*My body slips from the silk sheets, from the warmth of your body, at the low hum of the shutters as they rise to reveal the night, padding onto the balcony with a slide of glass and a cold breeze that encompasses me in its invisible arms, chilling my skin, thoughts rioting at the dream images that linger. The soft childish voice still sounding in my ears, a beautiful melody. Leaning my weight against the metal rail, breath freezing on a heavy exhale, hanging in a fine mist over the twinkle of lights as I stare out over the sleepy buzz of the city, my hair whipped into a wild tangle by incorporeal fingers, mind in playback, dragging me into a waking dream* |
{Your absence from our mated bed is a cold void, registered even through my half-sleep. Stirring in the black satin, diamond eyes adjusting to the darkness, tracking the cold breeze to the open balcony door and your silhouette against the Caldwell night...and then I am at your back, hands resting on your bare upper arms, goosebumps under my warm palms, my lips at your neck, scenting your emotions, voice a murmured whisper} Couldn't sleep Tory? |
*your presence at my back, an undeniable beacon that my heart responds to with a skipping beat, relaxing into the firm hold, my shoulder blades touching your chest as I absorb your comfort* No…my dreams woke me. Did I disturb you, nallum? |
No nalla... {Folding you into the warm, strong cage of my arms, nuzzling your neck, filling my lungs with the familiar draw of your scent, lips tracing the hypnotic, swirling lines of ink in your skin} What dreams Tory? |
*murmuring, a layer of sadness coating my words, neck exposed to your tender nuzzling* she had diamond eyes and midnight hair...she was so smart, my love...inherited your brain...*my smile is small, your arms a protective cage, securing my soul in your love, fighting to accept that the images firing my memories are probably nothing but a fantasy* |
{Sucking in a breath, body freezing momentarily as your words sink in...the image so vivid...a tight band constricting my heart...hope a tiny glowing ember hidden somewhere deep and inaccessible, voice a cracked whisper} ...a daughter?... {And fuck if that didn't make my heart pull a three-sixty in my chest...} I'd...like that... {The words a barely audible whisper into the curve of your throat} |
*swallowing convulsively, your words tearing into the fragile space in my heart that bleeds for what I lost* you... wouldn't mind? *banding my arms over yours, clasping you to me, craving security as my heart splinters...fuck to have her would be...my soul skips painfully, hoping, demanding I don't break again...but it is biology. To want this...* |
{Turning you in my arms, gloved hand cupping your cheek, locking onto the shimmering emerald light in your eyes} Wouldn't mind? ...{shaking my head, the words thick with sincerity} Nalla, I won't lie...the fear of losing you would cripple me… kill me a little inside every day you carried our young...but fuck...a daughter? If she was even one tenth of the female her mahmen is...she would be...perfect, true... {Stroking my gloved thumb over your soft lips} |
*the tears that had been brimming, overflow, spilling hot sadness, love, relief down my cheeks, biting back sobs as I measure the sincerity in your voice. Your words...my heart swells fit to bursting with the intensity of my love* you are...more than I ever dreamed of, nallum...*closing the distance between us, tear-stained lips fiercely taking yours* |
{Crushing my mouth on yours, your tears salty on my tongue as I twine it with yours in desperation, arms a protective cage of strength around the fragile form of the love I can't shield from the cruel fates of our race's biology...and it breaks my fucking heart} Come what may nalla...you and I...we deal...together...never forget that, true... |
We deal...together...*tears falling afresh as I melt into the desperate embrace, protected, secure, face hidden in your chest, soaking the smooth skin with my sorrow...that tiny tendril of hope that lies dormant in my heart, awaiting any sign...positive or otherwise...clinging to your broad shoulders as my tumultuous emotions storm inside me* together... |
Always Tory... {Resting my goatee'd jaw on your head, the bite of the chill air a ragged tide in my lungs...sucking in cold... exhaling warmth...your skin cool against the lingering heat of the bed on mine...and fuck, I'd pray to the mahmen in whom I have no faith if I thought it could give you what your heart craves most...feeling the clinging grip of your hands...willing my shoulders to be broad enough to carry the heavy mantle for us both, whispering hoarsely} I love you, Tory...whatever happens...I will always love you... |
*exhaling a ragged breath, air seeming to freeze in my lungs with the fearful prospect of both outcomes...* as I love you…we have each other...young is just the bonus right? *Clutching at the shreds of my control, pulling the torn pieces of that small memory chamber in my heart, stitching the wound closed with your love...you...deriving my strength from your body, the links binding our souls. I will not break again* I hate leaking *swiping at my tears* fucking useless to cry... |
Your secret's safe with me Tory... {gloved fingers tilting your face up to mine, thumbs swiping at the tears staining your cheeks, a soft smile curving my lips as I dip to kiss your beautiful mouth, goatee brushing your face} It's cold out here nalla...come inside? I have something for you that might keep your mind off things, true... |
*soft pleasured sighs on my lips as I meet your kiss with gentle brushing contact, your goatee a tickling rasp on my skin, curious as I let you lead me into the warm confines of our home...the contrast in temperature shooting a shiver down my spine, ass perching on the edge of the bed, eyes locked to the masculine beauty of your form* you have something for me? |
{lips twitching as I loom over you, your heated stare taking in the heavy arousal at my hips, diamond eyes bright with amusement, voice deepening as I clear my throat, gloved finger stroking over one brow} Not that Tory... at least... not yet true... {reaching into the duffle bag on the floor to retrieve a large tackle box, eyes cutting back up to yours} You've been asking me to ink you since you first got here, true? {Opening the box to reveal the tattoo gun and little crystal bottles of ink} At your service, Tory... {lips curving into a grin} Just tell me what you need… |
*startled, my eyes flicking disbelievingly between the box and you, not quite comprehending what you are offering me, or maybe that's just the arousal that swarms my brain with a buzz of excited endorphins and fiery adrenaline, pupils dilating fangs elongating to sharp points of ivory, my breath hitching in my throat* fuck...you are...*grinning wickedly* MINE...*thighs parting as my mind flashes back to the semi threat of one of our first meetings* You're going to ink me here...*running a finger down the sensitive skin of my inner thigh* whatever you want...and my lesser tally...needs adding to... |
{Stroking my tongue down one fang, diamond eyes hooded and dark, transfixed by the split of your thighs and the seductive path of your fingers along the soft inner skin... picturing my goatee rasping along the...fuck...} Whatever I want Tory? {cocking a suggestive brow} you trust me then... {laying out the equipment beside the bed with practiced efficiency... the small crystal ink pots, gloves, needles, sterile pack, ointment...} Lesser tally...good deal. We start with that, true... {because once I'm between your thighs... no telling where we'll end up} Where Tory? {Snapping on the black latex gloves} |
*shifting onto my stomach, mentally calculating the number of swirling vines needed, my body a sparking inferno of desire clawing for release, threatening to explode as I expose the scarred, partially inked expanse of my back to your gaze, the snap of latex, so familiar, so welcome...so hot...never before now had being inked incited this insane lust, but it does now, fighting to still the curving writhe of my hips, mentally pinning myself down* My arms are packed...I'd go with my upper back, my spine, my sides...basically anywhere free, nallum...just...err...the scars...are erm...*coughs* apparently a little...umm...hard to...*cheeks flushing with embarrassment*...err...ink over...*folding my arms under my chin, feeling the towering presence of you at my back, evoking a sharp, urgent demand for contact, for your skin on mine for...fuck...for that needle in my skin...another form of your brand laced into the macabre lesser obituaries...* well? |
{Raking my gaze over the exposed curve of your spine, sweeping your hair from the canvas of your skin, calculating the perfect place to continue the dense swirling pattern of vines...each one an enemy vanquished... my warrior female...securing the needle and loading the gun with black ink, the motor buzzing to life in my gloved hands} I'll deal with the scars Tory but you... {a smile tugging at my lips as you writhe on the black silk} need to stay still true? Flinchers don't get the goods, feel me? {sitting on the edge of the mattress beside you, the needle poised above your skin} |
*scoffing, my body stilling to statue-like immobility* do I look like a flincher, warrior? *eyes rolling as I settle my chin firmly on my arms, getting comfortable, anticipation, excitement, lust and desire riding me hard, skin flushing with my arousal, wishing I could watch you as you continue the pattern of death that flows over my flesh, the buzz a droning song to my ears, one of the most beautiful sounds, signalling pain, the numbing of my memories* mark me nallum... |
No nalla... not a flincher, true... {the muscles in my jaw working a tick as my eyes take in the dense latticework of scars marring your beautiful skin... so much fucking pain...Jesus...sucking in a breath, steadying my hand, brows knitted in concentration as I put needle to your skin, penetrating down into the dermis with the black ink, deft hands working with the swirling vined pattern, replicating what is already there... the outlines just a little more perfect... the gauze in my left hand wiping away the smudges of ink on the surface of your skin as I go to work} Does it hurt Tory? |
*the biting hum of the needle travelling through my skin is...a tickle...a nibble of pain shaping the black swirl, so used to the burn it is but an expression of my inner demons, not noticeable unless one thinks about it, and right now it is only an addition, a spiking, stinging kiss over my skin that inflames my core and floods it with slick heat, body fighting to move into the painful pleasure...fuck...my head spins with the lust that heightens my senses, the ink creeping through the layers of skin, feeling it embed in a permanent pattern, the special blend securing the pigment and fighting off the defences that destroy regular ink in a matter of weeks. My eyes flutter closed on a moan, breathing tightly controlled to minimise disturbance, heart pounding into the mattress, your form a muscled presence lighting my cells up, only intensifying the arousal that speeds along in the wake of the prickling needle* no nallum...it doesn't...hurt... |
{shaking my head as I work the needle down over the curve of your ribs...knowing it's got to hurt like a motherfucker right on bone... not to mention the added pain of the salt in the ink, formulated to fix in the skin... no, not a flincher…struggling to maintain concentration, the air thick with the lush scent of your arousal, driving me to distraction swallowing hard and speaking over the buzz of the gun} How many Tory? |
*fangs slicing through my lip, biting down to stop from turning and pouncing on you, my voice husky* 27...I lost count at the slaughter...plus I was eager for candy floss...*grinning* so just do whatever to indicate an undecided amount...*carefully moving my hand to stroke over a thick black thorned vine on my shoulder* like this one, for when I just... killed without taking a tally...I am your canvas, nallum...paint me...*fuck me, my mind substitutes, libido bouncing like a puppy greeting its long awaited owner, the pain triggering all kinds of primal desires...to bite, to fuck, to mark* |
Good deal nalla... {my voice distorted by extended fangs digging sharply into my lower lip, the needle penetrating your skin evoking all the other delicious ways to penetrate you...to mark you...working one of the vines thicker, a delicate black rosebud topping the thorned stem...mopping at the ink residue on your skin with the smeared gauze...pulling back to appraise the pattern...satisfied with the result but frowning at the stinging redness of your skin} You sure you want your thighs done today Tory? {gloved fingers smearing the clear ointment over your flushed, newly-inked skin} |
*a low purr rumbling from my throat feeling the needle wend its way over my flesh, frowning at your question, pulled from my bubble of aroused pain* yes...this is nothing *laughing softly, a swift repositioning to my tender back, eyes locking to yours as I part my legs, the skin of my back pulling, a twinge of pain* please... |
{tongue stroking over dry lips, fangs tingling as you pull my gaze from the invitation of your parted thighs, your lush arousal a heady, drugging scent... voice deepening as I break the look to reload with ink} You did say anything true... you read Shakespeare Tory? {flipping my eyes back to your face} |
Anything... I trust you V...*confused, thighs shifting on the silk* I love Shakespeare...what did you have in mind? *A single phrase running its letters through my head, woven into my memory...but you wouldn't possibly think of it. It's mine, not something people usually quote...My heart kicks up a notch, body electric with desire, muscles twitching* anything... |
{Gloved thumb stroking down my goatee'd jaw} yeah...a quote...one that came to mind the first time you told me your name, true {Raising your knee and positioning myself between your thighs, the ink gun whirring back to life in my gloved hand, the needle piercing your sensitive, virgin skin...working the old English lettering with learned efficiency, the whine of the ink gun fluctuating like a car engine, revving and settling as I add subtle artistic embellishments to the design, your past, your scars, your pain coming to life on your skin as the words form 'My grief lies all within, and these external manners of lament are merely shadows to the unseen grief that swells with silence in the tohrtured soul'} |
*my spine curves at the niggling, scratching whirr that pierces my skin, scrolling tiny characters into the unblemished easel of smooth, sensitive inner thigh, the pain a gnawing hum spanning the surface, trailing the way to the lust wet folds of my sex, the licks of thrumming agony a switch in my mind, bombarding me with spears of overwhelming arousal, my fragmenting mind deciphering the letters slowly...not enough to formulate a coherent sentence, whimpering soft* Fuck... |
{ Whipping my head up to yours, pulling back the needle as the whimper falls from your lips} Fuck nalla...I hurt you?... fuck...I'm sorry,...but it's done, true...{dabbing away the smudges of ink from your skin to reveal the finished work, gloved fingers smearing more of the ointment in a sensuous path up your inner thigh, soothing your reddened skin, my eyes drawn to the glistening juncture of your sex, body hardening instantly, my cock a heavy, aching weight between my legs, voice husky and low} Yeah...fuck... |
*glazed eyes lifting to yours, the sudden halt of the needle breaking into the haze of pleasure pain blazing my body, so fucking aroused I can barely swallow past the need writhing hot and heavy beneath my skin, the residual burn on my back and thigh nothing compared to the bonfire raging in the clenched depths of my core, fangs glinting on a smiling purr as I watch you smooth the soothing balm over my skin, your body's reaction forcing my tongue to wet my lips, so powerful, hovering over my body* You didn't hurt me...I...fuck...you are so doing all of my ink...*tearing my attention from the steely length of your arousal, to sit up, my thigh falling to the side as I lean over your work, eyes shimmering with tears, the Old Language letters blurring, swimming in front of me...fuck...how did you...tackling you, my lips bruising on yours as the phrase that has been threaded through the very fabric of my memories comes alive on my skin, stark against the porcelain flesh, as bold as your warnings, so detailed, so perfect, so...stunningly beautiful all I can do is kiss you, a soul kiss melding our mouths, feeding you my overwhelming thanks in the soft stroke of my tongue* |
Mmmm guessing you like it then... {Dipping my head to the curve of your throat, chuckling, a deep and seductive laugh on the sensitive skin of your neck, the underside of my erection sliding on the parting of your sex as you straddle my hips, sweet, molten velvet on my skin...fuck!!... throbbing fangs grazing down the column of your neck, a gloved finger slipping through your parted lips on a low moan} I want to be in your throat Tory... |
*echoing your moan as your arousal glides along the slicked heat at the juncture of my thighs, my mouth watering for a taste of you, your words eliciting vivid images in my head that rise in accordance with the scratch of your fangs...but that's not what I want...not yet...grinning wickedly, hands on your chest toppling you back on the bed, my thighs split over yours as I straddle you, shifting, prowling down between your thighs with a growl, my senses flaring, each one begging for fulfilment, my eyes eating up the thick length of your cock stretching up your ripped abs, obeying the urging of my senses to satisfy....taste...my tongue flickers up the underside of your cock with lazy, fluttering laps...sound...my ears eat up your moans, the deep growling rumble as my fangs scrape gently over your sac, tongue soothing...touch...palms skimming over the hard muscle rippling up your abs as I engulf the head of your erection in the wet warmth of my mouth, lips pursed in a hard, suctioning kiss over the blunt tip, tongue flattening in firm sweeping strokes...scent...oh...that powerful dark spice rises in waves the further your cock thrusts into my mouth, the scent of your arousal hitting hard as my throat takes you deep, a vice around the velvet iron thickness embraced so tight by my mouth...sight...my eyes lock on the glowing diamond of your heated gaze as you hit the back of my throat, tensing around the sensitive tip with a purr, my curves arching between your thighs, burning with pain, desire at the sensational overload* |
{my breath leaves me on a rush as you throw me off balance, mouth dry in anticipation, lids low, blazing diamond eyes transfixed as you stalk up my body, wild, raw sexuality, with the promise of death and seduction, flooring the accelerator of my heart, lightheaded from the pounding rush, thighs contracting to rock-hard muscle, hands gripping fistfuls of black silk}...Ahhh fuck!!!! {growling low animal sounds as your pink lips close around the pulsing head of my erection, your fangs teasing my most sensitive skin, your mouth a hot, slick, silky-soft clamp around my aching length, the purr in the back of your throat as the blunt head tips it sending chilling shivers of exquisitely erotic pleasure up my spine, triggering senses so primal they are nameless, bowing my hips up off the mattress, craving the connection} oh God Tory... |
*the jacking of your hips sends you down the moist, tightly fisted passage of my throat, lips a gliding, hard suction on the retreat of your shaft from the clenched invitation, teeth a threatening graze over the veined thick length as I roll my tongue from base to tip in slow, sucking licks, the sensitive head rimmed with a careful slide of canines over skin, the sharp points leading the way to the hilt driving you with forceful swallowing moans back into the warm, slick, contracting embrace of my throat, my body electrified with the sheer pleasure sparking on your skin, one being as your desire, your lust blends with the hungry passion thrumming my own body with possession* |
{thighs quaking from the sensory assault, gloved palm clutching at the slippery silk, hips gravitating toward the sensual sucking drag of flesh on flesh that has my internal wiring sparking like it's the fourth of fucking July, the deliciously torturous twist and suck routine blowing my mind, dark, lust filled eyes locked on the erotic image of my thick veined length sliding past the graze of your razor sharp fangs and the silky smooth 'O' of your beautiful mouth. Fisting your hair as though I could hold back the shuddering pleasure-pain of your fangs on my cock when instinct drives me to push every last thick inch through the soft wet cushion of your lips, eyes rolling back in my head, neck bowed back into the mattress as my body seizes up, fingers slipping from the ledge of my control...} Jesus Tory fuck!!!! {my spine curls under me, my arousal pulsing in the back of your throat as I orgasm hard, roaring your name, a screaming plea for mercy as my body surrenders to the torrent of euphoric love and possession, the primal lust pounding through my veins, seizing control of me, muscles ripped and gleaming with sweat, dark spices pumping off my skin, spine bowing back, punching my hips forward, exploding in a hot, rhythmic pulsing rush of molten pleasure, knuckles white, fisted in your hair, high on the sensory overload, tears spearing my eyes... the intimacy...the love heartbreaking in its intensity} Tory I fucking love you… |
*eyes closing as those words whisper through the room...fuck but I love you...this...lights my soul...to bring you so much pleasure, an expression of the intense love that swims in my bloodstream, that powers the six chambers of my heart, my hand curling around the base of your cock as your hips pitch up off the bed, driving you in pumping thrusts down my throat, the slick grip on your cock a demand for your release, commanding in every sucking, nibbling lick...fuck...the mere taste of you sets my soul to vibrating in the ultimate realms of ecstasy, your climax ambrosia on my tongue, coursing down my throat with the aphrodisiac musk that spills from you in rhythmic rushes of liquid fire. When, and only when, every drop of your pleasure has been taken inside me do I force myself to release you, tongue stroking over my glistening lips, moving in stalking motions up your body to kiss you, lips, fangs and tongue devouring your mouth* you are my soul... |
{moaning deep and low, tasting my sex on your tongue, your lips swollen and bruised on mine, my body a trembling bundle of sated muscle and dark, masculine, possessive scent, hands slipping around your small waist, guiding your hips down onto the head of my still hard erection, my mouth claiming yours in a rough stubbled kiss, the erotic taste of my arousal on your tongue stoking up another raging fire of desire, my voice throaty and guttural as I sink in, deep, powerful and slow} you are my... everything Tory… |
Holy...sweet fuck V...*crying out softly against your lips, your thick arousal spreading the fisting slick of my core and burying into the heart of me, encompassed by the drenched, velvet walls that ache for you, filling my body with every deliciously hard inch, my newly inked thigh tender as it brushes against your hip, the skin of my back burning with the roll of my muscles, undulating, hair cascading in a riot of midnight curls to blanket us as I plant my hands either side of your head, my arching grinds riding me through the sensitised sting of the fresh tattoos and willing the door shut* |

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
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