{laughs} RT @Sexstrology: Be slow seducing a #Libra female or you will get a hand smacked across yo face! |
wow...that's so true!! I punched you though didn't I? *Smirks* |
Better nalla? {smirks} RT @Sexstrology: When you are with a #Libra don't skip bases or you will get the smack down! |
any with the word smack in them are always good warrior mine... *Winks* |
{grins} you did...but that was just foreplay, true? |
*grins, fangs glinting ivory knives* yeah...foreplay... It had nothing to do with you being infuriating... |
{barks a laugh} me? infuriating? {eyes flashing diamond} impossible, true...{cocks brow} does my shellan need resuscitating...again? {smirks} |
*purrs, emerald eyes twinkling with amusement* infuriatingly...sexy...smart...it's not a bad thing nallum...*backs away laughing, palms held out, fingers forming a cross* away fiend!! no amount of mouth to mouth can save me!! |
{stalks toward you with a smirk} you know that crucifix won't work on me nalla {stroking my tongue down one fang} |
no? So you're not a Stoker vampire? Do you sparkle in the sun instead? *Smirks watching your tongue, mirroring the stroke* |
Sparkle? Fuck no... I'm a whole other breed of bloodsucker... come closer and I'll show you, true {crooks a finger} |
*obeying, my walk slow with feigned wariness* a new vampire? How...scary... |
{running a gloved finger down the pulsing column of your vein, whispering low in your ear} mmm yes, I can smell your...fear |
mmm...*wetting my lips, pulse kicking wildly* I'm just trembling with pure...terror...*whispering* are you going to kill me? |
mmm {fangs grazing your throat} there may be a 'little death' involved, but I do like to play before I kill, true... |
*throat arching into the points of your fangs, the sharp threat drawing a low moan* you shouldn't play with your food... |
mmm but it tenderises the flesh, makes it more...juicy {tongue licking a hot, wet trail up the column of your throat...tasting} |
well this tender morsel...*arms twining unconsciously around your neck, throat arched for your tongued exploration* bites... |
{fisting a gloved hand into your hair, arching your throat onto the sharp points of my fangs, growling} I'm counting on it... |
*the low vibrations of your growl purr through me, my gasp punctuating the razor pinch of your fangs* Fuck V...harder... |
{fangs sinking deeper, penetrating, drawing tiny beads of blood...voice husky and amused} So impatient, my little morsel... |
mmm...*the pain arches through my system, tainted with small bursts of arousal coming from the pinpricks* tender enough? |
{grinding my arousal against your lower body, slowly licking at the beads of blood} Mmmm...Melt in your mouth tender, true... |
*growling low, fangs flashing as my lips part in breathless anticipation, hips rocking to meet your grinds* I'm melting? |
{clamping a fang on your earlobe with a low growl} I need your flesh in my mouth before I can answer that, true... |
*baring my fangs, hands fisted in your hair at the pleasure of the harsh nip* you have my flesh in your mouth vampire... |
{eyes darkening with erotic heat, grinding the heel of my hand between your legs} not the juicy, tender flesh I had in mind... |
*crying out, thighs clamping around your hand, grinding with needy rolls of my hips* mmm now I'm melting... |
{fisting your hair harder, fingers sliding over the wet silk of your panties, growling in your ear} fuck...you are... |
told you so...*panting the words as your fingers glide over the slick arousal soaked panties, teasing my sensitive flesh* |
{lifting two wet fingers to my mouth, slowly sucking them clean, lids hooded, a low moan in my throat} fucking delicious... |
bloodsucker indeed *smirking, watching with lust blazing eyes, arousal rippling in a wet waves through my core* Fuck... |
{hands circling your neck, thumbs tilting your jaw into a rough kiss, the taste of your arousal on my tongue} yeah...fuck...{grins, eyes flashing diamond} Voracious. Appetite. For you, true |
*the erotic taste of my own arousal slips into my mouth as your tongue dances with mine, grinding my hips to yours* mmm... |
{goatee rasping your chin, ravishing your mouth, palms on your lower back, tracing the Old Language letters, growling} Mine! {fangs slicing down, eyes glowing with erotic threat} I will eat you alive nalla...with whipped cream on the top... |
*the stark male possession spikes me with a jolt of arousal, hands moving to span my name in your back* yours...warrior mine...promises promises...You'll have to catch me before you can smother me in sticky cream...*fangs pearl knives as they extend* |
{diamond eyes flaring on a growl} then you better run, little morsel, I will have you bound in chains and begging, true... |
Oh mister wolf you have a high opinion of yourself...begging's not my forte...*laughing darkly* but you're welcome to try... |
hmmm {purring huskily} something tells me this little red riding hood wants to get caught...{fangs tugging at your lower lip} |
*pulling myself from the seductive bite of your fangs* what a lovely delusion...*nipping at your jaw* maybe...a little... |
{grinding your hips into the aching arousal straining at my leathers, growling low} our own little folie à deux ... |
*gasps* delusions are better shared... *one leg wrapped around your hips, your grinds hitting my core with deadly precision* |
{callused palm gripping your thigh, hitching your leg higher, intensifying the slow friction} you drive me fucking insane... |
then insanity is contagious cause I'm going crazy here *moaning, arousal burning, my hips fused against your hard length* |
{fangs biting into the soft flesh of your shoulder, words moaned punctuations between grinding rolls} Isn't.That.The.Point? |
*arching in your arms, wild with lust, riding the leather encased thickness straining against my core* Fuck...yes...yes... |
{purring the words} Yes mistress {backing you hard against the wall, gloved hand freeing the aching length in my leathers, lips forming a tight suction on the pulsing vein at your throat, fingers tugging your soaked panties to one side} |
*whimpering your name as my back cracks hard into the wall, my spine bowing under the impact, almost incoherent with desire, barely registering the sudden cool air on the heated flesh between my legs, gritting out* No. Waiting...Now! |
{Grunting against your throat, the thick head of my erection pushing through the slick folds of your sex, hips bucking, driving into the tightly clenched depths of your sex, inch by delicious inch...to the hilt...your name a muffled cry} |
Fuck! *gripping your shoulders, my hips angling to take the entire steely length of you, hips gyrating in tight rotations, working you deep inside me, fires breaking out under my skin, scorching me with intense pleasure as you slam my body into the wall, each thrust harder than the last, the rhythm a relentless drive for ecstasy, your name a motif of moans* |
{diamond eyes burning, lids low with raw, feral desire, fangs punching down, twin daggers piercing the throbbing heartbeat in your throat, moaning a strangled growl as the salty sweet gush of your lifesblood hits my throat, succumbing to the voracious, animalistic need to possess you...mark you as MINE! Fisting your hair, hips pounding, a relentless, brutal invasion, stretching you wide, pulsing in the velvet fist of your core, drawing whimpers and low moans from your lips} |
*lips parting on a scream of sheer euphoria as your fangs sink into the delicate skin of my throat, the pain a fleeting stab that coils the pressure building in my core ever tighter, my arousal drowning the shaft of your cock as you impale me harder, the pounding thrusts shaking the foundations of my body, splintering me apart with each violent penetration, the wings of ecstasy unfurling as a firestorm of desire razes my senses to the ground, the feral branding, the fierce possession a thrill...sparking off the primal beast clawing beneath my skin, raking my nails down your back as I howl your name...a battle cry...submitting to the claim you have on my soul and shattering in a wave of liquid fire* |
{Fuck!...moaning loudly as your slippery arousal clamps down hard around my cock, feverishly slamming into you, the wet slapping sounds of the sex swirling in my brain with the hammering beat of your heart in my mouth, back muscles spasming as your nails score deep into my flesh, the rippling shudder of your core down the length of my cock as you climax, driving me to the edge of sanity, my release tackling me hard, a jerking, pumping rush of adrenalized ecstasy, fangs releasing your vein to cry your name on a roar, the bonding scent rising in waves from my sweat sheened skin} Fuck Tory!! |
*a dark satisfaction curving my lips as your release jets deep into the heart of me, my back cracking into the wall as you shudder, your muscles flexing and straining around me, the intensity of my release quaking my body as I lean into you claiming your lips, tasting my blood on your tongue, whispering hoarsely* I think I'm broken... |
{panting a laugh, tongue flicking over the traces of your blood on our lips, tremulous aftershocks rocking my thighs, rolling my shoulder muscles, relishing the stinging pain of your claw marks in my skin, heart slowing to a pounding beat, speaking in a hoarse, breathy whisper} Fuck...did I hurt you Tory?... |
*stretching my arms up, twisting out the muscles in my back, wondering when I wrapped my other leg around your waist as I laugh, voice husky* oh yeah...and it hurts soooo good...*arching sinuously, the headrush of pleasure still sparking behind my eyes* The wall took the brunt of it... |
{Cracking a grin against your lips, fingers running over the crazed plaster on the wall behind you} We can redecorate...at least your leathers were spared this time, true {eyes flashing with amusement} I love you Tory... |
*smiling, unlatching the vice grip of my thighs and sliding down your body* I love you too, V...and my leathers were only spared because I wasn't wearing any...*leaning up on tip toes to kiss your nose* otherwise they'd be in strips... |
{growling softly, nipping at your lips} I can't help it, Tory...you make me lose control... |
But that's a good thing right? *nuzzling your lips with mine, tongue teasing your fangs* I'm never in control with you... |

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
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