*Waking to the heavy black, hanging bag was the surprise I wasn't expecting...and my approach is drowsy, wary as I unzip the protective covering...gasping as silk spills out in a waterfall of midnight black, covering my hands in a slide of beauty...with gentle hands I lift the dress from its hanger, the blood red roses patterning the bodice and hip, stark against the night fabric...o...k...not what I was expecting...but the delicate gothic style is nothing like I've ever worn and I lose the robe, my silver chains glinting in the candle light. Taking a deep breath...first dress in over a century...checking the ice steady palm of my hand...and stepping into the full gown, shimmying it up my curves, the tumble of black from my hips, the cut bodice hugging my waist and breasts, the red caressing me in crimson roses...Fuck...hook clasps and a zipper...bending my body like a pretzel, twisting to fasten the uncomplicated back...sighing...I had always had trouble with these things...but damn if I was going to wear anything else...my mind drifts as I struggle, wondering if V is having as much trouble with his...robe...or had he decided on the Hugh Hefner silky PJs? Whatever...long as he's here* |
{Meeting my reflection in the bathroom mirror, diamond eyes intense, knotting the sash of black silk around my waist, drawing in a deep breath and heading out into the Penthouse, gaze tracking over the silver bowls of salt, the pitchers of water, the daggers...laid out in preparation...stopping dead in my tracks as my eyes land on Tory...the breath leaving my lungs on a rush...Holy... voice cracked and hoarse as she turns to look at me over her shoulder} Fuck...you look incredible...you take my breath away... |
*flashing you a small, slightly self-concious smile as I glance over at the sound of your approach* yeah? well...I kinda need you alive and preferably breathing for this, nallum...*raking you with a hot gaze, wetting my lips as I tug at the bodice of the dress, blush creeping over my cheeks* would you mind fastening me into this? I can't bend...too many bones... |
{A slow smile spreading on my lips as I step up behind you, palms resting on your hips through the silk skirts, catching the beautiful flush on your cheeks in the reflection of the full length mirror, dipping my head to place a soft kiss on the curve of your throat, murmuring} with pleasure nalla... {sliding the zipper slowly up your back with steady hands, fingers working the tiny hooks and clasps together, head lifting again to your reflection with a smile} are you ready Tory? |
*catching the pure glint of your diamond eyes in the mirror, reflecting your smile as I nod enthusiastically*...hell yeah...never been more ready to get stabbed in the back than I am right now *winking, twirling in a whisper of silk to kiss you with a slow,burning need...pulling back, a breath away from your lips, gazing up through my lashes* Are you ready? |
{Meeting the heat of your emerald eyes, breathing the words against your lips} I've never wanted anything so fucking much |
*Smiling wickedly, fingers dipping under the lapels of your robe to claw your chest teasingly* Then lose the robe...and get on your knees...*flexing my right hand, already feeling the hilt of the blade against my palm* do you need to hold onto something? Or can I chain you down? *emerald eyes glowing with a primal yearning, heart kicking up a beat* |
{Laughter rocking my chest at your unbridled enthusiasm} So keen to get that blade in my skin Tory...I want to do this right {Taking your hand, palm up... swallowing hard against the emotion catching in my throat, speaking low in the Old Language} I ask that you accept me as your hellren. Will you have me as your own if I am worthy? {Diamond eyes fixing you with a penetrating stare, heart hammering in my throat in expectation of your answer} |
*eyes fluttering closed as the words rush over me, my heart stopping for an eternity before hopping around on an electric pogo stick, banging in a staccato rhythm against my ribs, answering, the Old Language tripping off my tongue* You are not worthy warrior...*biting my lip, eyes twinkling as I break the pause* You are so far beyond worthy, that it is I who should be offering mine own heart...I will take no other but you as my hellren...for I love no other but you...I accept... |
{Closing my lids against the tears that threaten to spill...releasing the breath of expection trapped in my lungs, clearing my throat before continuing in the Old language} Then this I swear...I will prove myself for you. I will sacrifice myself for you and I will fight at your side to defend you against all who would seek to harm you.....{feeling a warmth build in the palm of my gloved hand where it clasps yours, a pulsing glow illuminating our joined hands, a tingle, like a low level electrical current humming through our joined hands...eyes flipping up to meet your yours} |
*blinking back the tears that pool in my eyes, inhaling on a shaky breath, brow furrowing at the heat bathing my hand, your words resonating like crystals through my soul, whispering low, a teasing lilt hiding the emotion threatening to strangle me* Now can I stab you? *falling serious as I squeeze your hand* you have already done all of that and more...not only have you saved my body, you have won my heart and gathered the scattered, shattered pieces of my soul and fused them to yours...*switching to the Old Language* You are my hellren...the keeper of mine own soul... |
{Resting my forehead on yours, pounding heart threatening to burst, voice deep and cracking} then carve your name in my soul and be my shellan... forever {releasing your hand to pull the sash free, letting the robe fall to the ground in a whisper of black silk...standing naked before you...winking and flashing you a wicked grin before turning my back to you and dropping to my knees, head hung low, presenting the broad muscular expanse of my shoulders to you...a blank canvas} |
*Dragging in a deep breath as my fangs elongate on a flood of desire, punching into my lower lip, eyes flaring bright as emerald stars, the heavy muscles in your back bare to my gaze as I slide the blade from the table, one you made for me, the hilt embedded with shimmering diamonds and vibrant green gemstones, perfectly balanced, beautifully designed. The weight in my palm is familiar as I step up behind you, the razor point hovering over your skin* Ready, nallum? |
{Breathing even, heart a steady drumbeat, body still as a sculpture waiting to be signed...} fuck yes...I'm ready...do it... |
*Growling out a low hum, the blade etching the bold lines of the T, the Old Language springing to life, my hand steady as I carve my name into the smooth skin of your back, curling the sharp tip up to drag the blade around in the jagged Z shape of the O, tongue flicking out to sweep over my dry lips, my core pulsing with wet anticipation, your muscles twitching, stilling my hand to let them settle before proceeding. With a final flick and curve of my wrist, my name is emblazoned in raised welting curls and lines, so ancient, the Old Language letters of my name carved deep, blood welling in beads of temptation, colouring my name in red...panting softly, body trembling in arousal* Nallum...it's done... |
{The blade so sharp I barely feel the first incisions, but the warm trickle of blood down my spine draws a low growl of approval from my chest, moaning low as the blade tugs along the jagged turns of the Old Language letters...feels so fucking good...my arousal throbbing hard in time with the blissfully pulsing patterns engraved in my skin, biting out the words on a growl} not done yet nalla...make it permanent...do it... |
*my breath coming faster as I dump the salt into a pitcher of water, trying not to think about...No...not now...carrying it with careful steps back to you, the water sloshing as my hands start to shake* Fuck!!...*tipping the entirety of the solution over your back, flooding the letters with the salty water, guaren'teeing I would forever be scarred into your skin...my knees buckle and I catch myself on the wall, leaning against it, my arousal thrumming through me like I'm sat on the train tracks and there's a freight coming towards me, every part of me vibrating with desire* Warrior? |
{Jaw muscles tight in anticipation as you prepare the briny solution...not a sound escaping my lips as the salty water hits my raw flesh, hissing and sizzling, my bonding scent rising up in the vapors, your name cauterized into my skin, branding me...forever... the intensity of the pain a blissful agony, gladly borne...a brief glow of light enveloping my entire body for the briefest moment as the pain sears through me on a shudder...and then it is gone...pivoting my head over my shoulder to see you braced against the wall...concern furrowing my brow...leaping to my feet to catch you} Tory? |
Fuck...don't touch me...you touch me nallum...and we'll both be naked and only you'll be carved...*breathing through the quaking pleasure shuddering through my core, thighs clamped together* you're my sexy lightbulb...*winking, losing the support of the wall and moving back to the centre of the room, dodging your concern with an impish grin* MY turn now... |
{lids hooded, a dark erotic smile tugging at the corners of my mouth, fangs throbbing as I roll my shoulders, relishing the sensuous burn of your name in my skin, raking you with a possessive stare, inclining my head} Your turn...lose the dress... |
*purring at the promise of your blade...my hands quick, steady now as they fumble the clasps undone and jerk the zipper down, eyes locked with your glowing diamond gaze as I let the dress pool in a circle of skirts at my feet, the only adornment on my body, the new piercing, my navel glinting with the small dagger, delicate chains linking around my body completely unselfconcious as I stand bared before you, hip cocked, eyebrow raised* Where?...tell me where you want me... |
{lids flaring, mouth suddenly dry as you stand naked before me, tongue stroking down my aching fangs, picturing my tongue teasing your metalwork...narrowing my eyes in a sultry command} the rack Tory...bend over the rack... |
*curling my lip in half hearted defiance, my hips swaying with a deliberate strut as I pad to the rack, clamping my hands down as I bend over, my back an exposed curve of ink and scars, the only bare space spanning my lower back, soon to be etched with my most treasured piece of art...shooting a glance over my shoulder as your silence reigns* Well? Do it... |
{Stepping up behind you, weighing the jewel encrusted hilt of the dagger in my palm, testing the sharpness of the tip on my thumb, voice low and gravelled by the intensity of my need to possess you...} stay very still, true...{eyes scanning the breadth of your lower back, mentally mapping out the letters...touching the cold tip of the blade where the letter V will be etched...scoring your skin with rapid, practiced strokes...incising the letters of my name, fangs aching, erection weeping at the tip as the crimson ooze of blood trickles down your skin, awakening a primal bloodlust in my body} It's done... |
*bowed over, your easel, the blade a paintbrush as you score the deep grooves of your name into the sensitive skin of my lower back, my core contracting, drenching anew with every letter, my arousal a bloom in the air, the pain a shivering, sharp pleasure, each carving sweep, each rivulet of blood heightening my arousal* Not yet...make it permanent... |
{the muscles in my jaw working a tick as I pour the pitcher of water into the into the silver bowl of salt, swirling the contents, held above your back, the briny liquid sloshing precariously close to the brim, biting out the words} you sure? |
Very. Fucking. Sure...Do it...*Locking my jaw, my muscles tensing in expectation of the all too familiar pain of the salt* |
{Steeling my nerve...knowing this will hurt me more than having it done to myself...tipping the bowl...hearing the hhhhhsssss} |
*jaw cracking as I bite down hard, every muscle braced against the searing pain...fuck...but it is you...and my desire doubles, the pain only intensifying the aching need in my core, tremulous, hanging off the edge of the spiral* YES!! |
{My bonding scent roaring, tremors rippling through my muscles, all but tossing the silver bowl aside to pull you into my my arms, sitting you up on the rack, hands burying into your hair, diamond eyes burning you with the intensity of my stare, breathing ragged with emotion, a panting laugh escaping my mouth} are you okay...shellan? |
*rolling my shoulder as I meet your gaze, tears brimming not from pain, but from the sheer force of my love, flinging my arms around you, careful of your raw back and melding my lips to yours, tongue probing inside to tangle in a dance of hunger, gasping pants soft against your mouth* I am...perfect, hellren mine...perfect...are you okay? |
{Pulling back from your kiss, laughing against your lips...the warrior in me threatening to roar at the top of my lungs} Happiest fucking day of my long life, true...{Fisting a bottle of Goose, swigging a mouthful and kissing you hard on the mouth with fierce possession, feeding the alcohol onto your tongue...panting against your lips} TO THE FUCKING MATED! |
*kissing you back with all the ferocity you attack my lips with, the burn of the alcohol a welcome taste* Correction: TO THE FUCKING SOUL MATED...*nuzzling my face into the curve of your neck* I love you so fucking much... |
{Murmuring into your hair} Fuck yes! Soul mate...I fucking love you too...{Arching my neck into your touch...breath sawing in my chest, heart a thundering beat pulsing through the iron length of my arousal, growling with rough authority} now bite me...flesh of my flesh... |
*Like I need the command...my fangs scoring the soft flesh, caging the rapid pulse fluttering under my kiss, punching into your life force, the salty spice of your blood filling my mouth, your scent enveloping me, my legs wrapping in a possessive embrace around your hips, drawing you into my body, so close I can feel your skin pulsing with heat* |
{my entire body spasming as your fangs pierce the tender flesh of my throat, a low moan ripping from my chest, hips punching forward, wedging the heavy length of my cock flush against the slick folds of your bare sex. Bloodlust a raging storm in my veins...angling my head acutely to reach the pulsing target of your throat, goatee a velvet brush on your neck, fangs slicing down, tapping into your throbbing lifeforce with delicious precision, shuddering hard as the raw strength of your blood hits the back of my throat...both feeding...a cyclone of intense emotions mingling...head swimming with erotic overload...body straining...bucking against you...hands gripping your ass...pulling you right to the edge of the rack, needing to be in you...to fuck you...hard} |
*hissing into the wet flood of your blood gushing into my mouth as your fangs puncture my throat, a jolting spasm at the whirlpool of emotion that thunders through me...The connection unbreakable, solid, the feeling akin to being at the centre of the universe, the very foundation of my existence...you...inside me, taking me inside you...one soul...my growl rumbles into your skin, starving, your heavy arousal thrusting against my hips, insistent, demanding, so dominant, my legs splitting wide, grinding the arousal soaked folds of my core against your kicking erection, placing my own silent demand* |
{echoing your growl as the force of your need floods my veins, the fat head of my cock slipping through the slit in your sex as you split your thighs, my mouth a hard wet suctioning claim on your throat, your heartbeat pounding on my tongue, my pulse pounding up the shaft of my aching, veined erection...angling my hips...shouting a muffled cry against your skin as I force through the wet, clenched entrance to your core, bucking between your thighs as I bury myself, balls deep...FUCK!} |
*a scream of satisfaction bubbling from my throat, mingling with the hot rush of blood as I swallow, my heels urging you closer, more...your thick length stretching my rippling walls, my nails raising welts on your back as I fight to take you deeper, harder, offering myself on the altar of your primal dominance, core balming your cock in the liquid pleasure that rushes to meet your every thrust, my fangs slicing further into your pulsing vein, feral swallows threatening to drain you dry...but fuck I don't ever want this to stop, this bone deep unity that flows on the peak of my orgasm as I am body-slammed over the edge by a surge of ecstasy, freefalling into the abyss, fangs ripping from your throat as I scream your name, a melodic cry of passion, my love swelling and cresting with each lightening shock of desire* |
{The rake of your nails firing shivery spasms down my spine, fingers digging hard into the peachy flesh of your ass, thumbs hooked into the chain links circling your hips, tugging hard with every thrust as our hips slam together with raw carnal hunger...driving deep, drawing low whimpers from your throat...the blood link...an emotional transfusion, intensifying every sensation to the millionth degree...your pleasure my pleasure as...Yes!...Fuck!...your release explodes around me, my name on your lips...fuck...on your skin...sending me barreling over the edge, cock exploding in spasms of thick liquid ecstasy, fangs tearing from your flesh as my entire body bucks and grinds against you, the bonding scent crashing over our bodies in a fiery wave of possession and love} MINE!! Tory!! MINE!! |
*the tears that once threatened to spill, course freely in rivers down my cheeks at the stark ownership, the violent branding force of your words...I am yours, mind, body, heart and soul...and you are...* Mine, hellren...fucking mine *clinging to you through the tidal wave of emotions and thunderstorm of pleasure, blood running down my chest and stomach from the raw tear in my throat, riding in slow grinds as our release ebbs to gentle tremors, reverently* Holy...fuck...V... |
{Growling against your lips} Fuck, yes, shellan...yours...{thumbs brushing the tears from your cheeks, dipping my head to seal the raw wounds in your throat with velvet sweeps of my tongue, whispering low in your ear} yours for fucking ever, true... |
*panting hard, my breath coming in staccato gasps, knitting the ragged bite in your skin with a slow curl of my tongue, collapsing in a puddle of boneless, feminine ink, my chains clinking against the rack as I fall back with a sated moan* forever...eternity...till death tries to take us and we kick its ass for even daring...*smirking in a languid lip curl* I love you, hellren mine... |

Tuesday, 19 April 2011
Our Mating Ceremony
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