MOTHERFUCKER!...{fisting the thick hilt of the hunting knife and jerking the serrated blade from my thigh with a hiss through clenched molars, blood pumping a hot crimson gush down the leg of my leathers. Gaze cutting down to my shitkicker as I extract it from the pulp of the lesser's head, the sole working against wet suction, like black, oily jello...Sloppy.Fucking.Fight.True...Mr Clean, mean, ice cold killing machine was off his game tonight...yep!...staring at the stinking, mangled corpse at my feet, limbs pointing off at unnatural angles, viscera oozing from its stomach like a gutted fish, skull split open like a goddamned melon...yeah, sloppy...true, he was my enemy, just not the enemy I was fighting tonight... truth was I'd even let the cocksucker shank me...was relishing the pain of it even now...needing to feel anything other than fear immobilising me...fuck knew my body demanded Tory like oxygen, but the sex really only rolled one way with me...controlling, getting off on vulnerability and fear...pain...begging ... what if I hurt her?...did something to jeopardise the young that might or might not be... sure as shit that was a can I didn't want to carry...not after what HE did to her... FUCK!... wishing I was a different kind of male, not trusting myself to even speak to her , let alone touch her...wiping the serrated blade off on my leathers, plunging it through the lesser's black heart...cold, impassive eyes watching as the black oily mess evaporates into thin air. If only everything in life was that fucking easy... } |
Fuck! {Biting out the curse as the curved suture needle snaps in the flesh of my thigh, eyes darting over to the bathroom door, wishing for the first time the thing had a fucking lock. Pushing the shower damp hair from my eyes, inspecting the little row of black stitches, not exactly Martha Stewart pretty, but fuck it would do the job, true...sloppy...the frustration boring into me like some parasitic worm, pulling me tight as a high tension cable...I hadn't 'touched' Tory in days...not since she...well, not that she said it, or would say it, but that was the deal with the mind reader shit, some thoughts were just so loud and clear you couldn't help but hear them... yeah, she worried that we might jeopardise the chances...after the needing... and who could blame her, given what HE had done to her, and didn't it make me a selfish bastard to want her... sucking on the neck of the Goose bottle, staring at the puddles of blood stained leather on the bathroom floor...something had to give} |
* the elevator ride up was...I don't think hellish is the right word, but it knotted my stomach and released giant fucking bats into it that beat their leathery wings of nervous energy with every thump of my heart. Even Starbucks hadn't helped ease the tension...why wont he touch me? What the fuck have I done? I haven't been out hunting since before the needing...the fuck in hells chance I am risking what young may or may not be...dark sexual frustration and the frustration at the closed off facade V presents me with whenever I even try to 'touch' him wrings quiet growling hums from my throat...fuck I want body craves mind...fucking thing that it is has a block...a block that ultimately fills my head with the past and swamps me with fear that I could lose...whatever...that we could lose it...slamming the now empty plastic cup on the bar and flinging my jacket on the bed, my leathers and boots head snaps up and a snarling rumble emerges on barely leashed anger at the scent of blood...V's blood...if he's fucking hurt...feet carrying me with the silent tread of a predator to the bathroom, shouldering the door open gently and glaring into the blood scented space, the thin laced sutures in his thigh stark in the brilliant light* You're hurt...*well fuck...duh...* how the fuck are you hurt? |
{diamond eyes flipping up to you as you stalk into the bathroom, anger following you like a cold draft, wrapping the black towel tighter on my hips to hide the stark evidence of my untended need... pulling up to full height... face impassive, fronting the raging frustration clawing just beneath my skin, only the tick working in my jaw betraying the tension, voice tight, ice white irises meeting your gaze head on} It's nothing, true...just a flesh BFD... |
*lip curling in a sneer* mmhmm, suuuure...I've had enough 'flesh wounds' to know that that...*indicating the stitches with a jerk of my chin*.. is fucked up...I'm guessing...*eyes narrowing* serrated blade...and could you even...*taking a steadying breath as my anger mounts for no other reason than I want you to fucking touch me, and this wound is winding me tight* it doesnt matter...he's dead I presume? *arms folded across my breasts, eye contact lost as you stand before me, wanting to yell, scream...beg...instead the anger drains down the plughole of my need for your touch, comfort, and my voice is quiet, tremulous as fear for your safety, concern over your injury and your reactions to me overwhelm annoyance* Can I kiss you? |
{Gloved fingers tipping your face up to meet my eyes, guilt a lead weight in the centre of my chest...sure, fighting went with the territory but truth was, I'd let that lesser stab me because I needed to feel...something... no... not something...I needed my goddamned shellan...glaring, a low growl in my throat} of course you can fucking kiss me {palming the nape of your neck and jerking your mouth onto mine} |
*relief a wind blowing through my heart, a warm breeze of familiarity as your lips crush to mine, moaning into the kiss, my arms coming up to encircle your neck in a lock, meshing our bodies as close as our lips are fused, a flame greedily feeding off your oxygen, glowing brighter with the stroking of your tongue, my hips rolling a slow, needy grind against your lower body...fuck...this...this is what I need,, fuck...rising up on my tiptoes, deepening the kiss* |
{goatee rasping your face, my tongue invading the parted invitation of your soft lips, hands sliding down to your lower back and fisting there, kissing you with fevered desperation, the hard planes of my body welded to your soft curves, the thick ridge of my arousal laying heavy along your belly, lungs drawing your scent deep inside me, voice husky} Fuck I need you... |
*those lips take a biting path along your stubbled jaw, rubbing the hard length of you in slow circles against the bared skin of my stomach, the shirt cut short to expose your name to the world, fighting not to jump the fuck out of you and take you down to the floor body so alight with arousal it's like I'm hooked into the mains electricity, your touch shooting sparks over my skin* Fuck I need you too, Vishous...please just fucking...touch me...take me |
{arching my throat into your starved biting kisses, my heart pounding like a pneumatic drill under the wet sucking kiss of your mouth, the pulsing demand echoed in the aching throb of my cock against your soft skin and it takes all the self control I can muster not to crawl up inside you right here and now and pound you raw...growling in a husky pant} I need you to do something for me Tory... |
*mumbling, your jaw and throat my own personal chew toys as I devour your scent, the salt of your skin hot on my tongue, desperate to consume you, for my fangs to pierce your vein, for you to fuck me till it hurts, so I can feel all of you, every last bit of that leashed warrior power that I've been missing, that I crave* Anything, it... |
I...{pulling back to lock gazes with you, voice deepening, jaw hard set} I want you to tie me I know I can't hurt you... I...need this... |
*your words sounding a gong of alarm in my head, heart constricting like some fucking anaconda has taken up residence there, fear rising at the serious glint in your eyes...I'd only ever tied to torture...nodding slowly* you're sure? |
{fisting your hair, jerking your eyes up to mine, dark smouldering diamonds} you said anything...I need you and I need this....don't back out on me Tory...please... {gritting out the words to conceal the desperation in my voice} |
*growling low into the breath space between us* I never back down nallum...where? The bed? *muscles twitching as I pull myself from your grasp, backing away, hands twisting as I move from the bathroom door, my arousal not diminishing in the face of your request...if this is what you need...better me't. Go. There.* Where? Tell me. |
{feeling the towel brush my feet as you pull away, standing naked, unselfconscious, despite the scars and the warning tatts and the fully erect sex at my hips, brushing past you, presenting the broad, muscular expanse of my carved shoulders as I pad barefoot to the rack in silence...turning...hands bracing on the edge of the table, crystal white eyes latching onto yours as I vault onto the wooden slab in a coordinated surge, swallowing hard, pecs and abs flexing. Laying back, feeling the cold, hard wood at my back, ribcage rising, falling with heavy breaths, my erection, laying rock hard up the length of my abs} |
*tracking your movements with the dark, narrowed eyes of a hunter, my heart pounding a drumbeat in my chest at the fluid gait carrying you to the wooden contraption, the roll and coil of your muscles initiating the rush of wet heat between my thighs as you lay yourself out before me...Fuck...with slightly shaky hands my remaining clothes pool at my feet in a fall of lace and cut off cotton...approaching with hungry, nervous eyes, reaching to pull your hands up...stopping before I buckle the ties, assessing your reaction, the sight of your heavy arousal, my tongue wanting to taste* Fuck you're sure aren't you? *gnawing my lower lip, gaze running the length of your prone body, something...dark about this* |
{eyes fixed on the black expanse of the ceiling, fear hammering in my throat, licking at my heart, a tight coil in my chest, fine tremors flickering over my muscles in the candlelight...terrified and totally fucking aroused...biting out the words on a nod, a wave of dark spices wafting up from the cold wooden rack} Very.Fucking.Sure. Tory |
*the acrid scent of fear underlies the sweet musk of arousal, nose tingling with the strange combination, nodding, my fingers deft, practiced, strapping you down with the leather bonds, securing mind bolts, abandoning me with only instinct and that soul deep craving, hands planted on your chest as I vault my body onto yours, thighs split over your hips, sex glistening with slick arousal, eyes finding yours in the dim candlelit space* you won't hurt me my love... |
{sweat beading my forehead and chest, each hard pull on the leather restraints like a clamp of fear, vicing around my throat, suffocating me...on the verge of losing it...even as my erection kicks on my belly with anticipation... and then you are touching me, on me, all over me, your skin, the scent of your arousal familiar, reassuring, sucking in breaths through clenched teeth, fangs cutting into my lower lip, wild, wide eyes locking onto your emerald gaze, grounding myself in you, in your words, unable to speak past the constriction in my throat, a grunt escaping, nodding in affirmation} |
* body is raring to mind, absent before, pops back online to take stock of the fear, to growl its fiery hatred for what they did to you...for such a male to be tied and...vulnerable to snarl is a living thing leashed by a thin chain of self dare they fuck up MY male...leaning over to tongue the sweat from your forehead, to soothe the strained lines in your face, hips inching back on a slow rock to caress your erection with the slick fire of my arousal, nails secure, locking into your skin as I whisper* He's dead...they're dead...only I'm here...*guiding the blunt head with a circle of my hips through the resisting clench of my core, encompassing you in the soaking walls of aroused, quivering flesh, embedding you deep on a low moan of passionate love* |
Oh fuck!! {crying out as you slide the swollen wet flesh of your sex up the underside of my cock, blood running hot and cold, terror and primal lust roaring in my veins, but I need this more, I need you more, need to know I can't hurt you ...Oh God! Moaning deep in my throat as you feed the thick length of my cock, inch by aching inch, into the vicing velvet channel of your sex, your arousal slicking my shaft, impaling yourself deep, fusing our bodies, my hips jacking up off the rack, muscles straining against the leather restraints, knowing that without them I'd be all over you in a heartbeat like a ravenous feral animal, growling the words} Fuck yes Tory...more... |
*all too willing to oblige the growl, nails scoring the flesh of your chest as I arch my back, hips riding in a fall and rise pound, the knifing thrusts of your body threatening to dislodge me, grinding wild undulations on your tensing form, the chains restraining you singing a metallic beat as your hips kick up, the leather cuffs biting into your skin as I watch the muscular tense and release beneath me, hair loose and flaying my back and ass with the silk strands, the hard curving of my back driving the constricting strokes to a frenzy of clenched core, drowning arousal, heart hammering to the beat of my hips slapping down on yours...Oh fuck!!! Thinking I should be the one restrained as the beast howls for freedom, demanding I claw, bite, take you with rough authority...desperately trying to slow myself, raking my nails deep in your chest, clutching you to me* Fuck...I can't...hold on... |
{moaning desperately as you drill down hard on my erection, my hips swiveling, pushing up to meet the grinding pound of your sex on mine, the chains creaking as I fight the bindings, pecs pumping, abs flexed, sheened with sweat, emotion desperate love and raw, erotic hunger coursing through my system as you ride me, your sinuous, writhing curves exquisite in the candlelight, your hair cascading around my thighs, the ends whipping my skin, thick waves of dark spice flooding the room, snarling, knifing up off the rack as you score your claws down my chest, fangs drawing blood as I bite down hard on my lower lip, eyes, glowing bright diamond under hooded lids, locked on yours as my body begins to spasm in the cage of your thighs} Fuck!!!! |
*the animalistic sounds and the violent surges of your body tip me over with all the grace of a truck on ice, spinning in a free fall of lust, daggers of desire stabbing my core, my heart, impaling myself on your iron erection to the hilt, the wet drag of arousal grabbing at the shaft with each twisting gyration, winding you deeper into the fiery channel as my climax rushes in pools of slick release to immerse you in the feral ecstasy that short circuits my system, the animal uncaged and free to howl its pleasure, rearing back, fangs bared* Fuck I need in you, V...Come for me...*the ivory blades shoot further from my jaw, piercing the arched column of your throat on a loud snarl* |
Tory!! {Screaming your name at the violent penetration of your razor sharp fangs, my orgasm punching through me, a brutal and savage assault on my body and mind, delirious, unhinged by ecstasy, drunk on the sensual overload, cock kicking deep inside you, pumping my release, molten sex filling you, drowning you in the mark of my possession, muscles jerking off the hard, unyielding surface of the rack, the restraints pulled to breaking point, hardcore, unfettered pleasure wracking my body in great shuddering tremors} fuck Tory... |
*ripping the elongated canines from the stubbled skin of your throat, more a mark than for sustenance, needing the connection, your blood inside me as deeply as your cock, the jolting jets of your release spilling into the welcoming embrace of my core, milking the hot rushes from your body with the tremoring that rides my muscles with a whole load of 'oh fuck, I'm breaking apart', tears burning wet in my eyes as I unfurl my bloody fingers from your skin, palms flush to your pecs, holding your heartbeat in my hand, voice immobilised, breath catching on small gasps* |
{my heart a heavy drumbeat in your palm, pulsing in the bloody gouges on my pecs, sweat slicked skin shivering with the intensity of my release, bright eyes meeting yours as you pull back from my throat, your hair falling in a black curtain around us, intimate not exposed, despite the rack and the restraints, ribs heaving as I speak in a low gravelled whisper} God I missed you...I fucking love you Tory, my shellan, my soul...{dark spices pouring from my flushed skin} |
*fingers trembling as I release the bonds, flicking them off your wrists and lifting your hands to my hips, moaning at the skin on skin contact, the callused friction of your palms on the unscarred, smooth curves, consoling me, nodding like an idiot, the bite of tears hidden by the stray strands of hair that fall to conceal us as I take your lips gently* as I love you, hellren, my fucking everything...*the soft pads of my fingers following the bloodied indentations in your chest* sorry...I got...carried away...*the blush crawling red heat into my cheeks* |
{my aching limbs suddenly weightless, freed from the binds, hands trembling as you press them to your skin, a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth, shaking my head, growling low} don't fucking apologise was...incredible, true {gloved knuckles stroking down your flushed cheek, willing the door to close} |

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
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