Monday 2 May 2011

Ties that bind

*If I thought I was going to be allowed to rest, my past had been dimmed in my memories…no…no rest for the tortured…and Meggy had his pale, stinky offspring of evil working my past into a very vivid present, the lashing whips biting leather welts over my skin at random intervals, my eyes would close as the slashes abated…then jerk wide on a muffled scream, fangs punching holes through my lip as I quickly cut off the songs of terror. And fuck but they are well trained. Given the fact they can’t see me, hear me, feel me, their whipping attacks make contact every time, driving the leather blindly into my flesh. With each lash, the wielder of the whips is not a lesser but the ghost of Draven, dragged from the fiery depths of Dhunhd to eviscerate my sanity in a torrent of traumatic memories, my body reliving every torment he used to deal out, the phantom torture superimposed in vibrant, stark agony over the present devastation of razored leather to flesh. He's everywhere..even in death he destroys my body and strives, as he did before, to take my soul.

 But you see, my soul is split three ways. One piece, I hold dear. The second, V protects, welding it with violent love and possession to his..and the third? My young is formed from it, joined in a beautiful melding with a part of V's to create this glowing essence of shimmering innocence and stunning purity. He can never take it all. A scream rips out as the biting strands tear at my neck, my back taking the brunt of it, the chains pulled taut as I pace an unrelenting circuit, the rounded bump of my young sacrosanct, guarded like a precious jewel, hidden in the depths of my body as I shake under the force of the hits, keeping the already scarred expanse of my back to the battering of black, metal-shard-embedded strands. Meggy's voice rings out*<<Comfortable female?>> *snarling, canines extended past my lip, pearly lethal points exposed on the feral sound and stained with my own blood* Just. Peachy. Meggy. *His laughter curdles my blood and sets my soul to quivering in revulsion, raising goose bumps of primal fear, the sound a portent of doom to my ears I am not getting out of this alive...the thought flashes across my mind and the lashes cease...Eyes narrowed, blood pouring a warm blanket from the bone deep gouges, sticking my shirt to my skin and scenting the room with the primitive stench of acrid terror and helpless agony. Huddling down in the corner, my side to the door, my spine curving me over my young, whispering as the lessers depart* Please...find me...

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