V?!!!...*the closet door is slung wide, drawers pulled out and scattered around the room as I hunt for one shred of my clothing...the leathers torn far beyond repair and my shirt lost to another bout of ripping* I have no clothes in this place!! *voice raised in a growl of frustration as I yell through the Pit for V...his clothes looking appealing as the towel slips beneath my fingers...hmm...pondering the dilemma, the sweats bagging as I try them on, hanging off my frame like a potato sack and tripping me as I wander in search of a suitable shirt...nothing but leathers and muscle shirts that would hang far too low...ooohh...the jumpers stashed at the back of one drawer make me smile, thick, black...cashmere? Shrugging into the warm material, the heat from the needing completely gone, leaving me a little chilly, the thing drowning my curves in sleeves* nallum?!! |
{Scrubbing the hot water down my face, wet hands raking through my hair, lifting my head from my shoulders to meet my reflection in the bathroom mirror, ice white eyes surveying the ravages of the needing, gloved hand stroking over the innumerable ragged bite marks on my stubbled throat... almost healed ...already...but fuck if I didn't like your marks in my skin, where everyone could see them...lips tugging into a grin as I hear you calling me from the bedroom, stepping through the doorframe, not bothering with the formality of a towel, drinking in the sight of you, swamped in my over sized clothes. Quirking a brow, lips twitching... so fucking sexy... something primal stirring deep within me, growling its approval... you wearing my clothes...my scent... closing the distance to your back, big arms wrapping around your stomach purring a growl into the slender curve of your neck, your scent heavy in the damp fall of your hair, voice husky} you look beautiful Tory...I like you in my clothes... |
hmm...I think it's a health hazard if I fucking trip though...*tilting my head, your growl skimming over the sensitive skin of my throat, arms folding over yours* think you can drive baby? *raising a brow, a laugh on my lips as I watch your reflection in the mirror, my back fused to your chest, my marks in your throat urging a growl of possession to slip out* we both know you can walk...and...*trailing off, my lips seeking yours as the need for contact increases* Can we go? |
{laughing against your lips, the cashmere sweater soft against my bare chest as you mould your back to me} we can go nalla, provided I can find the keys to the Escalade...{frowning, thinking I've never misplaced a set of keys in my entire, long and very controlled existence} think I left them in the ignition... {moaning low as you grind your ass back against my hips, speaking in a growled whisper} keep that up nalla and we won't be going anywhere soon, feel me? |
keep what...up? *spinning from your arms and catching your hand, my feet kicking into my boots on the way to the door* you left the keys in the ignition? *tutting, my body alive, humming with vitality, strength raging through me...I feel high and fuck if I don't like having my ass back in check and my muscles back under my own control. Walking backwards down the tunnel...barely resisting the urge to dance to the songs mashing in my head and crooking a finger* Let's go home nallum... |
{checking out the sway of your hips with the narrowed eyes of a predator, tongue stroking down one fang, murmuring in a barely audible husky whisper} you make me lose control... {clearing my throat, face twisting into a scowl as you head out the door} keen much Tory... give me a chance to cover my ass, true. {snatching a fresh set of leathers from the closet stepping into them, struggling to close the zipper over the hard ridge of my arousal. Tugging a black shirt over my head and pulling on my shitkickers, still damp inside from our night out in the rain, fisting my jacket and dagger holster as I beat feet out of the Pit, following in your wake down the tunnels toward the garage, your scent like a trail in the air} |
*my laughter drifting back to you as your words reach me* so slow, warrior!! You don't need clothes to drive...*eyes eating you up as your legs close the distance between us, my body immediately slowing at the approach of yours, gravitating towards you, magnetic, animalistic...too raw to deny as I reach out to re-lace our fingers, a smile creeping over my face as my hips kick to the beat drumming in my head, a walking dance, feeling ridiculous, floating, like I can take on the world and any fucker in it...a dangerous thing given I keep tripping on the legs of the sweats as we head to the garage* |
{gripping your delicate fingers, lips curving into an amused grin as you dance along to keep pace with the length of my strides, righting you as you stumble, your enthusiasm contagious...grateful that you don't seem weighed down by the fears gnawing just under the surface of my skin...for now at least...punching the code into the lock on the steel door of the garage, pushing it open with a click...exhaling a breath of relief, not wanting to run into my brothers right now, knowing they'll ride me hard for bringing you back to the Compound in your needing, but fuck, any one of them would have done the same thing to keep their female safe and face it, a bonded male going vigilante on the civilian population of Caldwell wasn't exactly going to help keep our race under the human radar...but, yeah I felt bad I'd left them strung out...smiling as I reach into the driver seat to find the keys in the ignition where I'd left them the night we arrived} guess we've got our ride nalla... |
*throwing you a grin as I hop into the passenger side, shuffling in the leather as I knot the jumper up and seat dance, my mind seriously buzzing from the recent hormonal overload, muscles itching to be used, stretched...to fight...to...cutting my gaze sideways to you, lips twisting into a wicked grin as you start the ignition, the dark thoughts pushed from my mind replaced only by the present...no past shit...no future maybes, no fucking worrying for once in my damned life...just you and the crazy way you make me lose all control...the way you make me laugh when I want to cry...kiss me just for the fact that you can...that you want to...how you take my attitude, my fighting and love me despite my flaws...creeping my hand high onto your thigh, fingers curling into the tensed muscle, winking as my hand slips upwards*...let's blow this joint... |
{the emerald fire blazing in your mischievous eyes brings a smile to my lips, fangs flashing on a low growl} yes mistress {thigh clenching as your hand inches up toward the bulge in my leathers, gaze darkening, thinking I'm going to enjoy getting you out of my clothes almost as much as I enjoy seeing you in them, resting my elbow on the back of the seat, neck craning as I back out of the parking space and head up the tunnel into the dark night and out onto Route 22} |
*as the distance between the Compound and us increases, my breath leaves my body on a sigh, hooking my iPod up to the player and scrolling, one song stuck on replay in my head...that and mashing it up with fucking Vanilla Ice...my body grinding in the seat, hand closing over the hard length straining in the confines of your leathers as I sing, stroking to the heavy beat pounding through the Escalade.* Can you guess the song? *working the zipper with a swift wiggle of my fingers...closing around the aching shaft as it is freed into my touch* |
Fuck... I have a fair idea, true {the words growled and husky as I feel the zipper give way, diamond eyes fixed on the road, fighting to maintain concentration, cold air hitting my cock as you spring it from my leathers, the warm curl of your fingers a thrilling contrast the thick length kicking in your grip, hips rolling in the seat, biting out a groan} fuck nalla... |
*quirking a brow, eyes flashing to the road as I fist your length in firm squeezes, rolling my palm over the head on the downward stroke the grind of your hips, thrusting you harder into my grip, curving a smile onto my lips as my tongue darts out, tasting, not the smooth skin of my lower lip but the warm pulsing tip of your cock. My hand reflects the path of my tongue, rimming the head with a nail as I fist you harder, unclipping the seatbelt and shifting, gaze flashing to yours as my mouth hovers over your tip, moist breath caressing you* |
Ahh fuck Tory {neck arching back into the headrest, fangs cutting into the soft flesh of my lower lip on a hiss, thighs clenched as your tongue and nail work teasing circles around the head of my erection, the tip beading with a wet drop of arousal, heated diamond eyes cutting from the road down to where you are arched into my lap, locking onto the emerald, lust-filled glow of your eyes, knuckles white as I struggle to keep the Escalade on a straight path} |
*working you in the grind of my palm as my tongue swirls and flickers on the tip of your cock, lapping up the bead of arousal with a hard sweep of wet velvet, free hand coasting down the curve of my body to bury beneath the waist band of the sweats, fingers gliding through my slick need to strum the bundle of nerves begging with throbbing demand for attention, playing in time to the suckling licks that curl your heavy length into the wet heat of my mouth, riding down your shaft with a glide of smooth lips and grazing fangs* |
Unnnh fuck...{gritting out the curse on a ragged breath, my heartbeat pounding through the length of my cock, pulsing on your tongue as the tight wet caress of your mouth engulfs every inch of my thick length. Gloved hand reaching to sweep the curtain of your hair from your face, my starved gaze drinking in the sight of your lips encircling my shaft, veined and wet from the slick of your tongue, eyes darting between the road and the erotic feast going down in my lap. Lids flaring as I track the path of your hand disappearing down the waistband of your sweats...picturing, almost feeling the slippery heaven between your thighs, growling} Oh sweet Jesus, Tory...fuck you're killing me…I have…let me taste you… |
*Obliging your growled plea, my fingers pulled from the wet clench of my core and raised up to your lips as my mouth sucks you deeper, stroking you harder with twisting squeezes as my mouth retreats to the tip, a nip of fangs on your soft skin, rolling my hips in the seat, the pressure in my core coiling tight with every plunging thrust of your cock kissing the back of my throat, purring at the heady taste of your arousal, the sharp spice rolled onto my tongue as I suckle the blunt head, lips sealed tight around you* |
{the heady, perfumed scent of your arousal, the exquisite taste as I wrap my lips tight around the slick length of your fingers, tongue sucking up every drop, echoing the erotic slide of your mouth on my cock, like gasoline on the fire of lust that burns in my veins, the sole of my shitkicker slipping on the gas pedal as your fangs graze my most sensitive skin, the Escalade veering into the hard shoulder of the deserted, tree-lined highway, momentary panic overtaking my arousal, pulling to a jerking stop, the jolt of the brakes pushing the head of my cock even deeper into the wet vicing grip of your throat, my voice strained and deep with desire} Tory...fuck...I need to be inside you... |
*hands anchoring me into your thigh as the Escalade skids, my body sliding as we hurtle to a stop, tongue running a hard lick up your shaft, words breathed in a tease over the sensitive head* you are inside me...*hooking my thumbs in the waistband and jacking the sweats down the lithe lengths of my legs, kicking them off and raising my eyes to yours, palm back to curling around your cock* you want me, my love? |
Yes I fucking want you...{snarling the words, drunk on the lush scent of you filling the confined space of the car, hand reaching down blindly to recline the driver's seat, pushing it right back, just enough space to haul you into my lap, your thighs straddling my hips, hands pushing up the oversized cashmere sweater that covers too much of your luscious body, palms cupping your breasts, the throbbing ridge of my cock grinding with demanding friction in the V between your thighs, diamond eyes bright in the dark night, locked on yours, burning with a raw, primal need for you} I fucking need you Tory... |
You have me...*covering your hands with mine and squeezing, my breasts thrust into your touch as I roll the soaked folds of my sex on the rigid commanding length between my legs, guiding you to the entrance of my velvet slick core with gentle nudges, manipulating you into position, my breath caught on a gasp as the head of your cock slips past the tight resistance, grinding on the swollen tip, teasing us both with the promise of a molten embrace and a steely invasion...staring into your glowing diamond eyes, my heart shining in my emerald irises as I work you in slow circles through the clench of muscles, introducing you inch by painfully slow inch into the fisting drench of my core...my soul flying as the need for you is assuaged one by your presence and two by the perfect fit of your body in mine* fuck... |
Fuck Tory!! {shouting your name, eyes boring into yours, pleading mercy as you impale yourself excruciatingly slowly on the thick length of my cock, already glistening from your mouth, now drenched by the molten slick of your arousal, your hair a heavy black curtain falling in waves around our shoulders, my palms crushed to the arch of your breasts, thighs trembling as my hips punch up off the seat, driving myself deeper into you, meeting every downward thrust of your thighs, desperate to get closer, my body craving your touch, my soul crying out for yours, my skin pulsing waves of dark possession into the enclosed space of the car. Unable to pull away from the hypnotic draw of your eyes, even as my hips begin to jerk uncontrollably with the force of my impending climax} |
*releasing your hands to fist your hair, my nipples hard nubs rubbing your palms with increasing friction as the rocking undulations of my hips wind you into the heart of me, your thrusts relentlessly countering mine with the harsh violence of our love, lips parting on the purred moans of pleasure, the passion coursing through my body wringing trembling quakes from my muscles, core vicing your cock in the furnace of arousal that drowns my core, lust pooling in the tightening walls as your hips smack into mine, my ass hitting your thighs with stinging slaps, urging my desire to fever point, cranking it up so my hips gyrate in wild, unleashed, animalistic curves, the muscles of your chest and abs pronounced in straining flexes as your warrior body powers into mine, the ripped strength caged only by the smooth skin, crying out as my climax ripples, a hurricane driving tidal waves of ecstasy through my being* Fuck!! V !!! Come with me!!! |
{I'm already fucking there...right there with you, my release ripping through the fabric of my soul, shredding every nerve ending in my body to raw, electrically charged ecstasy, your shouted command striking like a lightening bolt, your core clamped down around the pulsing shaft of my cock, rippling as it kicks against the tight resistance, jetting thick and molten inside you, a primal need, marking you as MINE!! Growling your name on heaving breaths, your thundering heartbeat hammering against my palms, synchronised with my own as we come together, melting into each others bodies} Tory fuck yes!! Tory!!! |
*upper lip curled off fully elongated fangs as I snarl my ecstasy into the metal cage of the vehicle, feral as your vicious release blends with the earth-shattering euphoric shock wave blasting through me...tremulous cries echoing your name as my muscles liquefy, palms hitting your chest in a last ditch attempt to support myself, consumed, broken by pleasure, deliciously aching as my body shudders atop yours, your name whispering from my lungs as my voice gives way to gasps, my soul singing at the raw possession that threads us into one* Fuck V... |
{breathing hard and raw, hands wrapping around your wrists where they are planted on my chest, thighs twitching with the force of my release, cock still buried deep, pulsing inside you with the beat of my heart, absorbing the rhythmic rippling waves of your core, eyes still locked in your gaze, mirroring the violent love I see in those bright emerald windows to your soul, heaving great lungfuls of the steamed-up air, thick with arousal and sex and dark possession. Craning my head up to claim your mouth in a rough stubbled kiss} fuck I love you Tory, my impossible, hardass, freaky, ninja mistress shellan... but you already know that, true |

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
The drive home
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