*It is too hot. My skin is flushed from the rising temperature, my hands clammy, sweat shimmering in tiny droplets. I can't remember what woke me. The image of flames flicker behind my lids. My dream. Just out of reach of my conscious mind. Huffing strands of damp hair from my face, curls sticking in a dark frame on my cheeks, curving over my jaw, I slip silently from the bed, snatching up my iPod from the nightstand and plugging myself in. With quick fingers I rebutton the shirt I'd discarded for bed and pad barefoot from the suite* |
*rocking to the sounds of Breaking Benjamin, the chill night air washes over me as I push open the door that leads to the roof, dancing my way over the concrete surface, the night a cooling caress, a shiver of relief as my temperature drops under its careful ministrations hips moving slowly, circling as I dance to Evanescence, my voice a quiet melody, a strum of lyrical notes, singing along, at peace for now* |
{Stepping into my leathers and shitkickers, tearing the bandage from my right pec, the entry wound almost completely healed, thoughts on Z. Reaching for the half empty Goose on the night stand, taking a long draft from the neck of the bottle, lighting up a hand rolled of Turkish, taking a long drag as I walk over to the terrace doors, watching through the glass as Tory dances around in the night air, wearing nothing but my oversized shirt and an ipod, totally oblivious to the fact I am watching her} |
*singing as I spin, swaying to the heavy beat of Bullet For My Valentines Tears Don't Fall, inhaling the midnight air, drawing its sweet, drugging scent into my lungs...the intoxicating aroma inspiring thoughts of Vishous, arms raising above my head, moving through the curling tendrils of scent as they wrap around me, head dropping back, the peaceful breeze clearing all lingering dream fire from my body and thoughts, at the back of my mind wondering how the other females are dealing with the after effects of the rythe* |
{a smile tugging at the corners of my mouth watching Tory dance, eyes darkening, the shirt riding up her thighs as she moves. Scrubbing a hand down my face, knowing I can't try to keep her captive here any longer. I need to speak to Wrath ...} |
*Twirling to a breathless stop, eyes light with laughter, heart pounding with satisfied exhilaration, barefooting to the edge of the roof and flopping gracefully down, hanging my legs over the twinkling lights of the city. As my heart calms, hearing another steady beat behind me. Not even bothering to turn my head as I sense you, my voice carried by the playful wind* see something you like? |
{growling softly, willing the glass door open with my mind, closing the distance to the edge of the balcony in easy, loping strides, Goose bottle in hand as I join you, hanging my shitkickers over the edge, the cold bite of the night air on my bare chest invigorating me. Eyes fixed on the lights of Caldwell in the distance before sliding to fall sidelong onto you, lips curving into a grin} it is quite a view, true... |
*returning your grin with a shy smile, heat flaring in my cheeks at the sight of your bare chest, the sculptured muscles flexing as you take a seat next to me, a contemplative air to your features. Stealing the bottle held loose in your hand and bringing it to my lips, shoulder nudging yours as I lean against you* is everything alright, nallum? |
{sucking a last drag from the hand rolled before flicking it over the edge of the building, watching the glowing embers flick through the night air. Reaching over to take the bottle from you, head tilting back as I swig from the neck, wiping my mouth on the back of my hand, passing the bottle back} I'm solid Tory... considering {images of Z's empty black stare... the pain on Tohr's face flashing through my head...diamond eyes tracing the scars on your thighs} You alright? {eyes tracking up to your face with a questioning look} |
*following your gaze, tugging the shirt down over my thighs, swigging from the bottle before answering* I'm solid warrior *looking out over the skyline, thoughts turned inwards, remembering the sunlight as it kissed my thighs* did I wake you? |
{shaking my head, fingers touching your knee, slowly tracing the patterns of your ink and the ridges of scars up your thigh under the shirt, exposing what you try to hide from my eyes... letting out a long breath, meeting your eyes with a smile} you must be bored here, true? I've been thinking... |
*your hands sensual path up my thigh raises shivers of arousal, smiling as I prompt* you've been thinking...? |
{feeling the muscles of your thigh contract under my touch, letting my fingers inch higher under the shirt, in a slow, nonchalant path} I want you to come to the Brotherhood's Compound. More to do...other than trashing my toys and painting my walls purple, feel me? {barking a low laugh} There's a gym, a pool...and company...my brothers females are there... |
*choking on the Goose I'd just barely swallowed, inner monologue laughing its head off at the thought of Wrath's reaction to me around the Compound, on the outside frantically trying to not choke, gasping* you've cleared this? |
{Taking the bottle from your hand, clapping you on the back, laughing hard as you regain your composure} Not exactly the reaction I was going for, true? I'll talk to Wrath...You are mine...I have marked you...you are one of our kind...I mean, fuck, Wrath has allowed my brothers to have human females at the mansion. Now that your brother is...{gaze turning back to the skyline, voice dropping an octave} out of the picture... the Glymera can be dealt with... and you did save my life, true? Wrath respects that...I'll make it happen...if it's what you want? {eyes flipping back to you...intense burning diamonds... the question about more than just geography...} |
*stilling under the intensity of your gaze, your words running through my head, a hoarse whisper* wherever you are warrior *swallowing past the sudden lump in my throat, a multitude of emotions warring for dominance* I love you...if you want me with you at the Compound then that's where I will be...I don't want to live anywhere without you warrior... |
{lids flaring at your words, a low possessive growl in my throat as I lay you back onto the cold stone, arms braced either side of your head, caging you in, dipping to press my lips to the column of your throat, fangs teasing the delicate skin, your scent and mine a heady perfume in my nose} I fucking love you too... |
*smiling as you play with my hair, relaxing against you* well I went and got starbucks...ordered clothes since I can't wear yours forever..and you keep ripping my leathers *mock glares at you* so I need new ones... |
{wicked grin, flashing fangs} one caramel frappuccino wasn't enough to satisfy my female then? And the clothes ripping is all part of my cunning plan to keep you naked and chained to my rack, feel me {smirks} though I guess you'll need clothes at the compound, true |
unless you want your brothers seeing me naked...yeah I'm gonna need clothes. And don't worry... I called in some favours so my stuff won't cost you...*Kisses your cheek* I'm cheap to keep...five fingered discount... |
{frowning hard} fuck, you don't have to steal Tory... what's mine is yours... I told you true, anything of mine.. pulling a leather wallet from my pocket and sliding out a black Amex with your name on it, handing it over} had this made up for you.. after I saw you pocketing the cash from that Lesser the night I... well, guess I've been distracted, true {flipping the wallet open and closed, eyes down} |
*shame creeping a red blush over my cheeks at the reminder, taking the card slowly, easing myself off you and moving to where my jacket is flung over the bar. Gripping a large bundle of keys in my fist, eyes on the floor as I hand them over, chewing my lip* my Lesser jars. You can add them to your collection. These open storage units in twenty four states… |
{gauging the substantial weight of the keys in my palm, lids flaring with surprise} wow...fuck, you collected the jars?.. Jesus... how many? {remembering the countless curling vines patterning your skin} |
*confusion furrowing my brow* isn't that what I'm supposed to do? I don't know how many. I used to bury them before storage was invented. In caves and shit. This is all I have to give you *shrugging, playing with the corner of the sheet* |
{scrubbing a hand over my brow and down the length of my jaw, voice awed confusion} it's what the brothers do, Tory. I've never heard of a civilian... fuck, I mean this is incredible.. {rising to full height to stand before you, leather-clad fingers tilting your chin, forcing you to meet the gleaming diamond of my eyes} but you are so wrong.... {shaking my head slowly, hand curling into the nape of your neck} |
*growling* I'm not wrong... I have nothing!!! I used to steal, slept in empty houses, alleyways... I have nothing to my name except the clothes and weapons that I keep in a locker at the train station *gaze flickering* my father was obsessed with the Brotherhood. He wanted me to be a male, a warrior...hence the name. I grew up on the stories so I just copied *falling silent, scanning your face for any hint of...anything* |
{Smiling sadly, closing my eyes, resting my forehead against yours} material possessions mean nothing to me Tory.. I left my father's camp with just the rags on my back and the warnings... I've been there.. starving, living hand to mouth.. I hired myself out as a mercenary in Italy for ten years.. I did a lot of things I'm not proud of... until the Brothers found me. You are wrong that this {weighing the keys in my palm} is all you have to give me. Don't get me wrong, you honour the Brotherhood's mission by doing this... I had no idea.. I assumed you just killed them.. but YOU, you have already given me so much.. your trust, your blood, your body, your... {voice deepening} love.... {huffing out a breath} fuck I sound like a total sap, true... |
*releasing the breath I didn't realise I'd been holding, your story holding me captivated and sliding my palm into yours* not just my love warrior....my soul...*eyes smiling up at you, dancing with childlike amusement* and you could never be a sap...too scary and badass... |
{lacing my fingers into yours, squeezing hard, cocking a brow, the tips of my fangs showing as I grin} scary and badass, huh? {fisting my hand tighter in the hair at your nape, inclining my head to kiss you hard, heavy breathing against your lips} God I fucking love you... |
*my free hand gripping your waist, tugging you over me as I fall backwards on the bed, breathlessly whispering* you love me? never knew.. |
{settling my hips between your thighs, arms braced either side of your head, dipping my head to trail biting kisses down your jaw to your throat, answering you with a throaty laugh} Oh I think you know EXACTLY how I feel about you Tory, true... |
nope...no idea....*lips twitching, trying to stifle the laughter threatening to bubble out of my throat, arching my neck, thighs clenched around your hips, hands curled around your biceps* completely clueless.... |
{growling into your throat, your neck trembling with barely suppressed laughter under my lips} well then... I may just have to refresh your memory, true..{hips working the hard length of my cock in slow grinding circles between your thighs, hands gripping your wrists, wrenching them from my biceps to pin them firmly above your head, diamond eyes meeting yours, dark and glazed with a feral hunger} |
*thighs dropping from your hips, falling to the bed, spread wide as my head falls back with a moan, wrists twisting in your vice-like hold testing for weaknesses as I grind back against you, rocking my hips hard onto your cock, core weeping with arousal* yes...remind me... |
{testing my hold on your wrists as you struggle in my grip} am I going to have to tie you Nalla?... |
*eyes flashing dangerously* try it...you might lose some limbs...*smirking as I continue to test your grip, feet pushing your hips closer trying to get you inside me despite the material barriers* I need to be able to fight warrior...don't break me...love me *grins, hiding the stab of fear that maybe this time you really will hurt me, shaking my head to clear it...no...fuck, get out of my head, growling at myself* |
{sensing a frisson of genuine fear in your voice, lifting my head to meet your eyes, my expression softening, the assault of my hips on yours momentarily stalled, whispering low, voice thick with desire} try it? maybe you should try it... you might even like it, true? You know I could never hurt you Tory...not really {face turning thoughtful} you can tie me.... |
*gaze flying to yours, searching your eyes and finding only honesty, desire..and love, whispering* I trust you...it's me I don't trust... -*flexing my wrists once and then relaxing, my feet resuming their insistent pushing* tie me...love me...love me your way...however that is |
{closing my eyes to hide the depth of emotion I feel at your words, knowing exactly what this surrender is costing you, what it means and knowing if I back down now it will be an insult to your gift. Nodding my head silently in affirmation, slowly releasing my grip on your wrists, hands pushing the shirt over your head, exposing you, naked above the waist to my starved gaze. Reaching into the bedside locker to retrieve a bundle of black silk ropes and ties. Straddling your hips, running a length of black rope through my palms, gaze fixed on your eyes} are you sure? |
*my muscles tense cords running the length of my body, every inch of me aroused and wary, a strange combination that sets my core pulsing and my breath coming in short, sharp pants, nipples beading at the chill exposure, guarded as I watch you reach for the ties in a determined silence. I feel the tight knots relax slightly, muscles unclenching as you bring, not barbed wire but silk into my line of vision, breath evening out, voice stronger* I am sure, Nallum....*winking, trying to reassure you* tie me up cowboy... |
{lips twitching into a grin at your words, hands working with practiced skill, binding your wrists securely above your head. Still straddling your hips, eyes devouring the stretched curves of your breasts, the tight muscles of your abs in the candle light as you arch up from the bed. Dropping down to claim your lips, my warm, wet tongue stroking, licking over your fangs, urging you to open up for me, whispering against your lips} Trust me Tory..{passing a length of black silk over your eyes, watching for your reaction to the blindfold} |
*my hips kicking up between your thighs, arching, my breasts tingling with licks of arousal, lips parting beneath the erotic onslaught of your lips and tongue, melting into the heaven of your mouth, my tongue curling playfully around one of your fangs. I fight the flinch as the silk stretches across my vision, your hushed words a reassuring whisper against my lips, kissing you again, letting you know I am sure...very sure....* |
{Your kiss draws a low erotic growl of approval from my lips. Sliding my callused palms in a long stroke down your body, coasting over the tight hard peaks of your nipples, fingers running under the waistband of your leathers, opening them and peeling them from your body No. Panties. Fuck! Mouth dry in anticipation, Tongue stroking over my throbbing fangs as you undulate on the bed. Practically tearing off my leathers in my need to take you... turning to the bar, scooping a large cube of ice from the cold box and popping it in my mouth prowling up between your thighs, starting with your mouth, stroking the ice along your lips} |
*closing my lids as the blackout fabric is fastened over my eyes, other senses sharpening to accommodate. The whisper of leather over skin, the gentle hum of rushing blood, the pounding of our hearts a soundtrack to your invisible movements. I wet my suddenly dry lips as the mattress depresses, the clinking of...ice? Breath inhaling on a deep moan as the blast of heat from your body washes over me, your weight a tremble in the slight gap between us, an erotic contrast to the icy burn trailing over my lips. Hands jerking at the ties, desperate to touch you, pull you closer* |
{arching my body away from you, tantalisingly close without actually touching, ice and mouth the only contact allowed, sliding over your chin, a trickle melting down the column of your throat as I move relentlessly lower, pausing to circle an icy path around each of your nipples, eyes transfixed, a low moan in my throat watching them pucker and darken into hard sensitive nubs of pleasure} |
*a cry of unrestrained ecstasy resonates through every cell at the freezing kiss, my nipples licked at by the liquid ice, pebbling them to taut frozen peaks, vibrating with the echoing pleasure in my core, liquid fire scorching my thighs, my arousal overflowing for you, begging to be filled by the velvet iron length nestled against my stomach* |
{inching lower, your abs twitching and rolling as a little puddle of ice water trickles to your navel, my cock a pulsing, heavy ache suspended between my thighs, begging to be driven balls-deep into the depths of your core, the scent of your arousal igniting my lust as the ice slips through the folds of your cleft, circling over the hood of your clit} |
*jack-knifing from the bed, spine curved in mindless ecstasy as my orgasm tears my body apart, your name a hoarse scream that frozen caress triggering the release that had been building from the moment you touched me. My clit throbs with every hummingbird beat of my heart, blood rushing to my swollen core, clawing at the ties in a bid to free myself, needing you inside me like oxygen, dying under your torturous exploration* FUCK!!!! |
{a muffled growl of triumph rumbling through my chest as you buck and shudder, coming apart against my lips, palms spreading your thighs wide, the ice finally reaching its destination, melting it down the centre of your core, my tongue thrusting the last of it deep into your velvet pulsing heat. Breathing hard, rearing up between your thighs, driving the full thick shaft of my cock inside, planting it womb deep, your release pulsing rhythmically, clenching, milking me before I have even begun to thrust. The head of my cock butting up against the frozen remnants of the ice, shuddering through me, drawing a loud moan of pleasure from my lips} Fuck Tory!! Say it... say what I want to hear...tell me how much I FUCKING LOVE YOU! {Each word punctuated by a pounding thrust against your hips.. on the brink..} |
*sobs tumbling from my throat, the pleasure an unbearable agony, your words so full of conviction I can't deny them as a fierce, violent, utterly primal wave of love drowns me, flowing into me, your slamming thrusts triggering another volcanic explosion of ecstasy, flattening me under the sheer force of lightening arousal* YOU FUCKING LOVE ME!!! |
{crying out, half laugh, half victory cry as you give me what I need, pushing me over the edge, hips bucking of their own accord, muscles a trembling mess, the world reduced to just you and me, here in this moment, pouring my heart and soul into you, bonding with you all over again, my release humming through my body like a low level electrical current. Lids flipping open hearing you sob, scrambling up your body, tugging the blindfold down, hands fumbling with the rope, voice an anguished whisper} Fuck did I hurt you? |
*your release jets into me in pulsing streams of fire, core clamping down hard as the tears soak the silk over my eyes love a dark, passionate rolling vortex inside me, threads of silken possession weaving our souls together as I feel your untying the blindfold, your features taut with worry the first thing my eyes see, hands suddenly free to drag you to me, my lips silencing your anguished question, fisting my hands in your hair, holding you tight to my lips, letting my love pour into you, my soul shining from my eyes, glistening with tears as I release you* I fucking LOVE you...mine... |
Thank. Fuck! {Sagging onto you, a crazy wave of relief and blissful exhaustion crashing over me, lips kissing away your tears} thank you... |
*chuckling softly, stroking your back in long soothing lines, collapsed against the pillows* you doubted me? |
{Rolling to your side, taking my weight off you, panting softly, still coming down from the high, smiling, shaking my head} I thought..I was afraid I'd hurt you... that you didn't enjoy... you're crying for fucks sake... what am I to think, true? |
*turning onto my side to face you, body still quaking with aftershocks* because you love me...you really love me-*smudging tears from my cheeks with my thumb* that's why I'm crying... I'm really yours... |
{Cocking a brow, lips twitching} so you doubted me? {Leaning in to kiss the tip of your nose} |
*blushing* yes... I've always doubted love existed...until you. I doubt no longer... |
{Mouth spreading into a full smile, flashing fangs} I told you I would love proving you wrong, true... Hmm... What about the tying up?.... |
*laughing up at you from beneath my lashes, dazzled by the raw masculine beauty of you when you smile* only when you do it… |
{Big arms circling you protectively, lips peeling off my fangs in a snarl} nobody touches you but me... {Growling} Mine! |
*nestled in the protective circle of your arms, your snarl a thrilling testament of your power, your claim* all yours... |
{Prowling silently down Tory's bare back where she lies sleeping, face down in the black silk pillows, my breath a whisper down the curve of her spine, inhaling her drugging scent. Stopping at the smooth skin of her lower back, lips planting soft kisses on her skin, one for each letter of my name, growling softly in anticipation of my blade in her skin} |
*the sands of sleep clearing as my dreams merge with reality, your whispering kisses raising shivers of anticipation as you stalk down my back, lips soft against my scarred skin, moving lower to the unblemished expanse of my lower back. My spine arching into the tender caresses, counting the letters in your kisses and smiling* mmm morning...did you Sharpie me? |
Mmmm good morning nalla {my quiet laugh a tickling hum over your skin} no...but I think I found a new favorite place to kiss you, true... {kissing back up your spine, lips finding your ear in a gravelly whisper} mmm before you distract me, love...{gloved hand running down your shoulder, dipping into the curve of your waist, voice deepening} I spoke with Wrath... |
*moaning softly, my head dropping back onto the pillow, your kisses sending curling tendrils of arousal through me* does this mean all my other places will be neglected? *Smile hidden in the pillow, voice muffled* you spoke to him again? |
{flipping you over to catch your smile, dropping my head to capture your mouth, tongue flicking over your bottom lip} only one of many, many favorite places, true...{pulling back to meet your eyes} you're cleared to come to the Compound... to...stay there...if you want to?...free access...just no panties in the King's study, feel me |
*shifting my legs so you fall in the cradle of my hips, fangs grazing your jaw* I don't wear panties anyway...*Smirks, giving a mock wriggle dance of joy, sarcasm heavy* Yippee!!! I got permission!!! Just what I needed!!! *Sugary smile* |
{barking a laugh} that's exactly what I thought...{growling softly} you don't have to go, true. I'll be more than happy to keep you tied up here... In fact {moaning against your ear} keep up that wriggling and you definitely won't be going anywhere soon, feel me? {grinding the hard ridge of my erection between your thighs to emphasise my point} |
*smirking, laughter a wicked gleam in my eyes* what a threat...you can't walk around like that *eyes flicking to where you are heavy and hot, grinding against my core* and I can't go to the Compound so...wet *fingers dipping down* see? *bringing my glistening fingers to wave in front of your face* we should get dressed and go...before we start a fire... |
{eyes dark with hunger, snatching your wet fingers, wrapping my lips around them, fangs grazing as I draw them slowly from my mouth, a soft moan in my throat} always so enthusiastic Tory... {winking as I roll reluctantly off you and hit the bathroom for a cold shower} |
*eyes fixed heatedly on your retreating form, drinking in the sight of every muscled inch of you. Squeezing my eyes tight shut and clambering out of bed, snatching my tank top off the floor and pulling it over my head, searching for my last pair of leathers, trying to cool my body with the breeze flowing through the open doors. Growling as I find strips of the soft, strong material strewn in a corner* Fuck...*stalking angrily to your closet and stealing a pair of your silk boxers, still in their fancy packet, slipping them up my legs and kicking my feet into my boots* I look strange... |
{stepping out of the shower, hair dripping, shivers and gooseflesh rippling over my pecs and abs. Grabbing a towel to roughly dry my hair and body. Pausing to look in the mirror, scrubbing a hand down my goatee...thinking it's getting scruffy, turning my back to the mirror, craning my neck to check out Tory's artwork one more time...impressed...if it looks that fucking good in Sharpie...tossing the towel and walking naked back into the bedroom to find my leathers...pausing as I see you in the shorts and boots, cocking a brow} new look Tory? |
*glancing up from where I'm tugging on the legs of the shorts, mouth suddenly dry, swallowing, you and naked two things that tend to fry my brain. Nodding, smirk curling my lip* it's called 'my male keeps ripping my clothes' chic... |
{my deep laughter ringing through the Penthouse, bending to kiss your sexy lip curl, hands running over the cheeks of your silk covered ass, growling softly against your lips} mmm suits you, true and Fritz will be ecstatic that somebody is actually wearing these... {tugging at the boxers playfully then pulling away to grab my leathers from the end of the bed, sliding them up over my bare ass, tugging a black muscle shirt over my head and sitting on the bed to put on my shitkickers} you'll make quite an impression, true {suppressing a laugh} |
*eyes narrowed, glaring as I shrug into my leather trench coat, buttoning the thing over the sheathes at my hips* I always make an impression *checking the folds of leather cover most of me, fastening another dagger around my thigh, unwilling to go unarmed* you ready nallum? |
{voice low, seductive} yes...you do Tory {Adjusting the dagger holster over my chest, shrugging into my leather jacket, eyes tracking your every move...biting back a smart ass comment about the weapons, knowing this can't be easy for you, despite the hardass front. Taking your face in my hands for a hard kiss, pulling back, nodding} appreciate you doing this, true |
For doing what? Wearing your clothes? You left me no choice *laughs, reeling from the kiss, mind fogged* are we driving? |
{shaking my head with a smirk} how far do you think we'd get if we drive? The elevator? {brushing my lips over yours once more, willing the glass door to open, extinguishing the black candles with my mind, taking your hand in mine and stepping out into the cool night air of the terrace, meeting your eyes with a smile} lets go meet the fuckers, true |
*tangling my fingers with yours* now that would've been a great film *a deep breath, alien voice* take me to your leader... |
{my laughter a residual echo on the terrace as I dematerialize to the courtyard inside the high walls of the Compound, shitkickers hitting the stone, a lick of panic taking hold in my chest as I look around, not seeing you...} Tory? |
*Huffing out a nervous breath and tracking you, materialising beside you in the large courtyard. Seeing your face and smirking* you thought I'd left you huh? |
{relief bleeding into my expression as you appear beside me, cracking a grin} you didn't though, true {motioning towards the facade of the mansion with my arms} welcome to the mother ship, Tory |
More like the Deathstar true? *Flicking open my coat, weapons on full show, warrior mask setting my body on full alert battle attitude bleeding from every pore* lead the way lover...*Flashing a feral grin, my armor in place* Vader awaits... |
{feeling the ambient temperature drop perceptibly, hostility coming off you in waves, uncertainty coiling in my gut. Maybe this wasn't such a good fucking idea... forcing a grin as I punch in the entry codes to the outer door...showing my face to the security camera in the vestibule, unlocking the inner door before turning back to motion you in... speaking in a Darth Vader wheeze} I find your lack of faith disturbing... |
*laugh echoing darkly, turning serious* and I find your lack of faith disturbing...I won't kill your brothers...or the king |
{Stepping behind you into the Foyer with a hand on the small of your back, shitkickers hitting the mosaic floor} I trust you Tory, true |
*stopping dead as the ridiculous urge to take my boots off hits me. Everything was so...pretty* it's like a palace... |
{sad smile, eyes looking up to the murals on the ceiling} it was my brother Darius' place, true...SOB had expensive taste true. Feel free to look around... |
*senses flaring out, following the faint scent of you, boots heavy on the marble as I retrace your last steps, winding past similar grand rooms, peeking in unlocked closed doors like a child in a haunted house* this place is awesome!!! |
{walking with you, indicating the dining room, the library, the billiards room, kitchen, the grand staircase up to the Brothers' private rooms, eyes taking in your reaction, smiling} Yeah, it's not bad. I don't stay in this part though... |
*frowns* no? Where do you stay? *the kleptomaniac in me wanting to go into the brothers rooms and...borrow things* |
{Frowning, thinking the Pit is gonna be a major fucking anticlimax after this...leading you to the secret door under the grand staircase and releasing the lock, smiling} let me introduce you to the Pit nalla ... |

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
An Invitation
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