears from your face, moving it down to your shoulders, sliding over each arm in long, wet strokes, eyes flipping up to yours as you ask me to stay, inclining my head in response...unable to speak for fear that the vicious emotions bubbling under the surface may simply erupt}
*letting my eyes close, head falling limply back against the bath, breathing slowly at the relaxing strokes you are running over my body. Whispering into the tense silence* warrior...are you ok?
{Barely repressed anger beating a tick in the muscles of my jaw, hand clenching the wash cloth too tightly, yet keeping the strokes on your wet skin gentle...soothing... voice a low terse whisper} I need to finish this, Tory...him
*twisting quickly to face you, hands gripping the side of the bath as I protest* No! If you do that...your brothers...your king...he's Glymera, V...and fucking high up too...you will be in so much trouble...I cant have you hurt for me...
{Biting out the words in a low hissed whisper} Fuck. That! By the time I've finished with him, there won't even be dental records to identify his remains. I will make him disappear Tory. Nobody would know, feel me? That is NOT the issue here, the issue is that the cocksucking son of a bitch bastard is your brother, true? {levelling you with a hard diamond stare}
*glaring, my eyes sparking, voice as hard as your gaze* Yeah V...I know...trust me he never let me forget that *pointing to the mess of ragged stripes covering the expanse of my back* I have that permanently engraved, true? *sighing, the sound exhausted and tinged with fear* I don't want you to get hurt...I couldn't stand that...
{Grimacing as I take in the scars, criss crossed into your skin...not having noticed their extent before...hidden by the ink but here in the cold bathroom light...fuck!...closing my eyes...exhaling a perturbed breath...body tense with anger and sadness and memories of my own torture at the hands of my father, voice low and cracked} I understand...more than you know Tory, but...you couldn't finish it...I can...if you'll let me...if it's REALLY what you want {eyes questioning, asking what I don't want to say out loud. If I kill your brother, will you ever forgive me for doing it}
*stroking my finger along the edge of your jaw, your goatee tickling the skin of my palm as I cup your face and pull you closer, rubbing my cheek against yours, voice a desperate whisper* make sure NO ONE finds out, warrior *brushing my lips behind your ear* and make sure he feels everything...I want him awake through it all...like I was...
{your words fall in a hot whisper on my skin...speaking the words I want to hear. Taking your wet face in my palms, eyes blazing with conviction} I will ahvenge you
*closing the distance between us and taking your lips in a hard yet tender kiss, before falling back to soak* I know...
{Materializing to the coordinates for the abandoned club you gave me, silently stalking down the corridors, following directions to the room...swinging the door wide and...bingo!... Slumped in a chair, held upright only by ropes, your brother...and Jee...Zus, but, all credit to you , you had worked him over good, the fucker looked within an inch of his life. An inch I would have the sick pleasure of stretching into a mile of pure, unadulterated hell. Your abuser was going to look like a Jackson Pollock painting by the time I was through with him. Fisting a handful of his hair, roughly jerking his head upright squirting the contents of a water bottle in his face} Wakey wakey Motherfucker...it's play time {a sinister smile on my lips slapping his cheeks, not wanting him to miss one fucking moment of your vengeance. Getting down into his grille, face to face and...FUCK! His lids cracking open to reveal your emerald green eyes...waivering for a moment...Oh shit! could I really do this? Leaning in to listen to your brothers blubbering accusation in my ear...naming YOU...steeling my resolve...his thoughts bouncing around my brain 'thank the Scribe Virgin...I was sure I was dead...' my response a cold whisper on cruel lips} Yes...the Scribe Virgin has sent you his only son, an eye for an eye and then some motherfucker, I grant you the mercy you showed your sister...{The word 'please' a stuttered plea on your brother's lips} Oh hell yes!! My favorite fucking word... beg for death...beg me...{that Reservoir Dogs scene, that song 'Stuck in the middle...' running through my head as I go to work on your torturer....} *Worry a tight knot in my chest as my mind falls for the millionth time on V and whether or not he had carried out the task that I was too weak to complete. Curling my hands into fists, a sliver of fear rippling through me. What if he'd decided I was a freak? Nothing but a sick, twisted murderer? What if he was handing me over to his king? Shaking those thoughts away like a dog does when it's wet, dispelling them into the near dawn. He wouldn't. I trust him not to. He wouldn't. Leaning against the railings I do the only thing I can. I wait, my heartbeat audible in the silent hours. I'm not good at waiting.*
*crawling out from beneath the silk sheets, a low annoyed groan as I take in the empty room* fuck...I will be so pissed if you are dead...
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